[rat_info] Neues aus Ungarn.
DorotheaKolland at aol.com
DorotheaKolland at aol.com
Mon Jan 14 16:23:27 CET 2013
Werter Rat, eine Kollegin aus Budapest, die in einer großen
Kulturinstitution die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit macht, schickte mir folgende Erklärung der
Akademie der Künste Budapest, die vielleicht für den einen oder anderen im
Kontext der Erklärung des Rates in Sachen ungarische Kultur interessant sein
ANNOUNCEMENT for the International Press
The antidemocratic makeover of the cultural scene in Hungary
Recent legislative steps in Hungary point towards the authoritarian
transformation of the institutional structures and funding system of cultural
life, by giving an ultra conservative artist group close to the rightwing
government, the Hungarian Academy of Arts, an unassailable position of power. As
a result of these decisions, the government has endangered the long term
autonomy, professionalism and democratic procedures of Hungarian
contemporary art.
The government established the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) as the
preeminent authority in the field of arts through the new constitution or
Fundamental Law, which came into force on 1 January, 2012. The Academy, which
was originally founded as a private association in 1992, is made up of artists
strongly loyal towards the government. In order to be accepted as a
member, the Academy requires a commitment to the nation, a certain “national
feeling.” In 2011 the Hungarian Academy of Arts was transformed into a public
body, in a process lacking the minimum of transparency, and was provided
straight off with a considerable amount of funding and its own a grandiose
headquarters. In November the government further extended the cultural
political role of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, endowing the organization with
unprecedented power, including exclusive right of decision making over the
contemporary cultural infrastructure - and a gigantic budget at the expense
of the whole of the Hungarian cultural scene.
According to the announcement of the Ministry, the Academy will have the
right to be involved in the committees deciding about important state
awards, and next year the entire system of public cultural funding and subsidies
will be reviewed in a process involving the president of the Hungarian
Academy of Arts. This funding system, which up till now has been operated
through advisory boards made up of representatives of the respective artistic
fields – including the National Cultural Fund, the organization with the most
comprehensive activity in the field of distributing state support on a
professional basis – is in danger of being centralized and subordinated to a
particular interest group, an ideologically based community.
The Hungarian Academy of Arts, according to their stated intentions, would
take over several state tasks and responsibilities in the field of
culture, thus for example they would participate in the selection of directors of
cultural institutions and museums, and even encroach on how professional
organizations work.
From 1 January 2013 the Műcsarnok (Kunsthalle) Budapest, which is the most
significant venue and symbolic space for contemporary art in Hungary, will
become the property of the Hungarian Academy of Arts. The Hungarian Academy
of Arts will also have the right to define the principles and professional
concepts of the art policy of the institution. Following this
announcement, the present director of Műcsarnok has resigned.
The legal background of the Hungarian Academy of Arts may guarantee its
legitimacy in legal terms, it does not however make up for its lack of
professional legitimacy. The upgrading and extending of the role of the Hungarian
Academy of Arts in cultural policy, including raising its budget without
any public and professional consultation, have taken place in an
antidemocratic way, excluding professional organizations and forums. Together with the
general, dramatic financial restrictions in all fields of culture, these
processes will result in the mutilation of the possibility of maintaining a
diverse artistic environment in Hungary.
With these measures, the Hungarian government, through the Ministry of
Human Resources, have given over the right to make the most important cultural
decisions to a society of artists that avows and commits itself to
conservative values and national culture, that also opposes the rejection of state
and the church control, and rejects a contemporary culture that stands for
the autonomy of art and believes in the critical social role of art. It has
become evident that the political executive power intends to control
contemporary culture in a direct way with the help of legal regulations and put
an end to its still existing plurality.
Gruß, Dorothea
P.S. Vor kurzem ist ein Buch von mir erschienen, auf das ich euch gerne
hinweisen würde:
Dorothea Kolland
Werkstatt Stadtkultur
Potenziale kultureller und künstlerischer Vielfalt. Reflexionen und
Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e. V. / Klartext Verlag: Bonn / Essen 2012
(Edition Umbruch Nr. 29)
319 Seiten 19,00 Euro ISBN 978-3-8375-0794-2
In der Praxis von 30 Jahren als Kulturamtsleiterin in Berlin-Neukölln hat
Dorothea Kolland erfahren, dass ein Weg, wenn man hehre Ziele wie »Kultur
für alle«, »soziale Inklusion« oder »kulturelle Partizipation« verfolgt,
voller Fußangeln sein kann. Besonders in Neukölln, einem der bekannten
sozialen und mittlerweile kulturell außerordentlich produktiven Brennpunkte, waren
und sind immer wieder neue Denk- und Aktionsstrategien vonnöten. Die
Autorin entwickelte ihre Konzepte kommunaler Kulturarbeit immer aus den
Praxiserfordernissen und -erfahrungen heraus, stets zu Experimenten und zu neuem
Denken bereit. Dies geschah nie allein im engen Raum des Kiezes, sondern
immer im Dialog und Diskurs mit nationalen und internationalen Debatten. Die
»Banlieues d'Europe« und die »Banlieues von Berlin« gaben sich die Hand.
Die Herausforderungen ihrer Arbeit sind die Themen dieses Buches: Armut,
Interkulturalität, Netzwerken als Basis von Stadtkulturarbeit, Kunst als
Impetus von Stadtentwicklung, Leitkulturen, Potenziale und Behinderungen,
Diversität als Grundlage für demokratische, innovative Stadtkultur und
Inklusion, immer mit dem »ceterum censeo« des Beharrens auf Kunst, ohne dabei deren
gesellschaftliche Wirkungsmöglichkeit zu überschätzen: Davor schützte die
Neuköllner Realität.
Es geht weniger um Geld, es geht viel mehr um genaues Hinsehen, um Respekt
und Innovation. Anstatt Kulturinfarkte zu behandeln, gilt es, neue
Governance-Strukturen zu etablieren, die demokratisches, inklusives Gemeinwesen
ernst nehmen. Dabei gilt für die kommunale Kultur(politik) im Sinne Robert
Jungks: »Die große Aufgabe der Kultur ist es, die Gesellschaft ständig zu
konfrontieren mit anderen Möglichkeiten.«
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Bestellmöglichkeit unter:
Dr. Dorothea Kolland
Windscheidstr. 2
10627 Berlin
Dorotheakolland at aol.com
Tel. 030 3136356
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