[spectre] Design Recast free admission symposium

nat muller nat@v2.nl
Fri, 05 Apr 2002 17:36:35 +0200

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Design Recast symposium update

As a result of an upgrade to another venue we are pleased to announce
that a considerable amount of seats is again available at the free
admission Design Recast symposium, organized 12-14 April by the
design department of the Jan van Eyck Academie, post-academic
institute for research and production in the fine arts, design and
theory, located in Maastricht NL.

For a full programme and speakers' links check


For reservations email Madeleine Bisscheroux
<madeleine.bisscheroux@janvaneyck.nl>, or call +31 43 350 3737 or 350 3737
speakers include

- Janet Abrams (Director University of Minesota Design Institute,
- Iain Chambers (Professor of History of English Culture, Istituto
Universitario Orientale, Naples)
- Malcolm McCullough (Associate Professor of Architecture; Associate
Professor of Interaction Design, University of Michigan)
- Paul Elliman (designer, London)
- De Geuzen (a foundation for multi-visual research, Amsterdam): Riek
Sijbring, Femke Snelting, Renee Turner
- Karsten Gilhuis (attorney-at-law, Houthoff Buruma, Amsterdam)
- Rich Gold (artist, designer, writer, technologist and cartoonist,
Menlo Park, USA)
- Jouke Kleerebezem (artist; JvE Design Department Advising Researcher)
- Paul Mijksenaar (designer, Bureau Mijksenaar, Amsterdam; Professor
Design Faculty, Technical University, Delft)
- Roelof Mulder (designer, Amsterdam; Art Director Frame magazine)
- Fiona Raby (artist, Senior Research Fellow, Royal College of Art, London)
- Maarten de Reus (artist, Amsterdam; InfoArcadia curator)
- John Thackara (first Perceptron, Doors of Perception, Amsterdam)
- Ronald van Tienhoven (artist, Amsterdam; InfoArcadia curator)
- Sue Walker (designer, TextMatters, London; Head of Department of
Typography and Graphic Communication, University of Reading)
J o u k e  K l e e r e b e z e m
Advising Researcher
Design Department
Jan van Eyck Academie
Academieplein 1
6211 KM Maastricht
e jk@janvaneyck.nl
t +31 (0)43 350 3737
f +31 (0)43 350 3799

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<TITLE> Design Recast free admission symposium</TITLE>
<B>Design Recast symposium update<BR>
As a result of an upgrade to another venue we are pleased to announce<BR>
that a considerable amount of seats is again available at the free<BR>
admission Design Recast symposium, organized 12-14 April by the<BR>
design department of the Jan van Eyck Academie, post-academic<BR>
institute for research and production in the fine arts, design and<BR>
theory, located in Maastricht NL.<BR>
For a full programme and speakers' links check<BR>
For reservations email Madeleine Bisscheroux<BR>
&lt;madeleine.bisscheroux@janvaneyck.nl&gt;, or call +31 43 350 3737 or 350=
<B>speakers include<BR>
- Janet Abrams (Director University of Minesota Design Institute, Minneapol=
- Iain Chambers (Professor of History of English Culture, Istituto<BR>
Universitario Orientale, Naples)<BR>
- Malcolm McCullough (Associate Professor of Architecture; Associate<BR>
Professor of Interaction Design, University of Michigan)<BR>
- Paul Elliman (designer, London)<BR>
- De Geuzen (a foundation for multi-visual research, Amsterdam): Riek<BR>
Sijbring, Femke Snelting, Renee Turner<BR>
- Karsten Gilhuis (attorney-at-law, Houthoff Buruma, Amsterdam)<BR>
- Rich Gold (artist, designer, writer, technologist and cartoonist,<BR>
Menlo Park, USA)<BR>
- Jouke Kleerebezem (artist; JvE Design Department Advising Researcher)<BR>
- Paul Mijksenaar (designer, Bureau Mijksenaar, Amsterdam; Professor Indust=
Design Faculty, Technical University, Delft)<BR>
- Roelof Mulder (designer, Amsterdam; Art Director Frame magazine)<BR>
- Fiona Raby (artist, Senior Research Fellow, Royal College of Art, London)=
- Maarten de Reus (artist, Amsterdam; InfoArcadia curator)<BR>
- John Thackara (first Perceptron, Doors of Perception, Amsterdam)<BR>
- Ronald van Tienhoven (artist, Amsterdam; InfoArcadia curator)<BR>
- Sue Walker (designer, TextMatters, London; Head of Department of<BR>
Typography and Graphic Communication, University of Reading)<BR>
-- <BR>
J o u k e &nbsp;K l e e r e b e z e m<BR>
Advising Researcher<BR>
Design Department<BR>
Jan van Eyck Academie<BR>
Academieplein 1<BR>
6211 KM Maastricht<BR>
e jk@janvaneyck.nl<BR>
t +31 (0)43 350 3737<BR>
f +31 (0)43 350 3799<BR>
