[rohrpost] subjektivation

mongo flattner onomastik at braan.org
Mon Jul 12 00:12:37 CEST 2004

Dear Visitor,

You are receiving this email because somebody (probably you) asked for
instructions for how to verify your screening on normative bebilderung.
To verify your address, simply click on the link below:


[subjektivation] 11.07.2004, 1m02s
[brsmas zeh] 11.07.2004, 0m09s
[helium] 11.07.2004, 0m24s
[phall] 11.07.2004, 0m35s
[dws] 11.07.2004, 0m50s

normative bebilderung 2

archiv für kontemplative bewegtbilddokumentation
frankfurt am main

programm vom 12.07.2004

alle filme duerfen kopiert und verwendet werden
zum betrachten benoetigen sie quicktime

If you didn't request this email, don't worry. Nobody is seeing this 
email but
you, and the above link only works for your email address, anyway.


Mongo Flattner
Director of Photography

please visit http://no-org.net exhibition of video net art