[buug-l] TIPP: Edit PDF with VIM
Nico Golde
nico at ngolde.de
Die Sep 7 22:07:20 CEST 2004
Hallo Michael,
* Michael Wiedmann <mw at miwie.in-berlin.de> [2004-09-07 21:37]:
> VIM Benutzer finden folgendes vielleicht nützlich:
> "Vim users can also install my plug-in for easily editing PDF code.
> When you open a PDF in Vim, the plug-in calls pdftk to uncompress
> the page streams, so they are editable. When you save the PDF,
> the plug-in uses pdftk to repair and re-compress the PDF."
> http://www.accesspdf.com/pdftk
> http://www.accesspdf.com/pdftk/pdftk.vim.zip
ui danke, feine sache, wo findest du sowas schönes?
gruß nico
Nico Golde - 310777820 at ICQ
nico at ngolde.de | nion at gmx.net | http://www.ngolde.de
GPG: FF46 E565 5CC1 E2E5 3F69 C739 1D87 E549 7364 7CFF
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