[spectre] DIGITAL STRATEGIES OF THE LIVING WORLD - European Summer University call for proposals

Sally Jane NORMAN norman@wanadoo.fr
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 15:47:42 +0200

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Universit=E9 europ=E9enne d'=E9t=E9 2002

Label Minist=E8re de l'Education Nationale

Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Soci=E9t=E9

La Rochelle

6 - 13 septembre 2002

Comit=E9 de pilotage  / Steering Committee:

Ecole sup=E9rieure de l'image

Universit=E9 de La Rochelle

Universit=E9 de Poitiers

Comit=E9 scientifique / Scientific Committee:

Louis Bec

St=E9phane Becuwe

Claire G=E9rard

Sally Jane Norman

Bertrand Vachon

Partenaires fran=E7ais / French partners:

Cypres (Centre Interculturel de Pratiques Recherches et =E9changes =
Transdisciplinaires, Marseille)=20

Apollonia (relais pays des Balkans et Europe centrale, Strasbourg)=20

Partenaires europ=E9ens / European partners:

Padeborn University, Allemagne

Royal Polytechnic (KTH), Stockholm, Su=E8de

University of Amsterdam, Pays Bas=20

Universit=E9 Cyril et Methodius/ Centre d'art contemporain, Skopje, =

Universit=E9 de Graz, Autriche

Universit=E9 d'Helsinki, Finlande

University of Ljubiana, Slov=E9nie

University of Loughborough, Angleterre

University of Nottingham, Angleterre

Universit=E9 de Zurich, Suisse

Appel =E0 projets

Strat=E9gies digitales du vivant

L'Universit=E9 de La Rochelle et l'Ecole sup=E9rieure de l'image (Esi, =
Angoul=EAme/ Poitiers), avec l'appui de l'Universit=E9 de Poitiers, =
organiseront conjointement, du 6 au 14 septembre 2002, une Universit=E9 =
europ=E9enne d'=E9t=E9 agr=E9=E9e par le Minist=E8re de l'Education =
nationale. L'assise p=E9dagogique de cette manifestation est la =
fili=E8re doctorale en " Arts num=E9riques ", cr=E9=E9e en automne 2001 =
par l'Esi et les Universit=E9s de Poitiers et de La Rochelle.

Sous le th=E8me des "STRATEGIES DIGITALES DU VIVANT", cette universit=E9 =
europ=E9enne d'=E9t=E9 associera l'art, l'esth=E9tique, les sciences =
cognitives, les sciences de l'informatique, de l'intelligence =
artificielle, de la robotique, pour aborder les mutations profondes qui =
entra=EEnent, =E0 travers certaines red=E9finitions du vivant, des =
modifications comportementales et cognitives significatives qui =
rel=E8vent des modes d'expressions et des activit=E9s exp=E9rimentales =

Au croisement de ces disciplines, seront =E9tudi=E9s:=20

. Les nouvelles formes de th=E9=E2tres communicationnels qu'autorisent =
et que b=E2tissent les technologies num=E9riques ;=20

. Les diff=E9rents syst=E8mes de mod=E9lisation o=F9 naissent =
aujourd'hui les vies hybrides des =EAtres " humachines " ;=20

. Les espaces virtuels partag=E9s, lieux de collaborations en ligne, qui =
s'enrichissent d'=E9nergies diverses, aux intensit=E9s variables en =
fonction de leurs caract=E9ristiques physico-=E9lectriques, des voies =
qu'elles empruntent, des flux qu'elles g=E9n=E8rent.=20

L'ensemble de ces approches =E0 travers leurs caract=E9ristiques, sont =
en train de d=E9terminer =E0 leur tour les qualit=E9s temporelles =
propres aux actes de communication frapp=E9s de rythmes a/ dia/ poly/ =
synchrones. Par cons=E9quent, les cr=E9ations collectives =E9labor=E9es =
en r=E9seau g=E9n=E8rent des partitions in=E9dites constitu=E9es de =
tissus et de r=E9sidus vivants, issus de co=EFncidences, de connexions, =
de faits et de gestes communicationnels.=20

Ces nouveaux ordres temporels seront abord=E9s et explor=E9s =E0 travers =
le concept du metageste, le geste surhumain engendr=E9 et relay=E9 par =
les proth=E8ses technologiques. Dans cette nouvelle th=E9=E2trologie du =
vivant, sera =E9galement =E9tudi=E9e le skenabiotope, lieu de =
mod=E9lisation et de mise en jeu du metageste qui =E9merge aujourd'hui =
=E0 la jointure du biologique et du technique.

Langues de travail : fran=E7ais, anglais.


L'universit=E9 europ=E9enne d'=E9t=E9 se d=E9roulera sur une p=E9riode =
de huit jours, du vendredi 6 septembre au soir, jusqu'au vendredi 13 =
septembre au soir. Les journ=E9es de travail se repartiront entre :

  a.. interventions magistrales par des personnalit=E9s invit=E9es =
(artistes, scientifiques, th=E9oriciens) ;

  b.. pr=E9sentation de travaux en cours par de jeunes chercheurs et =
artistes (dossiers s=E9lectionn=E9s par le Comit=E9 scientifique) ;=20

  c.. groupes de discussion (p=F4les th=E9matiques) ;

  d.. s=E9ances pl=E9ni=E8res permettant d'approfondir les =E9l=E9ments =
rapport=E9s par ces groupes.

Les groupes de discussion seront articul=E9s autour de quatre p=F4les =
EXPRESSION. Ces p=F4les th=E9matiques ont =E9t=E9 identifi=E9s pour leur =
aptitude =E0 embrasser des approches disciplinaires diverses aux =
questions du vivant et des strat=E9gies num=E9riques. Ils peuvent =EAtre =
abord=E9s sous des angles pr=E9tendument objectifs, relevant de certains =
discours scientifiques,ou sous des angles m=E9taphoriques et =
volontairement subjectifs, relevant de certains discours artistiques.=20

Pendant la semaine seront programm=E9es plusieurs activit=E9s de =
d=E9couverte du patrimoine culturel et scientifique de La Rochelle, dont =
certaines s'int=E9greront directement =E0 la th=E9matique de =
l'Universit=E9 d'=E9t=E9.

Des travaux s=E9lectionn=E9s parmi les dossiers des jeunes chercheurs =
feront l'objet d'une exposition au Technoforum de La Rochelle, un =
vernissage =E9tant pr=E9vu au milieu de la semaine.

Hormis la qualit=E9 interdisciplinaire de la rencontre, l'Universit=E9 =
visera =E0 aiguiser les regards crois=E9s de chercheurs d'origines =
diff=E9rentes, en pla=E7ant au centre du dispositif les travaux de =
jeunes chercheurs et d'artistes de provenances disciplinaires diverses. =
Ces travaux serviront d'objets de d=E9bats et d'analyses, pour =
l'=E9bauche de grilles de lecture =E9ventuellement partageables.=20

L'effectif sera limit=E9 =E0 une quarantaine de personnes, dont une =
trentaine de jeunes chercheurs et artistes, s=E9lectionn=E9s =E0 partir =
de dossiers pr=E9sentant leurs travaux en cours. Les crit=E8res de =
s=E9lection porteront sur :

  a.. l'ad=E9quation entre le projet de recherche et/ ou de cr=E9ation, =
et les axes th=E9matiques d=E9finis ;

  b.. la propension du champ de recherche, tel qu'il est d=E9fini par =
l'auteur, =E0 s'inscrire dans le cadre d'un d=E9bat interdisciplinaire;

  c.. la dimension prospective et novatrice de la recherche sur le plan =
artistique et / ou scientifique, en ce qui concerne son approche du =


Les candidats sont invit=E9s =E0 faire parvenir les =E9l=E9ments =
suivants au Comit=E9 scientifique:

  a.. texte de 500 lignes (3000 signes) exposant le projet de recherche =
et /ou de cr=E9ation en cours (r=E9sum=E9 pouvant =EAtre accompagn=E9 =
d'=E9l=E9ments annexes - sites web, CD ROMs, t=E9moignages =
iconographiques ou audiovisuels.);

  b.. curriculum vitae (pri=E8re de pr=E9ciser vos comp=E9tences =

  c.. lettre de motivation.

Note: il n'y a aucune limite d'=E2ge pour les candidatures : =
l'appellation " jeunes chercheurs  et artistes" d=E9signe les auteurs de =
travaux qualifiables d'=E9mergents, plut=F4t que des travaux de =
chercheurs confirm=E9s dans un ou des secteurs donn=E9s.=20

Conditions d'inscription et de participation:

L'Universit=E9 europ=E9enne d'=E9t=E9 STRATEGIES DIGITALES DU VIVANT est =
sans frais d'inscription pour les candidats retenus. Sont pris en charge =
par les organisateurs :

  a.. l'h=E9bergement =E0 La Rochelle

  b.. les repas de midi

  c.. les activit=E9s de d=E9couverte du patrimoine scientifique et =
culturel de la r=E9gion.

Cette Universit=E9 europ=E9enne d'=E9t=E9 vise, autant que possible, =E0 =
r=E9fl=E9ter la diversit=E9 de l'Europe =E9largie. A cette fin, les =
organisateurs oeuvreront pour faciliter la venue d'artistes et de =
chercheurs provenant de l'Europe centrale et orientale.=20

Afin de g=E9rer le plus =E9quitablement d'=E9ventuelles aides aux =
d=E9placements, pourriez-vous r=E9pondre =E0 la question suivante :

  a.. Avec-vous la possibilit=E9 de b=E9n=E9ficier d'une prise en charge =
partielle ou totale de votre d=E9placement ?


Pri=E8re d'envoyer votre candidature par courrier =E0 l'adresse =
suivante, avec une enveloppe timbr=E9e portant vos coordonn=E9es, pour =
la r=E9-exp=E9dition des =E9l=E9ments.

Universit=E9 europ=E9enne d'=E9t=E9=20

Esi/ MSHS La Rochelle

c/ Sally Jane Norman

Ecole sup=E9rieure de l'image

134, rue de Bordeaux

16000 Angoul=EAme


Date limite de r=E9ception des dossiers: 17/05/2002 / Notification des =
candidats retenus : 24/05/2002

Call for proposals

Digital strategies of the living world

The University of La Rochelle and the Ecole sup=E9rieure de l'image =
(Angoul=EAme/ Poitiers), together with the University of Poitiers, are =
hosting a European Summer University accredited by the French Ministry =
of Education, from September 6th-14th 2002 in La Rochelle. This event is =
part of the " Digital Arts " doctoral programme, launched in autumn 2001 =
by the Ecole sup=E9rieure de l'image and the Universities of Poitiers =
and La Rochelle.

The European Summer University devoted to " Digital Strategies of the =
Living World " targets disciplines including art and aesthetics, =
cognitive and information sciences, artificial intelligence and =
robotics. Its goal is to further debate on the decisive mutations which =
are arising from certain redefinitions of the living world, and which =
are inducing significant behavioural and cognitive changes in artistic =
expression and experimental activities.=20

This interdisciplinary debate will focus on :

. The new kinds of communicational theatres afforded and built by =
digital technologies ;

. The various modeling systems today giving birth to hybrid " humachine =
" lives ;

. Shared virtual spaces, sites of on-line collaboration, driven by =
energies of variable intensities translating factors such as =
physico-electrical attributes, routing behaviours, and flow =

These theatres, systems and spaces are in turn determining temporal =
qualities of communications activities, marked by a-, di- and =
polysynchronous rhythms. Collective online creations are engendering =
novel scores comprised of living tissues and residues, resulting from =
communicational coincidences, connections, deeds and gestures.

Such temporal orders will be approached and explored via the concept of =
the metagesture, or superhuman gesture generated and relayed by =
technological prostheses. In this new theatrology of the living world, =
the Skenabiotope will be proposed as the site for modeling and launching =
today's metagesture, emerging at the crossroads of biology and technics.

Working languages : French, English.


The European Summer University will run for eight days, from Friday =
September 6th in the evening, until Friday Septembre 13th in the =
evening, and structured as follows :

  a.. lectures by invited personalities (artists, scientists, theorists) =

  b.. presentations of ongoing work by young researchers and artists =
(selected by the Scientific Committee) ;

  c.. discussion groups (thematic poles);

  d.. plenary sessions to feed back on and develop debate generated in =
the discussion groups.

Discussion groups will be articulated around four main thematic poles : =
have been identified for their aptitude to accommodate and foster a =
variety of disciplinary approaches to the issues of living systems and =
digital strategies, ranging from literal, purportedly objective =
scientific approaches, through to metaphorical, wilfully subjective =
artistic approaches.=20

Several activities to discover La Rochelle's cultural and scientific =
heritage will be programmed during the week, including visits directly =
related to the European Summer University theme.

An exhibition of works selected from participant files by the Scientific =
Committee will be mounted at La Rochelle Technoforum, and officially =
inaugurated in the middle of the week.=20

Apart from the interdisciplinary qualities conveyed by its theme, this =
encounter aims to enhance exchange between researchers from various =
fields, by establishing a central platform of young artists'  and =
researchers' works. These projects will serve as objects of debate and =
analysis, and allow elaboration of possibly shareable interdisciplinary =
grids for apprehending experimental work.

Participation will be limited to forty attendees, including thirty young =
researchers and artists, selected on the basis of submitted materials, =
as a function of the following criteria :

  a.. match between submitted research and/ or artistic work, and the =
predefined themes ;

  b.. propensity for the research field, as defined by the author, to =
lend itself to interdisciplinary debate ;

  c.. prospective and innovative dimensions of the research at the =
artistic and/ or scientific level, as regards its approach to digital =


Candidates are invited to submit the following elements to the =
Scientific Committee:

  a.. text of 500 lines (3000 signs) describing ongoing research and/or =
creation (this summary may be accompanied by illustrative elements such =
as URLs, CD ROMs, iconographic or audiovisual documents, etc). ;

  b.. curriculum vitae (please specify language skills);

  c.. letter of motivation.

Please note : there is no age limit for candidates : reference to " =
young artists and researchers " designates authors of emerging work, as =
opposed to research which is well established in a given sector or =
cross-disciplinary domain.

Conditions of enrolment and participation:

" is free of charge for selected participants. The organisers will =
provide the following :

  a.. accommodation in La Rochelle

  b.. luncheons

  c.. activities for discovery of the scientific and cultural heritage =
of the region.

This European Summer University aims, as far as possible, to reflect the =
diversity of greater Europe. Consequently, the organisers will try to =
facilitate travel conditions for artists and researchers from Central =
and Eastern European countries.

In the event of availability of allocations for travel, could you please =
answer the following question :

  a.. Is it possible for you to have your travel costs covered partially =
or fully by an institution?


Please send your submission file by mail to the address specified below, =
and include a stamped self-addressed envelope to facilitate return of =

European Summer University

Esi/ MSHS La Rochelle

Sally Jane Norman

Ecole sup=E9rieure de l'image

134, rue de Bordeaux

16000 Angoul=EAme


Deadline for candidatures : May 17th, 2002 / Notification of selected =
candidates : May 24th 2002

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<DIV><FONT size=3D2><I><FONT size=3D7>
<P align=3Djustify></P></I></FONT><B><FONT size=3D6>
<P>&nbsp;</P></FONT><FONT face=3D"Arial Narrow">
<P>Universit=E9 europ=E9enne d&#8217;=E9t=E9 2002</P>
<P>Label Minist=E8re de l&#8217;Education Nationale</P>
<P>Maison des Sciences de l&#8217;Homme et de la Soci=E9t=E9</P>
<P>La Rochelle</P>
<P>6 &#8211; 13 septembre 2002</P></B></FONT><FONT face=3D"Arial Narrow" =
<P><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
<P>Comit=E9 de pilotage&nbsp; / Steering Committee:</P></B><I>
<P>Ecole sup=E9rieure de l&#8217;image</P>
<P>Universit=E9 de La Rochelle</P>
<P>Universit=E9 de Poitiers</P></I><B>
<P>Comit=E9 scientifique&nbsp;/ Scientific Committee:</P></B><I>
<P>Louis Bec</P>
<P>St=E9phane Becuwe</P>
<P>Claire G=E9rard</P>
<P>Sally Jane Norman</P>
<P>Bertrand Vachon</P></I><B>
<P>Partenaires fran=E7ais&nbsp;/ French partners:</P></B><I>
<P>Cypres (Centre Interculturel de Pratiques Recherches et =E9changes=20
Transdisciplinaires, Marseille) </P>
<P>Apollonia (relais pays des Balkans et Europe centrale, Strasbourg) =
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=3Djustify><STRONG>Partenaires europ=E9ens / European=20
<P align=3Djustify>Padeborn University, Allemagne</P>
<P align=3Djustify>Royal Polytechnic (KTH), Stockholm, Su=E8de</P>
<P align=3Djustify>University of Amsterdam, Pays Bas </P>
<P align=3Djustify>Universit=E9 Cyril et Methodius/ Centre d&#8217;art =
Skopje, Mac=E9doine</P>
<P align=3Djustify>Universit=E9 de Graz, Autriche</P>
<P align=3Djustify>Universit=E9 d&#8217;Helsinki, Finlande</P>
<P align=3Djustify>University of Ljubiana, Slov=E9nie</P>
<P align=3Djustify>University of Loughborough, Angleterre</P>
<P align=3Djustify>University of Nottingham, Angleterre</P>
<P align=3Djustify>Universit=E9 de Zurich, Suisse</P>
<P align=3Djustify></P></I></FONT>
<P align=3Djustify>&nbsp;</P><FONT size=3D4>
<P align=3Djustify><STRONG>Appel =E0 projets</STRONG></P></FONT>
<P align=3Djustify><STRONG>Strat=E9gies digitales du =
<P align=3Djustify></P></FONT><FONT size=3D1>
<P align=3Djustify>L&#8217;Universit=E9 de La Rochelle et l&#8217;Ecole =
sup=E9rieure de l&#8217;image=20
(Esi, Angoul=EAme/ Poitiers), avec l&#8217;appui de l&#8217;Universit=E9 =
de Poitiers,=20
organiseront conjointement, du 6 au 14 septembre 2002, une Universit=E9 =
d&#8217;=E9t=E9 agr=E9=E9e par le Minist=E8re de l&#8217;Education =
nationale. L&#8217;assise p=E9dagogique de=20
cette manifestation est la fili=E8re doctorale en "&nbsp;Arts =
cr=E9=E9e en automne 2001 par l&#8217;Esi et les Universit=E9s de =
Poitiers et de La=20
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Sous le th=E8me des "STRATEGIES DIGITALES DU VIVANT", =
universit=E9 europ=E9enne d&#8217;=E9t=E9 associera l&#8217;art, =
l&#8217;esth=E9tique, les sciences=20
cognitives, les sciences de l&#8217;informatique, de =
l&#8217;intelligence artificielle, de=20
la robotique, pour aborder les mutations profondes qui entra=EEnent, =E0 =
certaines red=E9finitions du vivant, des modifications comportementales =
cognitives significatives qui rel=E8vent des modes d'expressions et des =
exp=E9rimentales artistiques. </P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Au croisement de ces disciplines, seront =E9tudi=E9s: =
<P align=3Djustify>. Les nouvelles formes de th=E9=E2tres =
qu&#8217;autorisent et que b=E2tissent les technologies =
num=E9riques&nbsp;; </P>
<P align=3Djustify>. Les diff=E9rents syst=E8mes de mod=E9lisation o=F9 =
aujourd&#8217;hui les vies hybrides des =EAtres =
"&nbsp;humachines&nbsp;"&nbsp;; </P>
<P align=3Djustify>. Les espaces virtuels partag=E9s, lieux de =
collaborations en=20
ligne, qui s&#8217;enrichissent d&#8217;=E9nergies diverses, aux =
intensit=E9s variables en=20
fonction de leurs caract=E9ristiques physico-=E9lectriques, des voies =
empruntent, des flux qu&#8217;elles g=E9n=E8rent. </P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>L'ensemble de ces approches =E0 travers leurs =
sont en train de d=E9terminer =E0 leur tour les qualit=E9s temporelles =
propres aux=20
actes de communication frapp=E9s de rythmes a/ dia/ poly/ =
synchrones&#8230; Par=20
cons=E9quent, les cr=E9ations collectives =E9labor=E9es en r=E9seau =
g=E9n=E8rent des=20
partitions in=E9dites&nbsp;constitu=E9es de tissus et de r=E9sidus =
vivants, issus de=20
co=EFncidences, de connexions, de faits et de gestes =
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Ces nouveaux ordres temporels seront abord=E9s et =
explor=E9s =E0=20
travers le concept du metageste, le geste surhumain engendr=E9 et =
relay=E9 par les=20
proth=E8ses technologiques. Dans cette nouvelle th=E9=E2trologie du =
vivant, sera=20
=E9galement =E9tudi=E9e le skenabiotope, lieu de mod=E9lisation et de =
mise en jeu du=20
metageste qui =E9merge aujourd&#8217;hui =E0 la jointure du biologique =
et du=20
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Langues de travail&nbsp;: fran=E7ais, anglais.</P>
<P align=3Djustify></P><B>
<P align=3Djustify>Organisation</P></B>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>L&#8217;universit=E9 europ=E9enne d&#8217;=E9t=E9 se =
d=E9roulera sur une p=E9riode de=20
huit jours, du vendredi 6 septembre au soir, jusqu&#8217;au vendredi 13 =
septembre au=20
soir. Les journ=E9es de travail se repartiront entre&nbsp;:</P>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>interventions magistrales par des personnalit=E9s invit=E9es =
  scientifiques, th=E9oriciens)&nbsp;;</LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>pr=E9sentation de travaux en cours par de jeunes chercheurs et =
  (dossiers s=E9lectionn=E9s par le Comit=E9 scientifique)&nbsp;; </LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>groupes de discussion (p=F4les th=E9matiques)&nbsp;;</LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>s=E9ances pl=E9ni=E8res permettant d&#8217;approfondir les =
=E9l=E9ments rapport=E9s par ces=20
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Les groupes de discussion seront articul=E9s autour =
de quatre=20
p=F4les th=E9matiques&nbsp;: MODELISATION &#8211; COMPORTEMENTS &#8211; =
&#8211; EXPRESSION. Ces p=F4les th=E9matiques ont =E9t=E9 identifi=E9s =
pour leur aptitude =E0=20
embrasser des approches disciplinaires diverses aux questions du vivant =
et des=20
strat=E9gies num=E9riques. Ils peuvent =EAtre abord=E9s sous des angles =
objectifs, relevant de certains discours scientifiques,ou sous des =
m=E9taphoriques et volontairement subjectifs, relevant de certains =
artistiques. </P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Pendant la semaine seront programm=E9es plusieurs =
activit=E9s de=20
d=E9couverte du patrimoine culturel et scientifique de La Rochelle, dont =
s&#8217;int=E9greront directement =E0 la th=E9matique de =
l&#8217;Universit=E9 d&#8217;=E9t=E9.</P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Des travaux s=E9lectionn=E9s parmi les dossiers des =
chercheurs feront l&#8217;objet d&#8217;une exposition au Technoforum de =
La Rochelle, un=20
vernissage =E9tant pr=E9vu au milieu de la semaine.</P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Hormis la qualit=E9 interdisciplinaire de la =
l&#8217;Universit=E9 visera =E0 aiguiser les regards crois=E9s de =
chercheurs d&#8217;origines=20
diff=E9rentes, en pla=E7ant au centre du dispositif les travaux de =
jeunes chercheurs=20
et d&#8217;artistes de provenances disciplinaires diverses. Ces travaux =
d&#8217;objets de d=E9bats et d&#8217;analyses, pour l&#8217;=E9bauche =
de grilles de lecture=20
=E9ventuellement partageables. </P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>L&#8217;effectif sera limit=E9 =E0 une quarantaine de =
personnes, dont une=20
trentaine de jeunes chercheurs et artistes, s=E9lectionn=E9s =E0 partir =
de dossiers=20
pr=E9sentant leurs travaux en cours. Les crit=E8res de s=E9lection =
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>l&#8217;ad=E9quation entre le projet de recherche et/ ou de =
cr=E9ation, et les axes=20
  th=E9matiques d=E9finis ;</LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>la propension du champ de recherche, tel qu&#8217;il est d=E9fini =
par l&#8217;auteur, =E0=20
  s&#8217;inscrire dans le cadre d&#8217;un d=E9bat =
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>la dimension prospective et novatrice de la recherche sur le plan=20
  artistique et / ou scientifique, en ce qui concerne son approche du=20
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>&nbsp;</P><B>
<P align=3Djustify></P></B>
<P align=3Djustify>Les candidats sont invit=E9s =E0 faire parvenir les =
suivants&nbsp;au Comit=E9 scientifique:</P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>texte de 500 lignes (3000 signes) exposant le projet de recherche =
et /ou=20
  de cr=E9ation en cours (r=E9sum=E9 pouvant =EAtre accompagn=E9 =
d&#8217;=E9l=E9ments annexes &#8211;=20
  sites web, CD ROMs, t=E9moignages iconographiques ou =
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>curriculum vitae (pri=E8re de pr=E9ciser vos comp=E9tences =
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>lettre de motivation.</LI>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Note: il n&#8217;y a aucune limite d&#8217;=E2ge pour =
les candidatures&nbsp;:=20
l&#8217;appellation "&nbsp;jeunes chercheurs&nbsp; et artistes" =
d=E9signe les auteurs de=20
travaux qualifiables d&#8217;=E9mergents, plut=F4t que des travaux de =
chercheurs confirm=E9s=20
dans un ou des secteurs donn=E9s. </P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>&nbsp;</P><B>
<P align=3Djustify>Conditions d&#8217;inscription&nbsp;et de =
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>L&#8217;Universit=E9 europ=E9enne d&#8217;=E9t=E9 =
est sans frais d&#8217;inscription pour les candidats retenus. Sont pris =
en charge par=20
les organisateurs&nbsp;:</P>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>l&#8217;h=E9bergement =E0 La Rochelle</LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>les repas de midi</LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>les activit=E9s de d=E9couverte du patrimoine scientifique et =
culturel de la=20
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Cette Universit=E9 europ=E9enne d&#8217;=E9t=E9 vise, =
autant que possible, =E0=20
r=E9fl=E9ter la diversit=E9 de l&#8217;Europe =E9largie. A cette fin, =
les organisateurs=20
oeuvreront pour faciliter la venue d&#8217;artistes et de chercheurs =
provenant de=20
l&#8217;Europe centrale et orientale. </P>
<P align=3Djustify>Afin de g=E9rer le plus =E9quitablement =
d&#8217;=E9ventuelles aides aux=20
d=E9placements, pourriez-vous r=E9pondre =E0 la question =
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI>Avec-vous la possibilit=E9 de b=E9n=E9ficier d&#8217;une prise en =
charge partielle ou=20
  totale de votre d=E9placement&nbsp;?</LI>
<P align=3Djustify>OUI NON</P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Pri=E8re d&#8217;envoyer votre candidature par =
courrier =E0 l&#8217;adresse=20
suivante, avec une enveloppe timbr=E9e portant vos coordonn=E9es, pour =
r=E9-exp=E9dition des =E9l=E9ments.</P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Universit=E9 europ=E9enne d&#8217;=E9t=E9 </P>
<P align=3Djustify>Esi/ MSHS La Rochelle</P>
<P align=3Djustify>c/ Sally Jane Norman</P>
<P align=3Djustify>Ecole sup=E9rieure de l&#8217;image</P>
<P align=3Djustify>134, rue de Bordeaux</P>
<P align=3Djustify>16000 Angoul=EAme</P></FONT><FONT size=3D2>
<P align=3Djustify></FONT><A href=3D"mailto:contact@eesati.fr"><FONT=20
size=3D1>contact@eesati.fr</FONT></A></P><FONT size=3D1>
<P align=3Djustify></P></FONT><B><FONT size=3D2>
<P align=3Djustify>Date limite de r=E9ception des dossiers: 17/05/2002 / =

Notification des candidats retenus&nbsp;: 24/05/2002</P></B>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>&nbsp;</P></FONT><B><I>
<P align=3Djustify>Call for proposals</P>
<P align=3Djustify>Digital strategies of the living world</P></B><FONT =
<P align=3Djustify></P></FONT><FONT size=3D1>
<P align=3Djustify>The University of La Rochelle and the Ecole =
sup=E9rieure de=20
l&#8217;image (Angoul=EAme/ Poitiers), together with the University of =
Poitiers, are=20
hosting a European Summer University accredited by the French Ministry =
Education, from September 6<SUP>th</SUP>-14<SUP>th</SUP> 2002 in La =
This event is part of the "&nbsp;Digital Arts&nbsp;" doctoral programme, =

launched in autumn 2001 by the Ecole sup=E9rieure de l&#8217;image and =
the Universities=20
of Poitiers and La Rochelle.</P></I>
<P align=3Djustify></P><I>
<P align=3Djustify>The European Summer University devoted to =
Strategies of the Living World&nbsp;" targets disciplines including art =
aesthetics, cognitive and information sciences, artificial intelligence =
robotics. Its goal is to further debate on the decisive mutations which =
arising from certain redefinitions of the living world, and which are =
significant behavioural and cognitive changes in artistic expression and =

experimental activities. </P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>This interdisciplinary debate will focus on :</P>
<P align=3Djustify>. The new kinds of communicational theatres afforded =
and built=20
by digital technologies&nbsp;;</P>
<P align=3Djustify>. The various modeling systems today giving birth to =
"&nbsp;humachine&nbsp;" lives&nbsp;;</P>
<P align=3Djustify>. Shared virtual spaces, sites of on-line =
collaboration, driven=20
by energies of variable intensities translating factors such as=20
physico-electrical attributes, routing behaviours, and flow =
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>These theatres, systems and spaces are in turn =
temporal qualities of communications activities, marked by a-, di- and=20
polysynchronous rhythms. Collective online creations are engendering =
scores comprised of living tissues and residues, resulting from =
coincidences, connections, deeds and gestures.</P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>Such temporal orders will be approached and explored =
via the=20
concept of the metagesture, or superhuman gesture generated and relayed =
technological prostheses. In this new theatrology of the living world, =
Skenabiotope will be proposed as the site for modeling and launching =
metagesture, emerging at the crossroads of biology and technics.</P></I>
<P align=3Djustify></P><I>
<P align=3Djustify>Working languages&nbsp;: French, English.</P></I>
<P align=3Djustify></P><B>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Organisation</EM></P></B>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>The European Summer University will run for eight =
from Friday September 6<SUP>th</SUP> in the evening, until Friday =
13<SUP>th</SUP> in the evening, and structured as =
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>lectures by invited personalities (artists, scientists,=20
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>presentations of ongoing work by young researchers and artists =

  (selected by the Scientific Committee)&nbsp;;</EM></LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>discussion groups (thematic poles);</EM></LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>plenary sessions to feed back on and develop debate generated =
in the=20
  discussion groups.</EM></LI>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Discussion groups will be articulated around four =
thematic poles&nbsp;: MODELING &#8211; BEHAVIOURS &#8211; TIME &amp; =
EXPRESSION. These poles have been identified for their aptitude to =
and foster a variety of disciplinary approaches to the issues of living =
and digital strategies, ranging from literal, purportedly objective =
approaches, through to metaphorical, wilfully subjective artistic =
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Several activities to discover La =
Rochelle&#8217;s cultural and=20
scientific heritage will be programmed during the week, including visits =

directly related to the European Summer University theme.</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>An exhibition of works selected from participant =
files by=20
the Scientific Committee will be mounted at La Rochelle Technoforum, and =

officially inaugurated in the middle of the week. </EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Apart from the interdisciplinary qualities =
conveyed by its=20
theme, this encounter aims to enhance exchange between researchers from =
fields, by establishing a central platform of young artists&#8217;&nbsp; =
researchers&#8217; works. These projects will serve as objects of debate =
and analysis,=20
and allow elaboration of possibly shareable interdisciplinary grids for=20
apprehending experimental work.</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Participation will be limited to forty attendees, =
thirty young researchers and artists, selected on the basis of submitted =

materials, as a function of the following criteria&nbsp;:</EM></P>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>match between submitted research and/ or artistic work, and =
  predefined themes&nbsp;;</EM></LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>propensity for the research field, as defined by the author, =
to lend=20
  itself to interdisciplinary debate&nbsp;;</EM></LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>prospective and innovative dimensions of the research at the =
  and/ or scientific level, as regards its approach to digital=20
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Candidates are invited to submit the=20
following&nbsp;elements to the Scientific Committee:</EM></P>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>text of 500 lines (3000 signs) describing ongoing research =
  creation (this summary may be accompanied by illustrative elements =
such as=20
  URLs, CD ROMs, iconographic or audiovisual documents, =
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>curriculum vitae&nbsp;(please specify language =
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>letter of motivation.</EM></LI>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Please note&nbsp;: there is no age limit for=20
candidates&nbsp;: reference to "&nbsp;young artists and =
designates authors of emerging work, as opposed to research which is =
established in a given sector or cross-disciplinary domain.</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify>&nbsp;</P><B>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Conditions&nbsp;of enrolment and =
<P align=3Djustify></P></B>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>The European Summer University "&nbsp;DIGITAL =
THE LIVING WORLD&nbsp;" is free of charge for selected participants. The =

organisers will provide the following&nbsp;:</EM></P>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>accommodation in La Rochelle</EM></LI>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>activities for discovery of the scientific and cultural =
heritage of=20
  the region.</EM></LI>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>This European Summer University aims, as far as =
to reflect the diversity of greater Europe. Consequently, the organisers =
try to facilitate travel conditions for artists and researchers from =
Central and=20
Eastern European countries.</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>In the event of availability of allocations for =
could you please answer the following question&nbsp;:</EM></P>
  <P align=3Djustify>
  <LI><EM>Is it possible for you to have your travel costs covered =
partially or=20
  fully&nbsp;by an institution?</EM></LI>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>YES NO</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify></P></DIR>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Please send your submission file by mail to the =
specified below, and include a stamped self-addressed envelope to =
return of materials.</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>European Summer University</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Esi/ MSHS La Rochelle</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Sally Jane Norman</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>Ecole sup=E9rieure de l&#8217;image</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>134, rue de Bordeaux</EM></P>
<P align=3Djustify><EM>16000 Angoul=EAme</EM></P></FONT><FONT size=3D2>
<P align=3Djustify></FONT><A href=3D"mailto:contact@eesati.fr"><FONT=20
size=3D1>contact@eesati.fr</FONT></A></P><I><FONT size=3D2>
<P align=3Djustify></P><B>
<P align=3Djustify>Deadline for candidatures&nbsp;: May 17<SUP>th</SUP>, =
2002 /=20
Notification of selected candidates&nbsp;: May 24<SUP>th</SUP>=20
