[rohrpost] Neuer MA 'Creating Social Media' am Goldsmiths

Goetz Bachmann goetz.bachmann at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 19:24:35 CEST 2011

Einige von Euch sind vielleicht an einem neuen MA/MSc "Creating Social
Media" interessiert, den wir am Goldsmiths (London) entwickelt haben?

Der MA/MSc entstand in Zusammenarbeit des Department for Computing und dem
Centre for Cultural Studies, und hat eine  "hacktivistische" Ausrichtung. Er
wendet sich sowohl an Studenten mit technischen Hintergrund, wie an solche,
die aus Medienwissenschaft und - theorie sowie auch allgemeiner aus den
Sozial und Kulturwissenschaften kommen (für Studenten ohne technische
Vorkenntnisse gibt es um Anfang des MAs ein einmonatiges Intensiv-Bootcamp).
Lehren werden Leute wie Dan McQuillan, Matt Fuller und Bernard Stiegler.

Der MA soll noch 11/12 starten. Ideen und Kommentare sind sehr willkommen.

Mehr Infos unten im angehängten Blurb, sowie hier:

Offizielle Webseite: http://www.gold.ac.uk/pg/ma-creating-social-media/
Inoffizieller Developer’s blog: http://macreatingsocialmedia.wordpress.com/
Contact: d.mcquillan [AT] gold.ac.uk oder g.bachmann [AT] gold.ac.uk.


What does social media look like after recent events in North Africa and the
UK? What will you create? This unique theory/practice programme combines
computing and cultural studies to provide people with the practical and
critical skills to shape the future of social media. The MA/MSc is a
collaborative theory/practice programme across the Department of Computing
and the Centre for Cultural Studies, and is part of the newly launched
Centre for Creative and Social Technologies.

Based on global examples, we will explore the technological and intellectual
questions that have risen to prominence with the social web. We'll critique
existing approaches and tools, and plan, develop, hack and implement
ground-breaking applications and campaigns. We will not only analyse: we
will create.
New social media platforms, at their best, develop new online forms of
connecting, relating, sharing and competing. Effective and innovative social
media creation, therefore, involves deep theoretical and practical knowledge
of both software development and social processes. The MA/MSc will teach
people how to develop and hack social media software, how social worlds
operate, how software tools enable different forms of social practice, and
how new social media projects can be launched successfully. Graduates will
accelerate the impact of social media in their chosen field.

Participants will become proficient in
- Computing skills in software development for new social media platforms,
mashups, apps, and tools. This includes both coding and data skills, and a
hacker approach
- Theories of social processes and in methods to research them
- Adapting social media to a variety of technological contexts and to the
needs of specific communities
- Surfacing the assumptions and limitations embedded in software
- Critically assessing contemporary discourses about social media and social
- Project managing social media ventures, and keeping users included at all
- Creating social media interventions that address social processes in new