[spectre] Mirror at the bottom - now online!

NewMediaArtProjectNetwork NewMediaArtProjectNetwork" <info@nmartproject.net
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 20:52:18 +0200

"A Virtual Memorial" and
"Le Musee di-visioniste"
are happy to launch the online exhibition

"Mirror at the Bottom -
Artists portraiting themselves"

curated by Agricola de de Cologne.

"Artists' self-portraits belong to the most fascinating artistic formats
since here the viewer gets a lot of more information about an artist than
through his working in other type of formats.
The view through the mirror at the bottom offers a critical reflection
either connected to an ideal image or its contrary.
154 artists submitted about 300 works. Each artist represents in his
individuality a different unique approach to self-reflection and to art a=
This online show encompasses a wide range of media and individual styles.
It represents a composition from virtual, net based "new media" to
traditional, physical
"old media" (but digitalized) artworks, and, in this way, an art work of

The exhibition will run during July and August on A Virtual Memorial
www.a-virtual-memorial.org or alternatively
in the framework of "Features of the Month"
and in September/October on
Le Musee di-visioniste www.le-musee-divisioniste.org
in the framework of "Featured Projects",
and will remain online for permanent, afterwards.


A Virtual Memorial - Memorial project against the Forgetting and for
is an ongoing, award winning New Media art project since 01.01.2000
created, edited and curated by Agricola de Cologne.
Recently presented in Version02 at Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago/USA.

Le Musee di-visioniste www.le-musee-divisioniste.org
is an online museum based on a philosophical idea.

Both online projects are corporative members of NewMediaArtProjectNetwork=
the experimental online platform for the arts.

Agricola de Cologne, multi-disciplinary media artist from Germany
is the creator, founder, editor, producer of NewMediaArtProjectNetwork
and its seven corporate sites.


These are the 154 participating artists from 37 countries:

Albrecht, Dorothee
Armstrong, Steve
Aubrymore, Yves
Agricola de Cologne
Bacelli, Vittorio
Barros, Rita
Bas, Bulent
Bechrakis, Evgenia
Beltran, J.D.
Bensko, Tantra
Bitterman und Duka
Boone, John
Boyer, Dan
Caceres, Anahi
Cahen, Xavier
Campanella, Petra
Ceolin, Maurizio
Christion, Enrico
Cianci, Lisa
Clara, Gerry
Clauss, Nicolas
Comanescu, Nicolae
Consalvez, Tina
Cook, Jo Cook
Coremberg, Irene
Cordova, Paula
Della Beffa, Carla
Delgado, Fernando G.
Doman, Eileen
Dohrmann, Robert
Drouhin, Reynald
el Safti, Moataz
Eyman, Andrew
Fiks Yevgeniy
Gaba, Letitia
Gaida, Judith
Garwood, Deborah
Giannis, Greg
Gintas K.
Golumbia, David
Gordon, Coco
Gould, Melissa
Grancher, Valerie
Gray, Don
Greenberg, Max
Guedea, Alberto
Hackemann, Rebecca
Hai Dai
Hankwitz, Molly
Heier, Cornelia
Hilpert, Ilse
Holtzer, Oliver
Holz, Joachim
Hyv=E4rinen, Aimo
Ittersum, Barbara v.
Jankovic, Milos
Johannson, Tiia
Johnson, Jeheshua
Jones, Barry R.
Joseph, Rene
Jameson-Pelizzari, H.
Judy, Brian
Karkowski, Michael v.
Karlowitz, Bernhard
Kase, Dagmar
Kelomees, Raivo
Kerf, Franziska
Kirillov, Oleg
Kjok, Solveig
Klimek, Gabriele
Konart, Tomasz
Kouladjie, Shirin
Kuslansky, Karen
Kustre, Ante
Lai, Tamara
Lewarne, Eva
Lee, Bovey
Loseby, Jess
Lubrich, Richard
Lynch, Mary
Manghi, Jorge
Margolles, Jorge
Mehrotra, Jaideep
Menenses, Ned
Mikhailov, Andrej
Montant, Laurent
Montini, Robert
Murphy, John
Musri, Mirella
Neufeld, Brigitte
Newman, Kathleen
Nicolic, Misa
Norris, Sam
Olejarz, Harold
Olivero, Domenico
Oliveto, James
O'Malley, Feargal
Panayotova, Elena
Papp, Gabor
Parado, Frim
Pernecka, Sara
Perro, Florentine
Pico, Ima
Pieke, Linda
Pilipovic, Nicola
Pope, Ivan
Portrait of the Artist
Rabinowitz, Arlene
Radovic, Natasa
Reill, Alexandra
Ricciardi, Angelo
Rizea, Luiza
Roca, Anton
Rollin, Timoth=E9e
Sachse,  Martin
Salcher, Beatrix
Sandkuehler, Abhika
Santune, Frederique
Sassu, Antonio
Segal, Ken
Smylie, Barry
Soika, Karin Ulrike
Spielman, Gavin
Stuart, Fred
Tchebunin, Oleg
Thomas, Geoffrey
Tudor, Floe
Tulipana, Paul
Turner, Jeremy Owen
Ulanowsky, Igor
Ulbrich, Thomas
Ulto, Melissa
Ungerer, Helen
Urban, Alexander
Urzyn, Anna
Vatamanu, Mona
Vauda, Marija
Veszely, Beate
Viale, Susanna
Vieira, Jos=E9
Vornmoor, Kerstin M.
Wengel, Roswitha
Yepes, Andres
Zalaznik, Janez
Zanni, Carlo
Zint, Annekatrin


PRESS NewMediaArtProjectNetwork
contact: press@nmartproject.net

Minimum technical requirements:
1024x768 VGA resolution, soundCard
Pentium III 800 Mhz or comparable MAC
Flash 6, MS Internet Explorer 5.0+ or
Netscape 6.0+
minimum 64K modem, recommended DSL highspeedmodem