[spectre] borderhack at cellspace, san francisco.
fran ilich
Sun, 04 Aug 2002 10:59:07 -0500
------ Mensaje reenviado
De: podp <podpeaz@yahoo.com>
Fecha: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 21:44:55 -0700 (PDT)
Para: fran ilich <ilich@de-lete.tv>
CC: cybercholito@resist.ca
Asunto: 8.4.02 >> a special free film night at cellspace
hola noborder artist / organism(s),
you are no doubt ready to take your artworlds
beyond that archaic Operating System of geopolitical
boundaries and into a specially Un-prepared interzone
where the multiplicity of cultures and shared creative
acts become a vast network of links and living
mechanisms for bypassing the jackals and the
gatekeepers ...
THIS Sunday
at THE Cellspace
Please join us for ;
( some food provided by our kitchen magician
- Maya ... together w/ whatever potluck
offerings you might be able to bring it will be a
! )
previews of Pods'
film program for
the Borderhack 3.0
festival / gathering
taking place in Tijuana
Aug. 16 - 18
( and for more backround
visit www.noborder.org )
And if you are so inspired you can
find out here how you can CARAVAN
w/ us to this most unique midland of art
and social consciousness
at the fringes of our current
globalized mess.
you say you want to make other worlds possible ?!
this is the information you've been waiting for !
Film excerpts from
Sebastio Salgado's "Spectre of Hope"
and a plethora of Culture Jamming documents
saludos !
pod p.
p.s. Due to such short notice :
Please spread the word to all friendly organisms !!
Please try to bring a friend or 2 w/ you !
" As I discovered at the end of my innocence in 1955,
the Border , strictu senso, is a state-sanctioned
system of violence - physical, environmental,
and cultural. Its principal historical function , I
learned later , has been the reproduction of
agricultural + industrial peonage in the American
Southwest ( and more lately , in the maquiladoras as
well as more distant US labor markets ). It penetrates
deeply into millions of lives far from the actual
demarcation of national real-estate. "
------ Fin del mensaje reenviado