[Abel-tasman] It is time to buy COLV

Stock Tips paul at stocktips.com
Mon Jun 8 16:12:56 CEST 2015

Hey Kids.

Statler here. I have to laugh. Yes friends, laugh. I have no other reaction to all the Twitter Warriors and Chat Room Heros who, because they were short COLV, could not talk enough trash about the stock.

It is time to buy COLV. Call your broker and buy it right now because I promise you it is going to twenty dollars. That's right $20.

I am going Ole School with COLV - and issuing a buy recommendation.

Remember to tell your friends to sign up at http://www.stocktips.com/ http://www.stocktips.com/ and follow my newsletter for more COLV info.

COLV - Ready to make big dough?

Happy Trading,
Co-Editor, Stock Tips

4000 Aurora Avenue N. Ste. 119, Seattle, Washington 98103, USA
(c) StockTips
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