[spectre] FYI - :: d y n e . o r g :: newsletter #4

jaromil jaromil@dyne.org
Fri, 1 Feb 2002 12:01:12 +0100


as long i see it's common practice to post announcements and newsletter
on this list, i hope you'll find interesting to have a read on the
almost monthly newsletter we produce @ dyne.org - updating about our

please feel free to notice me if such a forward results annoying.


    keep updated about /\   \  ::headlines::
    our initiatives:  /::\   \ 
                     /::::\   \  .FreeJ 0.3 series !
    .free software  /::::::\   \  .FreeJ workshop & gig
    .hacktivism    /:::/\:::\   \  .((i))ndymedia DROP
    .netecology   /:::/@@\:::\ n \  .Public Voice Lab
    .workshops   /:::/@@@/\:::\ e \  .MuSE @ LOA hklab
    .seminars   /:::/@@@/  \:::\ w \  .OUR PERFORMANCES
    .events    /:::/@@@/____\:::\ s \  .MuSE 0.6.6
    .code     /:::/@@@/ dyne.org   l \
    .zen     /:::/@@@/_____________ e \
            /::::\   \@@@@@@@@@@@@/\ t \
           /::::::\   \@@@@@@@@@@/::\ t \
          /:::/\:::\   \    /:::/\:::\ e \
         /:::/@@\:::\   \  /:::/@@\:::\ r \
        /:::/@@@/\:::\   \/:::/@@@/\:::\   \
       /:::/@@@/  \:::\  /:::/@@@/  \:::\   \
      /:::/@@@/____\:::\/:::/@@@/____\:::\   \
     /:::/@@@/ 01feb02  \::/@@@/   issue #4   \


                           :: FreeJ 0.3 PRATERHIMMEL ::

=-.we-got-it! FreeJ 0.3 series is out,  up&running  and
 .working very smooothly. this release reaches  a  main
.goal  for  the  project:  to  have  a  HOT   PLUGGABLE
.architecture for video filters &  effects  which  lets
.anybody code his own  DSP  algorithms  (and  customize
.input interface) as a plugin, dinamicly loaded at  any
.time during execution, using C language with a  simple
.API, in fact reaching to set  a  quality  standard  in
.Free Software DSP video manipulation - more docu  will
.spawn ASAP to let the coder community grow and to  set
.free all those veejays around ;)  you  can  chain  all
.those weird effects on your favourite video  source  -
.8 old school demoscene-like effects available allready
.___ _ ___   __  __ _ ___  http://freej.dyne.org .. . . 

       :: Transmediale.02 - FreeVideo workshop & gig ::

=-.a FreeJ workshop will be held  into  the  "Haus  der
 .Kultur der Welt" in Berlin, on the 9th Feb  at  15:00
.jaromil will be present, invited by Transmediale.02 to
.give examples of usage and document the filter  API  -
.also a copy of a special edition DyneBolic CD will  be
.distributed for all the participants - and  check  out
.club.Transmediale which will host a  live  performance
.using Freej _ _ ___ _ __ _  http://www.transmediale.de
.only dyne.org is proposing a  workshop  about  a  FREE
.SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY in the whole festival -
.                  proudly delivering freedom for users
.            freedom even into the academical art scene
. yes --  - proud, indeed ;)

                     :: ((i))ndymedia DROP broadcast ::

=-.Indymedia's  Radio  Group  -   D.R.O.P.  project  is 
 .producing a live  internet  broadcast  starting  from
.january 31st until february 4th with  direct  coverage
.from the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre  (Brazil),
.the World Economic Forum  and  protests  in  NYC,  the
.Munich Conference on Security Policy and protests  and
.featuring additional programming from India,  UK,  San
.Francisco and Seattle among others .. . . .
.dyne.org is volunteering into the project contributing
.technology and support for the D.R.O.P. project,  also
.made available a special edition of DyneBolic bootable
.GNU/Linux CD for indymedia activists to let them  able
.to stream easily on the D.R.O.P. server network _ _ _
.don't hate the media ___ BECOME the media /////
. __ _ _  __  http://radio.indymedia.org/drop __ _  _ _

                   :: Public Voice Lab collaboration ::

=-.dyne.org starts collaborating with  Public Voice Lab
 .joining efforts in developing new free software  tech
.to enhance possibilities with online  radio  streaming
.and MORE!  ___ _ _ _ _ http://www.pvl.at +++

                               :: MuSE @ LOA hacklab ::

=-.coming up on the 23th february a  workshop  held  by
 .jaromil about network audio streaming - MuSE -- - -- 
.digital sound manipulation over the network -- how  to
.setup you own network radio in few simple steps, using
.only free software __ experience grown with indymedia
.everything at the LOA HACKLAB -  centro  sociale  BULK
. MILANO ___ _ __ _ http://www.ecn.org/loa
. http://www.ecn.org/bulk ___ __ _ _ _   _   _

                            :: BOOK OUR PERFORMANCES ::
=-.if you're organizing partyes or  events,  more  than
 .ever if they  are  in  some  way  related  with  Free
.Software or free technologies, consider to BOOK one of
.our PERFORMANCES  !!  every  production  we  offer  is
.running completely on free software we are developing,
.you'll get full credits and announcements on our pages
. - - - > feel free to  contact jaromil@dyne.org
.for any further information // check dyne.org/timezone
.to know more about past and upcoming events _ _ _ 
. ____  ___  __  _  _  http://dyne.org/perform.php ++++

                           :: MuSE 0.6.6 & new plans ::

=-.MuSE 0.6.6 is out and GOOD NEWS the 0.7  is  on  the
 .way featuring a brand new  GTK+  graphical  interface
.contributed by a NEW ENTRY  into  the  team:  nightolo
.also further development  will  be  focusing  on  full
.integration of  OGG/VORBIS  streaming  technology  and
.icecast2 support -- - -  -   to make your voice heard!
.free software for free radios - - http://muse.dyne.org

......all the content of this newsletter is NO(c)......
....you're welcome to reproduce it entirely or in......
.........part, with any media and in any form..........
.....to (un)subscribe go to http://dyne.org/news.......
 . . ..  . . .. . . ..  . . . .. . .. ..  . ...  ... .
.  .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

jaromil  ][   http://dyne.org   ][  GnuPG _key__id_
EDEE F1B9 DC92 76C0 6D46  D77A 58B0 82D6 (5B6E 6D97)