[spectre] Featured Artists on le Musee di-visioniste
Agricola de Cologne
Agricola de Cologne" <nc-agricowi@netcologne.de
Sun, 10 Feb 2002 20:00:48 +0100
Featured artists on le Musee di-visioniste
Le Musee di-visioniste
is happy to continue the series of
Features Artists online.
*The 1st edition published in November 2001 featured Steve Tanza (STANZA).
*The 2nd edition published in December 2001 featured
1. Wayne Quilliam, aboriginal photographer/artist
2. Ricardo Mbarak, Paris based young Lebanese artist
3. Kevin Jones US media artist
**Now, the 3rd edition is online, featuring
four artists from different artistic and cultural backgrounds and countries.
***A) Brice Bowman, San Francisco based media artist:
Project: 'Nothing to declare'
***B)Max Hattler and Martin Heaton, Berlin and London based media artists
who collaborated in different art projects: project: 'Pig'
***C) Irina Pascali, young Macedonian video artist:
project: 'On the way to, from Macedonia'
***D) Zaka Zeleznikar, net artist from Slovenia, wo participated in a
variety of
national and international exhibitions and festivals: project: 'Poem for
Visit www.le-musee-divisioniste.org and enjoy the features.
B) Invitation
Artists, who would like to participate in the **Featured Artists** series
are invited to submit their excellent projects (net based or physical,
documented or dispayed online on a website)
for review.
Please send the URL(s) of your project(s), short biography (not more than
200 words)
and a short description of the project to be submitted (not more than 300
words) and, finally 3 screen shots,
and send the material via email to
The next edition (edition 04) will be published in April 2002,
submissions are welcome for edition 6 or later.
Agricola de Cologne
Press - Le Musee divisioniste
Le Musee di-visioniste -
corporate member of
NewMediaArtProjectNetwork -
the experimental artistic platform.