[spectre] [darkest europe] seeking a new channel through Java via the Ruelles of LaPigalle

Lachlan Brown lachlan@london.com
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 18:51:02 +0000

>crude representations of 'darkness' often embodied as the 'Black
>African Man'.

-Don't think 'europeans' have a first right rule that applies
 to this...

I didn't come here for a contradiction of Fanon. A 'yes'/'no' (n+1/n-1) 
switch overcoming the discursive complexity and diversity of human cultural
experience and difference [memories.histories.foresight].

Europe produced and reproduces 'race'. An idea that became Europe's clearest distinction. This we can all agree upon from the Caucusus to the Canaries. 
It became Europe's primary export:
'In return for your land, labour, lives we give you Race.' Europe is
so expert in the production of Race that it seems the entire continent
is geared to the perfection of the idea. This has, even last century,
been the policy of Nations, as well as the 'pan-European' ideal.

Perhaps instead of 'the human character' - which seems a little 
monadic and individualistic [probably organised by genetic similarities 
and inbreeding along blood and soil lines] - we might consider the 
character of being human? The question of existence. It is social, 
communicative, deeply cultural, no? And in communication, the media, 
art, culture reveal more subtle and contradictory distinctions that 
seek to subvert binary distinctions of the mere rational in splendid
hybridities and mutations.

>'The human character contains both a light and a dark side, good and bad,

-Like it has ever been...

Camus made Merseault to think this way, but Merseault came to a different conclusion.

Satre alone in the room was inundated with culture. And what culture!

 -Perceivable distinctions always result into crude representaions
 -of differences...


   Ah, yes, perception. How and with what means we perceive. How and 
with what impact difference alters our perception. 

  This is the question.


Lachlan Brown
T(416) 826 6937
VM (416) 822 1123


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