[rohrpost] Heute: Amerikanische Botschaft

Joulia Strauss jouliastrauss at gmx.de
Don Jun 23 05:20:33 CEST 2005

Heute: Feierliche Neueröffnung

Amerikanische Botschaft 23.00 - 02.00 Bootlab Foyer Ziegelstrasse 20

Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass die American Beauty - Tüte keinen Schatten
wirft, wenn in Rot und Blau getarnt, die Schönheit nicht synchron zu dem
Sound im unendlichen Loop die Nerven zieht:

-one of those days
when it's a minute away from snowing
and there is this electricity in the air
you can almost hear it
this bag was just 
with me
like a litle kid begging me to play with it
for fifteen minutes
yesterday i realized that there was this ENTIRE LIFE BEHIND THINGS
and this incredibly benevolent force 
that wanted me to know that there is no reason to be afraid 
video is a poor excuse 
i know
but it helps me remember
i need to remember
sometimes there is so much beauty in the world
i feel like i can't take it
and my heart is just going to cave in
-oh my god
what time is it?

Freunde der Amerikanischen Botschaft e.V.

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