[rohrpost] Labor K1: Call For Submissions
Juliane Zelwies
mail at juliane.de
Die Sep 25 19:47:38 CEST 2007
Call For Submissions
K1 is pleased to announce that artists can now apply for a RESIDENCY
in the laboratory of K1, Berlin, by submitting a proposal.
The residency consists of a period of 10 days (10/10/07 - 10/20/07)
in which the artist shall work at the laboratory of K1 in Berlin.
Both the subject matter and media are free of the artist’s choice.
The time period shall be used for research and / or production of an
art work. Afterwards there will be a public presentation of the
artist’s accomplishments.
The artist will be given a studio space (WLAN) with a kitchen area
and a bathroom. Board and lodging (one hot meal every day) will be
If assistance is needed, the two members of K1 may be open to
collaborate with the artist. The project is funded by the City of
German artists as well as artists from abroad can apply. The
application deadline is October 3rd 2007. The artist will be chosen
by a jury. The results will be announced by October 6th, 2007.
For additional information please contact: post at labor-k1.de | phone
+49 30 479 85 346 | http://www.labor-k1.de
Labor K1
post at labor-k1.de
030 / 479 85 346
Jana Linke & Juliane Zelwies