[rohrpost] what happens 02.02.02 02:02:02 ?

Diana McCarty diana@vifu.de
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 22:28:57 +0100

Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 02:02:08 +0100
Subject: what happens 02.02.02 02:02:02 ?
From: Eric Wahlforss <feed@forss.to>

join the opening at bootlab ziegelstrasse 23 (30 m from the WMF club)
in berlin. friday 01.02 22:00 - 02:02:02 ->=20

the ambition: to involve people in a movement with utopian qualities.
the movement would by necessity be unpredictable and evoke creative
the construction =AD from economical system to political framework =AD wo=
make the movement completely self-sufficent, which in turn would let it
constantly grow until the inevitable implosion.
this project is now nearing its second phase.