[rohrpost] Basics, what basics?

Matze Schmidt matze.schmidt at n0name.de
Don Feb 3 00:03:01 CET 2005

Basics, what basics?

We're asking: what kind of transmediality is a 4.000.000 EURO deal? [1]
Oh, cool! Make a track in one hour and stream it.
There's no such thing as basix. And no social "pace" will dance the
night of Cultural Capital Fonds away.

Susi Meyer

[1] http://www.transmediale.de



Ba ba ba
Ba ba ba basics
Ba ba ba
Ba ba ba ba-a-a-six

There's no such thing as basix
There is only 666
Or 999, 9/11
In Germany they say "Nein"
Nein means no
Is it so
That you are a hero?
Or are you just a sucker
Exploiting my time

There are no basics, i tell you
There's only networks and wild thinking
Under pressure of your leadership
I must say no!


(c) n0name 2005

basix.mp3 02:55 Min., 256 kBit/s, 44 kHz, Stereo, 5.36 MB 02.02.2005.
38317. "Basix". Berlin, 02.02.2005.NEW
http://www.n0name.de/radio/radiomp3.html (MP3 Download)
http://www.n0name.de/radio/stream/basix.rm (32 Kbps for 56K analog
http://www.n0name.de/radio/eflyer/basix-lyrics.txt (Lyrics)

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