[spectre] AVM News 11

Agricola de Cologne nc-agricowi@netcologne.de
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 10:03:27 +0100

A Virtual Memorial Newsletter November 2001

Visit the Memorial project!

*0. Selected Memorial days
*1. Features of the Month
*2. Featured Artist of the Month
*3. Featured Project of the Month
*4. Contribute to "A Memorial for the Victims of Terror
     and  "A Memorial for the victims of AIDS"
*5. News
*6. Actual deadline list

0. Selected Memorial days
**7 November 1917 - October Revolution (Russia)
**9 November 1938 - Progrom night 1938 (Germany)
**9 November 1989 - Fall of Berlin Wall (Germany)
**16 November International Day of Tolerance (UN)

1. Features of the Month
The Features of the Month are monthly changing
collections of multimedia works and links which form in the
totality of the composition an artwork of theirown
to be created on a webpage of theirown
within the Memorial project.

***Subject of the Month is
A never ending nightmare -
Commemorating the victims of state terror

2. Featured Artist
Raquel Partnoy
**Family portrait of this Argentine artist**
can be viewed as part of Features of the Month
or AVM Magazine on

3. Featured Project:
***Memorial for the victims of <state>terror***
collaborative project combining two
calls for artists in one project
*Memorial for the victims of state terror*
*Memorial for the victims of terror* (11 September 2001)
More than 50 artists from many countries are participating

Visit the project as one Feature of the Month or
via AVM Magazine on

4. News
Several net based art works
originating from A Virtual Memorial
participate(d) in October/November in
*Viper Computer Art Festival (Switzerland)
*4th International Meeting of Experimental Poetry (Buenos Aires/Argentina)
*Casting a Net (McLean Projects for the Arts/USA)

5. Call for submissions
***1.) No dead line - submissions always welcome
Artists are invited to send their contributions to
**A Memorial for the Victims of Terror**
initiated in connection with WTC terror in September.
Submit one single work: image (.jpg), URL (net based work) or text (email or
.txt file)
and send it to september11@a-virtual-memorial.org
visit the Memorial on www.a-virtual-memorial.org

***2. Deadline 1 December 2001 - but submissions welcome through month
Although at present AIDS is out of the news, the dramatic situation of  new
infections and infected people did not change, at all:  the human tragedy
keeps going on world-wide.

On occasion of World AIDS Day on 1 December
The "Features of the Month December 2001" on
are dedicated entirely to the victims of AIDS.

In order to create a Memorial for the Victims of AIDS to be  published
online on 1 December,
artists are invited to submit
either one image (.jpg) or one text (email or .txt file) or one web based
work  (URL or Flash .swf file/Quicktime .mov file) which has a subject
connected to AIDS.

***Main Deadline  1 December 2001.***
But submissions are welcome afterwards,
as well during month December and will
be posted online immediately.

***Send your submission to

6. Visit also the actual deadline list
for further calls
and participate!

Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
A Virtual Memorial -
Memorial project against the Forgetting and for Humanity
corporate member of  NewMediaArtProjectNetwork
A Newsletter is a free information service of