[spectre] featured artists - edition 04 - now online

Agricola de Cologne Agricola de Cologne" <nc-agricowi@netcologne.de
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 09:09:58 +0200

Featured artists - Edition 04
now online on le Musee di-visioniste

Le Musee di-visioniste
is happy to continue the series of
'Features Artists' online with the 4th edition.

One meaning of these features is
to show a variety of contemporary art working,
of different approaches to art, and of using
different actual media
within an online environment,
which changes with each new presentation.

The featured artists are

1.Shirin Kouladjie, Teheran born media artist and
her net based diary project "Photomontage".

2. Gregory Chatonsky, French meda artist and
his prize winning net project .io-n.net

3. Mandy Morrison, New York based video and installation artist
and the visualisation of six selected installations
taken place between 1994 and 1999 in Chicago

4. Max Greenberg, New York based photographer and
his project "Catharsis"
a collage of photographic works from  the series:
HIV, Candy, Homeless, and Cathedral.

Visit all these fascinating features on Le Musee divisioniste
But take also a view on the previous "Featured Artists" editions
published in October 2001
London based net artists STANZA, and his Internet projects

**edition 02
published in December 2001 featured
1. Wayne Quilliam, Australian aboriginal photographer/artist
2. Ricardo Mbarak, Paris based young Lebanese artist
3. Kevin Jones US media artist

***edition 03
published in February 2002 featured
1.Brice Bowman, San Francisco based media artist:
and his roject: 'Nothing to declare'
2.Max Hattler and Martin Heaton, Berlin and London based media artists
who collaborated in different art projects: project: 'Pig'
3.Irena Pascali, young Macedonian video artist and her
project: 'On the way to, from Macedonia'
4.Jaka Zelesnikar, net artist from Slovenia and his net based project: 'Poem
The next edition No.05 will be published coming June.

For the edition No.07 and following editions
Le Musee di-visioniste is looking for
artists from all disciplines:
***Invitation to
Artists, who would like to participate in the **Featured Artists** series
are invited to submit their excellent projects (net based or physical,
documented or dispayed online on a website)
for review.

Please send the URL(s) of your project(s), short biography (not more than
200 words)
and a short description of the project to be submitted (not more than 300
words) and, finally 3 screen shots,

and send the material via email to

Agricola de Cologne
Press - Le Musee divisioniste
Le Musee di-visioniste -
corporate member of
NewMediaArtProjectNetwork -
the experimental artistic platform.