[rohrpost] rohrpost-announce digest, Vol 1 #3 - 3 msgs

rohrpost@mikrolisten.de rohrpost@mikrolisten.de
Sat, 8 Jun 2002 06:29:23 +0200 (CEST)

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Today's Topics:

   1. Matthew Barney at Museum Ludwig Koeln (Andreas Broeckmann)
   2. call for entries backup 2002 weimar (Juliane Fuchs)
   3. Audio Art and Hoerspiel in the digital networks (Sabine Breitsameter)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 12:23:33 +0200
To: rohrpost-announce@mikrolisten.de
From: Andreas Broeckmann <abroeck@transmediale.de>
Subject: [Rohrpost-announce]Matthew Barney at Museum Ludwig Koeln
Reply-To: rohrpost@mikrolisten.de

from: http://www.e-flux.com

   Matthew Barney
 The Cremaster Cycle

 6 June 2002 to 1 September 2002

 contact: Annegret Buchholtz
 Presse- und Offentlichkeitsarbeit
 Bischofsgartenstra=DFe 1, 50667 K=F6ln
 Telefon 0221 - 221 - 23491
 Telefax 0221 - 221 - 24114

  Matthew Barney: The Cremaster Cycle
 6 June 2002 to 1 September 2002

 Museum Ludwig is presenting the first comprehensive exhibition in Germany
on Matthew Barney=92s cycle of Cremaster films. The last of the Cremaster
films will have its European premiere on June 4th, 2002 at the Philharmonic
in Cologne. The Museum Ludwig will show the entire cycle in its Cinemathek
and also exhibit numerous sculptures, installations, photographs and
drawings by Matthew Barney in his role as a visual artist.

 In 1994 the American avant-garde artist (*1967) began his 5-part series of
Cremaster films. Alone the numbering of the parts - 4 (1994), 1 (1995), 5
(1997), 2 (1999), 3 (2002) - is already a contradiction of the serial
principle. Cremaster is the name of the muscle that raises or lowers the
testicles in tune with outside temperatures, so as to keep the gonads at a
constant temperature. The title stands for the artist=92s intention to
introduce certain rules into a self-evolving system.

 Each of the 5 films takes place at a certain geographic or architectural
site. Barney uses landscape and architecture as facets of the plot and the
characters. The central themes in Matthew Barney=92s works are the human
body, sagas and myths, and in his films Barney creates fantastical images
of enormous appeal. Mythical beings have a fictive sexuality beyond gender,
while the different plots take place simultaneously, as in a dream.

 The exhibition =94Matthew Barney: The Cremaster Cycle=94 shows the close
association between Barney=92s work as a filmmaker and as a sculptor. This i=
made optically evident by the AstroTurf flooring in both the movie theater
and the exhibition rooms, a material often used in sports stadiums.
Sculptures and environments from the films are composed of unusual, sensual
and symbolically-charged substances like Vaseline, salt and diverse
plastics. One of these is a famous bar in the Chrysler Building molded in
Vaseline that requires constant cooling. The countless sculptures,
installations, story boards and photographs in combination with film
extracts all demonstrate the complexity of Barney=92s work.

 Curated by Nancy Spector, this exhibition is organized by the Solomon R.
Guggenheim Foundation New York, in cooperation with the Museum Ludwig,
Cologne, and the Mus=E9e d=92Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. It will be
presented at the Museum Ludwig, Cologne from June 1 to September 1, 2002.
After ist opening in Cologne, the exhibition will travel to the Mus=E9e d=92=
Moderne de la Ville de Paris (October 10, 2002 =96 January 5th, 2003) and th=
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (February 13, 2003 =96 May 11, 2003).
A German and English edition catalogue (523 pages) is being published by
the Hatje Cantz Verlag.

 Press conference: 		4 June 2002, 11 am
 Opening:			5 June 2002, 7 pm
 European premi=E8re of
 Cremaster 3			4 June 2002, 6 pm
 Tickets for the premiere are still available, Hotline ++49/221/280 280

 For more information go to:
  Electronic Flux Corporation / http://www.e-flux.com/


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 12:25:02 +0200
To: rohrpost-announce@mikrolisten.de
From: Juliane Fuchs <juliane.fuchs@jena.thur.de>
Subject: [Rohrpost-announce]call for entries backup 2002 weimar
Reply-To: rohrpost@mikrolisten.de

das backup_festival. neue medien im film startet in den=20
festival sommer 2002
einsendeschlu=DF ist der 31.07. 2002.

und in nur wenigen tagen ist die anmeldung auch auf der
festival-website www.backup-festival.de m=F6glich.
nat=FCrlich k=F6nnen wir ihnen auch gern formulare per post=20
zukommen lassen.

in diesem jahr gibt es gleich drei sektionen der ausschreibung:
den internationalen backup.award, den backup.clipaward und=20
das backup.loungelab.

zum internationalen backup.award k=F6nnen kurzfilm- und
video-arbeiten bis zu 15min. l=E4nge und nicht =E4lter als
zwei jahre eingereicht werden.
wichtig ist uns au=DFerdem der einflu=DF digitaler
technologien auf die =E4sthetik, die erz=E4hlstruktur, die
produktionsweisen, den vertrieb.

der backup.clipaward ist ein nationaler wettbewerb f=FCr musikvideos.
wir sind zuerst an videos interessiert, die neue medien als kreativen=20
spielraum f=FCr audiovisuelle arbeiten nutzen.
auch hier sollten die arbeiten nicht =E4lter als zwei jahre sein.=20

die ausschreibung f=FCr das backup.lounge|lab richtet sich an =
installations- und performancek=FCnstler, architekten und =
musiker und radiomacher, filmemacher und schauspieler, netzk=FCnstler =
und coder.=20
es soll ein pool geschaffen werden, in dem sie interagieren, das ganze =
gipfelt in
einem einw=F6chigen workshop vor dem festival und dem 4-t=E4gigen=20
backup.lounge|lab - dynamisch und interdisziplin=E4r.

mit herzlichen gr=FC=DFen aus weimar
juliane fuchs

c/o Bauhaus-Universit=E4t Weimar
Fakult=E4t Medien
Bauhausstrasse 11
99421 Weimar

tel +49 (0) 36 43 / 49 46 136
fax +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 37 01

weimar | 07.-10.11. 2002


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 23:17:24 +0200
To: Sabine Breitsameter <sbreitsameter@snafu.de>
From: Sabine Breitsameter <sbreitsameter@snafu.de>
Subject: [Rohrpost-announce]Audio Art and Hoerspiel in the digital networks
Reply-To: rohrpost@mikrolisten.de

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" ; format="flowed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Apologies for crossposting. German version below:

=20 Audiohyperspace

the  monthly online magazine for audio art, hoerspiel and acoustic=20
media art in digital networks and multimedia dataspaces presents this=20

- audiovisual works of Gregor y Pignot/Paris
- an interview with Brenda Laurel/theatre scientist, researcher and=20
media designer
- Sauna 02 in San Francisco

Audiohyperspace is a website that selects, presents and reviews=20
network/web based audio art, acoustic media art and its related=20
discourses . It is part of the radio art online program of=20
Southwestgerman Radio's cultural channel SWR2.

=20 Audiohyperspace

das monatliche Online-Magazin f=FCr Audio Art, H=F6rspiel und Akustische=20
Medienkunst in  digitalen Netzwerken und multimedialen Datenr=E4umen=20
pr=E4sentiert in diesem Monat:

- audiovisuelle Arbeiten von Gregory Pignot/Paris
- ein Interview mit Brenda Laurel/Theaterwissenschaftlerin,=20
Entwicklerin und Mediendesignerin
- Sauna 02 in San Francisco

Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Apologies for crossposting. German version below:=20



the  monthly online magazine for audio art, hoerspiel and acoustic
media art in digital networks and multimedia dataspaces presents this

- audiovisual works of Gregor y Pignot/Paris

- an interview with Brenda Laurel/theatre scientist, researcher and
media designer

- Sauna 02 in San Francisco

A<fontfamily><param>Geneva</param>udiohyperspace is a website that
selects, presents and reviews network/web based audio art, acoustic
media art and its related discourses . It is part of the radio art
online program of Southwestgerman Radio's cultural channel SWR2.     =20


</fontfamily> Audiohyperspace


das monatliche Online-Magazin f=FCr Audio Art, H=F6rspiel und Akustische
Medienkunst in  digitalen Netzwerken und multimedialen Datenr=E4umen
pr=E4sentiert in diesem Monat:

- audiovisuelle Arbeiten von Gregory Pignot/Paris

- ein Interview mit Brenda Laurel/Theaterwissenschaftlerin,
Entwicklerin und Mediendesignerin

- Sauna 02 in San Francisco    =20



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