[spectre] Audiences
Annick Bureaud
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 22:42:02 +0800
I just read an amazing, mind-blowing book. It is not enterely in the
focus of your question but should help you understand the growth of the
web. It is a MUST reading for everyone. OK, now the references :
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Linked, Perseus, 2002
It deals with the topology of complex networks. Easy to read despite its
mathematical background and content.
Lachlan Brown wrote:
> Hello scarey Techno-Europeans of 'S.P.E.C.T.R.E.'
> I've just come from the Empyre list where everyone is
> playing Doctor Who to avoid a few difficult ideas about
> Real things and Mez is the Dalek. Needless to say, I was
> unsubscribed two or three times. Probably too clever for my
> own good.
> I am presently doing a rough survey to get a sense of
> userships or audiences for WorldWideWeb sites to compare
> with my first survey of March 1993 (when there were 1,250
> web sites, no users or audiences, and presumably 1,250
> producers.) I have plenty of quantitative detail but I would be interested in the insights of, and value the opinion of, the
> 'ninety-fourers' and the
> 'ninety-fivers' - people who made or curated web sites
> in 1994 and 1995 - regarding the question of kind and extent of
> present audiences.
> I ask because there appears to be very little understanding
> of the mass extent of WWW use and demand for meaningful content.
> There appears to be very little understanding of the potential
> for disseminating art and ideas online.
> To give some sense of the extent of use the WWW and the
> massive audiences for online culture the sites of CTheory, Rhizome,
> and Nettime are respectively 330,000th, 170,000th and 100,000th
> most accessed sites.
> That is, there are 100,000 WorldWideWeb sites accessed by more
> people than access Nettime. Nettime is still considered to be
> a primary means of distributing news about art projects, hence
> it seems to me that artists and curators have 'lost the plot'
> somewhat in sustaining the early influence on the development of
> the WorldWideWeb of arts and critical projects online around that
> time.
> I'd welcome some opinion by long term producers and users
> on the nature of these sites and their audiences/users. I would
> also be very interested in opinion re: why and when this early
> critical and creative intervention by artists, editors and
> curators was superceded.
> That is, why and when was critical and artistic perspicuity
> and foresight replaced by pliancy of intellect and creative ability?
> Luv
> Lachlan
> Lachlan Brown
> been there done that doing it again
> T(416) 826 6937
> VM (416) 822 1123
> --
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