[spectre] re: take over

Chris Byrne chris@mediascot.org
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:25:23 +0100


This is a good idea. How about an online resource, or pooling of online

Taking this step would make the materials very widely accessible.


At 9:14 am +0200 25/9/01, Jeremy Welsh wrote:
>Discussions with colleagues here in Norway the last couple of days suggest
>that there are quite a lot of us working in eduction and in media arts
>organisations who are interested in tackling this issue. Obviously it's been
>said before and discussed at many meetings where we've all expressed good
>intentions about exchanging materials, texts, lecture scripts etc, and usually
>not a lot has happened. We're all busy and it takes time to do these things.
>However, it seems to me that the time is right to try to co-ordinate
>discussion and dissemination of materials that deal with an appropriate
>theoretical apparatus and an aesthetics of digital media, in a form that can
>be accessible and useful to students, artists, media activists etc - rather
>than for "professional theorists". Not tat there is anything wrong with the
>latter, just that my experience tells me that there is a lack of theoretical
>material that is addressed to "hands on" people,  whether they be students or
>practising artists.

Chris Byrne                          chris@mediascot.org
New Media Scotland                 tel: +44 131 477 3774
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UK                    http://www.mediascot.org