[rohrpost] do 16.2.: toshiya ueno / geert lovink bei tesla

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Mit Feb 15 16:06:13 CET 2006

netzkultur.salon 4: toshiya ueno im gespraech mit geert lovink

der japanische medientheoretiker und kulturwissenschaftler toshiya 
ueno berichtet ueber neue entwicklungen aus dem japanischen 
cyber-underground. anhand von animationsfilm-fragmenten beschreibt 
er, wie popkultur und kritische debatten heute ineinander greifen.

tesla salon
klub, do 20:30 h

Toshiya Ueno: 'Recently my topic has been how to get more hybrid or 
crossover gatherings of different tribes in (underground) subcultural 
scene in Tokyo. My fieldwork and own enthusiasm are hovering around 
techno electro underground scene, Anime Otaku, some initiatives of 
adbusting and culture jammings etc.
I will show some pieces of Anime related to club or party culture and 
even carnival styled social movement in my presentation at tesla. 
Then, I can explain the possibility and potentiality to have a 
transversal cultural affective alliance among different tribes and 
also can speak about its difficulty.'