[rohrpost] <strøm> am 25.01.2006

he tears consume hfg at konsumerziehung.de
Die Jan 10 16:53:06 CET 2006

frankfurter forum für elektronische und neue musik

25. januar 2006
<strøm> [swiss]
<strøm> are a group of about two musicians, approximately 60 cables of 
audio, a bunch of stompboxes, the reverent dr. sherman, three 
oscillators aka i, a bass clarinet... is improvised and an idea of 
ambiguous clusters of sound, are many, extremely busy electrons, is a 
soundtrack to a sci-fi movie never watched or a stirred cocktail on the 
rocks, mixed with 2/3 of avant-garde classic and 1/3 of experimental 
rock, garnished with a pinch of purple pop-roar, is a weltanschauung 
coming from the surroundings of the mysterious cult of yagwud or a 
thunderstorm of sound made of hypothermic electronic bubble and 
dinosaur-sized melodies of hoovers, is seldom sexy, quite often erotic, 
is a problem of drums less, is seldom KO'd in the fifth round, has a 
brumm once in a while, is maybe more likely gossip or a trip to the 
dark galaxy of electronic sound, works at 220V, or also with 1.5‰ is 
the orchestral brother of dupont & dupond, has no reverse gear, 
overcomes sudden falls of frequency lightly as well as chaotic 
gatherings of overtones, seldom dresses as the taliban, is the most 
quiet band when practicing (at least on this side of the alps), is a 
musical meal with several courses, including a surprise desert flambé 
and an architectonic magical trick, is mostly a modular system, has a 
g4 and a g3 processor...
<strøm> are
gaudenz badrutt, synth, electronic
christian müller, bassklarinette, electronics.
tanzhaus west
gutleutstr. 294, frankfurt am main
s-bahn-station galluswarte oder 37er bus ab hauptbahnhof
eintrittt 5 euro
unterstützt von Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung


02. februar 2006
Juan Pablo Ribot [Spanien]
Ryfylke [Schweden]

15. märz 2006
Sunao Inami [Japan]

29. märz 2006
international string summit feat. bela emerson
Bela Emerson [uk] | Cello, Elektronik, VJ
Lasse-Marc Riek [ger] | feldstärke soundscapes of field recordings
He Tears Consume [croatia] | concrete cow frequencies experience


das frankfurter forum für elektronische und neue musik
[fffeunm] erfährt eine förderung durch das
amt für wissenschaft und kunst stadt frankfurt am main
