[rohrpost] ribs#16 - disrepant, Mazen Kerbaj, Carlos Casas, Laurent Jeanneau

Therese Schuleit ts at elektronentoto.mobi
Do Aug 27 17:29:02 CEST 2020

a dear invitation to tune in today!

27.08.2020 - Thurs. 19:00 CEST
ribs #16 discrepant

tune in here: www.inbetweenspaces.net <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.inbetweenspaces.net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3tf5NhQnnaoN_rMx7rUR4VTJa4OTvv8AILFs5VxcW5ZNpwO8i1cMZ3oFk&h=AT0-7d0B1XSj87nWsRjB66nWsVif138koD24T4XOU700ndFZoNvDjgwm2jb8iVwuOOAH2N6u_M_yygrq8kK1xYvCWi072FtlSSk9vlROZN4RxUmV_BJle9X2sNLY-bFtjVC0jPJ5gmJCqMmsT1hH7nF7v5Ew>
or on www.p-node.org <http://www.p-node.org/>

radio in between spaces # 16 presents recordings and artists from the Discrepant launched by sound artist Gonçalo F. Cardoso in London in 2010. Discrepant has become a treasure trove for hybrid, unclassifiable, extraordinary "global music from somewhere and nowhere at the same time". For radio in between spaces Gonçalo Cardoso has created a playlist from the extensive Discrepant catalog, including music by Mazen Kerbaj, Carlos Casas, Laurent Jeanneau aka Kink Gong and Mark Gergis. Each piece will be introduced by a short artist talk.


Therese Schuleit
+49176 22 00 888 4


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