[rohrpost] Marc Aschenbrenner - "Figur und Instinkt", opening 07.09.2013, 7pm

Art Claims Impulse info at art-claims-impulse.com
Fre Sep 6 21:27:10 CEST 2013

Dear Friends, Ihr Lieben,??

we would like to cordially invite you to the opening of Marc 
Aschenbrenner's solo show on ?SATURDAY, 07.09.2013 at 7pm. ??

Title of the show.

*Marc Aschenbrenner - "Figur und Instinkt"??*

We show:

*"Figur im Wald" (Video Art)*

*"Raum mit zwei Figuren" Live Performance??**.

Start 8pm,

Saturday 07.09.2013

??* Figur im Wald -  also at Preview Berlin art fair (Stand 4)

??Eröffnung/Opening: 07.09.2013 um 19:00 Uhr / at 7pm
?Live Performance: 07.09.2013 um 20:00 / at 8pm
Ausstellung/Exhibition: 10.09.2013 -- 15.10.2013 ?
Die/Tue -- Sa/Sat 14:00-19:00 Uhr - 2pm - 7pm??

Best ACI

Contemporary Fine Arts
Wolter & Zagrean GbR
Lübbener Str. 5
10997 Berlin
E-Mail:info at art-claims-impulse.com


ART CLAIMS IMPULSE is a gallery specialised in video-, performance- 
multi-media art and installations.
We are interested in art pieces that follow an uncommon approach, that 
are innovative in terms of content,
technique, or aesthetics, and that stimulate discourses.