[spectre] CULT 2001 - Important digital culture conference in Copenhagen

Culturenet Denmark culturenet-denmark@www.kulturnet.dk
Mon, 10 Sep 2001 15:31:47 +0200

 Invitation to important  Culture Conference   CULT 2001
Exploring an interface between  Cultural Heritage, Netart and State of the
Art Projects

-  In Copenhagen, October 3-5, 2001  =13

We  invite you to participate in CULT 2001 to  develop and discuss the
future  of digital  culture.

Please  find an updated programme as well as registration information by
following link to CULT 2001 from frontsite  at:
<http://www.kulturnet.dk/>http://www.kulturnet.dk or direct at

The  conference is limited to 200 participants and participants will be
registered  on  a first come first served basis, so please don =19t hesitate
to  register.

Please also distribute to your associates and  relations.

Conference  motivation:
Old  structural barriers have been transgressed on the cultural scene, due
to the  digital economy and the new media strategies. New creative models
of  collaboration emerge between institutions preserving cultural heritage,
performing arts creating new expressions, and information technology
providing  tools of communication.

The  interface between Cultural Heritage, Netart and State of the Art
Projects is  new. It is both innovative, challenging and a critical vehicle
for issues  concerning collaboration, communication and dissemination
strategies in modern societies.

CULT  2001 wishes to establish a platform for discussions and reflections
on these new  visions of collaboration and dissemination strategies. =20

Keynote  speakers at the CULT 2001:

Mr.  Howard Rheingold, Author of 'The Virtual Community', USA
Mr.  Bruce Royan, Executive Director of SCRAN, UK
Ms.  Caroline S=F8borg Ohlsen, Chief Creative Officer, Cell network, DK/SE
Mr.  Hans Siggaard Jensen, Director of research, LLD, DK
Mr.  Terry Eagleton, Professor, University of Manchester, UK
Mr.  Ceri Sherlock, Creative Director of IE-Ideas Ltd., UK
Mr.  John Howkins, Chairman, Tornado Productions, UK
Mr. Bj=F6rn Norberg, Director at Beeoff/Splintermind,  SE

Moderator  at the Cult 2001 will be:
Mr.  J=F8rgen Poulsen, Danish Broadcasting Corporation.

After  each keynote there will be parallel sessions for Cultural heritage,
Net Art and  State of the Art Projects to discuss and reflect more direct
on the theme given.

CultureNet  Denmark has since 1997 gained a unique  experience being a web
based platform for various cultural institutions and  expressions. These
include traditional state cultural institutions, independent net artists,
international cultural  networks and market based technology. CultureNet
Denmark participates in the  development and implementation of national IT
visions on behalf of the Danish  Ministry of Culture.

To  participate in CULT 2001 please check the conference site by following
link to CULT 2001 from frontsite  at: www.Kulturnet.dk  where you will find
all necessary  information. =20

=46or  questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

We  are hoping for your presence at CULT 2001!

Kindest  regards,
CultureNet  Denmark

Mr. S=F8ren  Krogh

Deadline for last registration for CULT  2001:
Tuesday September 18th. 2001


::  C U L  T   2 0 0 1   ::   C o p e n h a g e n   ::

CultureNet Denmark
Christians Brygge 3
DK-1219  Copenhagen K

P +45  33 13 50 88
=46 +45 33 14 11 56

