[spectre] V2_: New Publication: TransUrbanism

V2_Organisation marjolein@v2.nl
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 10:36:31 +0200

Publication TransUrbanism
urbanism + transformation
urbanism + globalization

TransUrbanism is urbanism plus transformation. TransUrbanism is urbanism
plus globalization. The city is no longer a clearly localizable spatial
unit, but has transformed into an =93urban field,=94 a collection of activit=
instead of a material structure. Cities today are in a state of continuous
decomposition, but are also continually reorganizing and rearranging
themselves, expanding and shrinking.

TransUrbanism is a design strategy that allows cities to organize
themselves as complex systems, where small local structures incorporate
global flows.

The book features essays, interviews and projects from:

Arjen Mulder: TransUrbanism
Andreas Ruby: Transgressing Urbanism
Arjun Appadurai: The Right to Participate in the Work of the Imagination
Scott Lash: Informational Totemism
Lars Spuybroek: The Structure of Vagueness
Edward Soja: Restructuring the Industrial Capitalist City
Mark Wigley: Resisting the City
Roemer van Toorn: Against the Hijacking of the Multitude
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Alien Relationships with Public Space
Lars Spuybroek meets Rem Koolhaas: Africa Comes First
Knowbotic Research: Codes Bad Guys Space
Brett Steele: Transitory Image Spaces: Urbanism 2.0

TransUrbanism is: Illustrated full color, Paperback, 240 pages, 16x23 cm,
Text in English
ISBN: 90-5662-236-6
Price: * 22,50

Editorial Team: Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder (editors-in-chief), Laura Martz
Design: Joke Brouwer
Published by: V2_Publishing/NAI Publishers
This book is made possible by the Netherlands Architecture Fund
(Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur), Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

The Body Movies project by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer featured in the book,
recently received two prestigious prizes: America's leading critical
magazine I.D. Magazine's Golden Award 2002, category Interactive Media
Design and Austria's Prix Ars Electronica 2002's 2nd Prize in Interactive Ar=

More information can also be found on: www.v2.nl/books
On this URL it is also possible to order TransUrbanism on line.

Note for the editors (not for publication):

=46or extra images, interview applications and/or more background informatio=
you can contact:

V2_, Marije Stijkel, Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012 XL Rotterdam, phone: +31
(0)10 206 72 72, e-mail: marije@v2.nl