[spectre] Re: [syndicate] 5th annual Subtle Technologies Conference
clement Thomas
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 10:28:24 +0200
dear Jim,
eyeglassviewing pavu.com Plining Technology through subtle tech prismus
should diffract the light-ray in the middle.
therefore, we invite you to focus both genetics and dance topics through the
En-gArde lunette to walk the After Contemporary plining route.
genetics :
dance :
please considere our hubble contribution a substancial gen to help you
reveal next microseams and strike blurlimits lucky.
wishing you the best always,
the pavu.com team
-/ Invent ! Train ! Walk ! /-
> Hi , I thought some of you might be interested in attending next month's
> Subtle Technologies Conference in Toronto. If anyone has any specific
> questions please feel free to contact me directly. Hope to see you
> there. Sorry for any crossposting.
> Jim
> Blurring the Boundaries Between Art and science
> *MAY 9-12 2002 Innis Townhall 2 Sussex Ave. Toronto Canada*
> _*http://www.subtletechnologies.com*_
> Topics include dance, neurology, genetics, music,
> quantum physics, cultural theory, biological model based animation, and
> more....