[rohrpost] Lecture by Oron Catts, Artistic Director, SymbioticA at The Arts and Genomics Centre, Amsterdam

Ingeborg Reichle Ingeborg.Reichle at culture.hu-berlin.de
Mon Mai 9 16:56:28 CEST 2005

The Arts and Genomics Centre

Lecture by Oron Catts, Artistic Director, SymbioticA
(Research Laboratory for the Artistic Exploration of Scientific Knowledge)
School of Anatomy and Human Biology, University of Western Australia.

Monday 23rd May at 15:00
Room K008 of Gebouw (Building) IV,
Kruislaan 314, Science Park Amsterdam,  1098 SM  Amsterdam

Entry is free, no reservations are required.
The lecture is in English.

For more information please consult the website www.artsgenomics.org

SymbioticA is a research laboratory dedicated to the artistic 
exploration of scientific knowledge in general, and biological 
technologies in particular. It is located in The School of Anatomy & 
Human Biology at The University of Western Australia. SymbioticA is the 
first research laboratory of its kind, in that it enables artists to 
engage in wet biology practices in a biological science department. 
Developments in science and technology, in particular in the life 
sciences, are having a profound effect on society, its values, belief 
systems and treatment of individuals, groups and the environment. The 
interaction of art, science, industry and society is recognized 
internationally as an essential avenue for innovation and invention, and 
as a way to explore, envision and critique possible futures. Science and 
Art both attempt to explain the world around us in ways that are 
profoundly different but which can be complementary to each other.

The Arts and Genomics Centre
A1.15, Kruislaan 318
Postbus 94062
1090GB Amsterdam

info at artsgenomics.org

Dr. Ingeborg REICHLE
Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Tel.: 0049 (0)30 2093-2395
Fax : 0049 (0)30 2093-1961
email: ingeborg.reichle at culture.hu-berlin.de
www: http://www.kunstgeschichte.de/reichle
www: http://www2.hu-berlin.de/kulturtechnik/