[rohrpost] Upcoming exhibition at EYEBEAM NYC "OPEN CITY: Tools For Public Action"

Aram Bartholl bartholl at datenform.de
Fre Feb 23 12:58:02 CET 2007

*** sorry for x-posting ***

OPEN CITY: Tools For Public Action 
<http://www.eyebeam.org/engage/engage.php?page=exhibitions&id=116> at 
EYEBEAM New York City 

open city

*March 1 - April 7, 2007*
Tues - Sat, 12-6pm
540 W. 21st St. <http://www.eyebeam.org/about/about.php?page=contact>

Eyebeam announces its long-anticipated 2007 exhibition season and 
commences its 10th Anniversary year with Open City -- a glimpse into the 
current media and tactics of artists who take their practices into the 
street. Be it through projection, writing on walls or robotic 
pamphleteering, Open City presents the work of artists who communicate 
through the surfaces and structures of our communal spaces and offers a 
deeper look at the means and motivations of urban action and creativity.

*Please join us for the Opening Reception March 1, 6-8pm *to launch this 
series of screenings, presentations and workshops exploring tool 
building, tactics, techniques and approaches to communication by any 
means necessary within the urban context.

Open City: Tools for Public Action is an exhibition and series of public 
programs that focus on the ingenuity of graffiti writers, artists, 
protesters, pranksters and hackers reclaiming the public realm. Together 
with the Graffiti Research Lab, a collaboration formed in Eyebeam's R&D 
OpenLab in 2006, Eyebeam has invited a NYC and international roster of 
artists and collaborative groups to exhibit documentation of their work 
together with the tools they used -- and often invented -- to make their 
voices heard.

The artists featured in Open City create their work outside the confines 
of the gallery. Respecting the original context for this work, Open City 
considers the culture of its creation through the artifacts of its 
makers. Among the means and materials presented will be: digital 
projection, spray paint, urban pranks, robotics and custom machinery, 
site-specific sculpture, homemade markers and ink recipes, the internet, 
hacking and re-appropriation of existing urban systems.

Open City hopes to inspire its audience to make their own tools for 
public action. A series of screenings, presentations and workshops 
exploring tool building, tactics and approaches to communication by any 
means necessary within the urban context, will turn Eyebeam into an 
active and participatory environment for the duration of the show.

*Invited participants include:

* Aram Bartholl <http://www.datenform.de/> (Berlin)
BORF <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borf> (Washington D.C.)
Graffiti Research Lab <http://graffitiresearchlab.com> (NYC)
Institute for Applied Autonomy <http://www.appliedautonomy.com/> (USA)
Improv Everywhere <http://www.improveverywhere.com> (NYC)
Mark Jenkins <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_jenkins> (Washington D.C.)
KATSU <http://flickr.com/search/?q=katsu&w=67003323%40N00> (NYC)
KR <http://www.krink.com> (NYC)
Object Orange <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_Orange> (Detroit)
Leon Reid <http://www.leonthe4th.com/> (NYC)
Matthias Wermke 
Krzysztof Wodiczko 
<http://architecture.mit.edu/prtfolio/fac_work/pjwodicz.html> (PL/NYC)


Aram Bartholl
Ackerstr. 38
10115 Berlin
bartholl at datenform.de