[spectre] FDL-Tribute to the Vasulkas / Hommage aux Vasulka
Angela Plohman
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 13:34:30 -0400
--le fran=E7ais suit ci-dessous--
Press Release
Steina and Woody Vasulka : Instrumental Video
Montreal, October 12, 2001 - The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art,
Science, and Technology is proud to present a new section of its Web =
dedicated to two pioneers of electronic art active since the late =
Based on the archival documents in The Steina and Woody Vasulka =
this section marks the beginning of a research process devoted to the
collections acquired by the Foundation that will enrich the =
offered on-line.=20
Steina and Woody Vasulka make instrumental video like others make
instrumental music. More than video artists, the Vasulkas have been
explorers of electronic media - first analog (from 1971 to =
1978) then digital - for over three decades. Steina, the "musician," is
interested in the vision of machines (Machine Vision) and in the =
of landscape, developing her own editing syntax, and image and sound
treatment processes. Woody, the "filmmaker," studies the possibilities =
generating forms, both visual and sound-based, and works to develop an
electronic synthesis that moves away from the camera.=20
Steina is Icelandic, Woody is Czech. She was trained as a violinist, he =
is a
poet, engineer and filmmaker. Together, they emigrated to the United =
and made a home in New York in 1964. In 1971, they founded The Kitchen =
New York. They subsequently moved to Buffalo (NY) in 1973 and then, in =
to Santa Fe, New Mexico where they reside today. =20
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Source :=20
Jean Gagnon, Director of Programs of the Daniel Langlois Foundation
Audrey Navarre, Assistant to the Director of Programs
(514) 987-7177, anavarre@fondation-langlois.org
Steina et Woody Vasulka : De la vid=E9o instrumentale
Montr=E9al, le 12 octobre 2001 - La fondation Daniel Langlois pour =
l'art, la
science et la technologie est heureuse de pr=E9senter une toute =
section de son site Web consacr=E9e =E0 deux artistes pionniers des =
=E9lectroniques =E0 l'oeuvre depuis la fin des ann=E9es 60. =
=C9labor=E9e =E0 partir des
documents d'archives du Fonds Steina et Woody Vasulka, cette section =
un processus de recherche portant sur les fonds acquis par la =
fondation, ce
qui permettra d'enrichir la documentation offerte en ligne.=20
Steina et Woody Vasulka font de la vid=E9o instrumentale comme d'autres =
de la musique instrumentale. Plus que des vid=E9astes, pendant trois
d=E9cennies, les Vasulka ont =E9t=E9 des explorateurs des m=E9dias =
=E9lectroniques -
d'abord analogiques (de 1971 =E0 1978 environ), puis num=E9riques. =
Alors que
Steina, la =AB musicienne =BB, s'int=E9resse =E0 la vision des machines =
Vision) et =E0 la perception du paysage tout en d=E9veloppant sa propre =
du montage et du traitement de l'image et du son, Woody, le =AB =
cin=E9aste =BB,
=E9tudie la possibilit=E9 de g=E9n=E9rer des formes, visuelles et =
sonores, et
travaille =E0 une synth=E8se =E9lectronique ne faisant plus appel =E0 =
la cam=E9ra.
Steina est Islandaise, Woody est Tch=E8que. Elle est violoniste de =
il est po=E8te, ing=E9nieur et cin=E9aste. Ensemble, ils =E9migrent aux =
et s'=E9tablissent =E0 New York en 1964. En 1971, ils fondent The =
Kitchen =E0 New
York. Puis ils d=E9m=E9nagent =E0 Buffalo (NY) en 1973 et, en 1980, =E0 =
Santa Fe au
Nouveau-Mexique o=F9 ils r=E9sident pr=E9sentement.
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Source : =09
Jean Gagnon, Directeur des programmes de la fondation Daniel Langlois
Audrey Navarre, Adjointe =E0 la direction des programmes
(514) 987-7177, anavarre@fondation-langlois.org