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<p>Maria-Louisa Laopodi wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 10:48:39 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
<br>From: maydaymedicine@hushmail.com
<br>To: thebabylonproject@smartgroups.com
<br>Subject: [TheBabylonProject] another version of
<br>Reply-to: thebabylonproject@smartgroups.com
<p>thought people may enjoy an alternative perspective on
<br>the us
<p>Radio Havana Cuba
<p>There is no joy here in Cuba at the events of Tuesday.
<br>No one is
<br>cheering or holding impromptu block parties to
<br>celebrate the most astonishing
<br>act of terrorism in history against what has been for
<br>Cuba an
<br>implacable enemy for 40 years. There is, instead, a
<br>profound feeling of shock,
<br>revulsion and compassion and very real apprehension
<br>about the cries for
<br>vengeance that emanate from every corner of the White
<br>House and the US
<br>The most powerful nation on earth has been put on a
<br>war footing and
<br>history has taught us all what to expect when
<br>Washington starts waving the
<br>cudgel self-righteously. The families of almost a
<br>million Japanese,
<br>four million Koreans, three million Vietnamese, and
<br>thousands of Iraqis
<br>and Yugoslavians can all attest to what occurs when
<br>the Oval Office
<br>scrambles its bombers.
<p>It is hard to avoid the obvious accusation that an
<br>editorial such as
<br>this will be viewed as a cheap shot against a weakened
<br>United States, but
<br>there is an urgent need to respond to staggering and
<br>statements from US politicians and people calling for
<br>the use of nuclear,
<br>biological and chemical weapons in an almost triumphal
<br>assertion that
<br>this is their first war of the 21st century. The sabre
<br>rattling is
<br>deafening and very frightening to us all.
<br>US mainstream media is stirring the hatred by airing
<br>statements from
<br>people "on the street" calling for an immediate
<br>strike, an immediate
<br>all-out war against the "enemy."
<p>But who is the "enemy?" The enemy are successive
<br>administrations that have for more than five decades
<br>promoted terrorism on an
<br>enormous scale across the globe. Administrations that
<br>have trained
<br>international military personnel in techniques of
<br>torture and terrorism in its
<br>meek-sounding School of the Americas. Administrations
<br>that have for 40
<br>years permitted and supported terrorist attacks
<br>against its island
<br>neighbour whose only crime was to advocate a different
<br>system. Administrations that introduced the world to
<br>nuclear holocaust, to
<br>carpet bombing, to horrendous use of phosphorous and
<br>napalm bombs.
<br>Administrations that maintain an economic blockade
<br>that is directly
<br>responsible for the loss of hundreds of thousands of
<br>Iraqi children's lives.
<br>Administrations that support one of the most
<br>repressive, brutal and
<br>racist regimes on earth with massive flows of money
<br>and weapons to use
<br>against the Palestinian people. Administrations that
<br>financed the Latin
<br>American dictatorships of the eighties and then later
<br>"apologised" for
<br>some of the unspeakable crimes they committed in the
<br>name of "democracy."
<p>Tuesday was the anniversary of the US sponsored coup
<br>in Chile in which
<br>a legitimately elected government was brought down
<br>with extreme
<br>violence. The man behind this event and the covert
<br>wars within Cambodia and
<br>Argentina, Henry Kissinger, is one of those that today
<br>clamour for a
<br>"tough and decisive" response to the attacks in New
<br>York and Washington,
<br>who clamours for a blind war against an invisible
<p>Few doubt that Washington has just suffered the
<br>consequences of its
<br>actions across the globe. Even if Osama Bin Laden is
<br>found to be
<br>responsible, the people of the US should know that he
<br>was previously trained and
<br>used by the CIA in its war against the former
<br>government of
<br>Afghanistan. George W. Bush will seek to take the war
<br>to another part of the globe
<br>where more civilians can pay for the death of US
<br>civilians without
<br>their blood and disfigured bodies being shown on CNN.
<p>No solution will be forthcoming in the destruction of
<br>those deemed
<br>responsible. The enemy will still be there because the
<br>enemy comes from
<br>within. The CIA supported Noriega, Marcos, Sukarno,
<br>the Shah, Idi Amin,
<br>Mobuto, the Contras, Pinochet, the Argentinian
<br>generals, d'Aubuison,
<br>Somoza, Batista, Stroessner et al - the list is long
<br>and represents the
<br>obliteration of hundreds of thousands of civilian
<br>lives. In Panama 2,000,
<br>in Nicaragua 30,000, in El Salvador 75,000, in
<br>Guatemala over 150,000,
<br>in Indonesia 300,000.
<br>The people of the US can surely no longer remain
<br>immune from the
<br>terrorism their governments provoke, promote and
<br>tolerate in their name.
<p>After the rage, the hatred, and the clamouring for
<br>vengeance have
<br>subsided, the time for reflection must come. War
<br>should be declared on the
<br>real threats to humanity: AIDS, racism,
<br>neo-colonialism, ruthless free
<br>market profiteering and Washington's "democracy" of
<br>domination. That way
<br>the poverty and desperation that creates the kind of
<br>hatred of the US
<br>that leads to such unspeakable acts of terrorism will
<br>be avoided.
<br>The security and welfare of the United States clearly
<br>depends on social
<br>justice for all. There must be a change in this US
<br>psyche of isolation
<br>and pre-eminence or we shall all be brought to the
<br>brink of disaster
<br>once more.
<p>The people of Cuba indeed share in the pain and
<br>distress of their
<br>neighbours, but at the same time they are reminded of
<br>the fact that five of
<br>their own were recently found guilty in a Florida
<br>court for combating
<br>this very same kind of despicable terrorism that has
<br>so stupefied the
<br>world after its use against the US.
<p>The chickens have come home to roost and there is no
<br>smugness or
<br>satisfaction in saying it -- just very sincere anxiety
<br>for what may follow.
<p>Source: Radio Havana Cuba
<br>Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
<br>Donate cash, emergency relief information
<br><a href="http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/US/Emergency_Information/">http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/US/Emergency_Information/</a></blockquote>