[spectre] Vasulka media archive
milos" <milos.vojtechovsky@fcca.cz
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 15:21:44 +0200
zveme vas na dalsi vecer letni videoprojekce v klubu Jeleni/
you are invited to visit another summer videoprojection in VideoKlub Jele=
program streda/wedensday 17.July/cervence
(prace z mediaarchivu Steiny a Woody Vasulky/Excerpts from the Archive of
Steina and Woody Vasulka)
projekce zacina v 20.00 a je obohacena skrovnym osvezenim ..
projection from 8.p.m.
1.Woody a Steina: Golden Voyage, 14:20, 1974
Animace je zajimavou ukazkou ranych pokusu a noveho pristupu k moznostem
videa, generovani obrazu a zaroven interpretaci surrealismu a hlavne dil=
malire Rene Magritta.
2.Participation: Woody a Steina, 1971, (vyber)
pasmo bylo sestaveno pro "Third Documentary Festival at Global Village =
1977. Zabery z let 1969 az 1971. Kamera zachycuje atmosferu vrcholu
kontrakultury 60. let v New Yorku jako jsou travestit show, unikatni zabe=
ze skupiny umelcu kolem Andy Warhola, fragmenty z koncertu Milese Davise,
Jethro Tull, Jimi Hendrixe..)
assembled for the Third Documentary Festival at Global Village May 1977. =
original material was recorded between 1969 and 1971. The videocamera as
participant in an event such as a transvestite show, talkshow with
transvestites (Warhol group), music performance (a.o. Miles Davis, Jethro
Tull, Jimi Hendrix and a street musician), a pornographic performance (ma=
and female blended together), and a singer in close-up singing the Beatle=
song "Let it Be" (Steins). R. Frieling
3.Steina a Woody, Don Cherry, 1970,19.20
dokument z poulicniho koncertu jednoho z nejvetsich muzikantu fuze jazzu =
etnicke hudby.(+1995)
The videocamera as participant in a performance by famous musician Don
Cherry(died 1995) as a street musician on a rooftop and under the arch of
Washington Square playing a variety of instruments.
4.Woody: Hybrid Automata, 1993, 08:45
dokument o serii instalaci ktere pozdeji tranformovali do gesamtkunstwerk=
The Brotherhood.
5. Steina, Orka, 1997, 15:00
6. Steina,Trevor, 1999, 11:00
7. Steina, Warp, 2000, 04:50
Promitano bude z VHS prepsanych z kolekce digitalnich pasek, darovanych N=
Steinou a Woody Vasulka v roce 2001. Po dohode s autory a Centrem je mozn=
prepis nekterych pasek pro studijni a nekomercni ucely.
vstup: 10. kc
The Vasulka Archive aktualne obsahuje 27,000 stranek dokumentu
zachycujicich deina videa a elektronickeho umeni: clanky, eseje, rozhovor=
schemata, diagramy, ilustrace, plakaty, programy koncertu, fotografie a
korespondenci. Vetsina dokumentu je z kontextu Steiny a Woodyho, ale mimo
nich jsou predstaveny prace dalsich 200 umelcu. Nektere dokumenty jsou z
periodik, ktere jsou jiz nedostupne a zbytek z osobnich archivu Vasulkovy=
doplnenych darovanymi materialy z archivu Petera Crowna, David Dunna, Ral=
Hockinga, Sherry Millera, Phila Mortona, Lynda Rodolitzove, Juda Yalkuta,
and Gene Youngblooda. Archiv je ve velke vetsine dostupny na internetu a =
se v nem hledat pomoci Full Text Search Engine. V budoucnosti bude archiv
doplnen mnoha hodinami audia ve formatu MP3 a dalsimi video zaznamy v
rozsahu priblizne 1000 hodin. Originaly jsou dnes v archivu Daniel Langl=
Foundation v Montrealu, Kanade.
(Projekt Otevreneho Media Archivu je prispevkem ke zverejneni dokumentace
dejin elektronickeho umeni v ceskoslovensku a stredni evrope.)
The Vasulka Archive currently consists of over 27,000 pages of documents
relevant to the history of video and electronic art. These include articl=
essays, interviews, reviews, schematics, diagrams, illustrations, posters=
concert programs, photographs, and correspondence. While a large percenta=
of this material directly relates to the art and careers of Steina and Wo=
Vasulka, there are well over 200 artists and scholars represented. Some o=
the material has been taken from periodicals that are both in and out of
print. The rest has been taken from the personal collection of the Vasulk=
that began over thirty years ago. In addition to the Vasulkas, Peter Crow=
David Dunn, Ralph Hocking, Sherry Miller, Phil Morton, Lynda Rodolitz, Ju=
Yalkut, and Gene Youngblood have donated archive material.
Since the archive is intended as a research tool we have decided to allow
research access during the Archive's construction in order to help us def=
what is of most interest to scholars. The vast majority of the archive ca=
now be accessed through our new Full Text Search Engine. You can also bro=
the older version of the archive (older non-searchable PDF files).
In the future, while continuing to expand the document collection, we wil=
add many hours of audio interviews in MP3 format, make available the sour=
code for early digital imaging experiments, and begin the immense task of
including video materials selected from the 1,000 hours in the extended
Vasulka Archive.
Most of the originals to which this electronic archive refers now reside =
the permanent collection of the Daniel Langlois Foundation in Montreal,
Canada. This electronic archive is intended as a noncommercial scholarly
resource and preservation strategy. All copyrights reside with the origin=
authors and/or publishers of these materials. Be advised that none of the=
documents are available for distribution without the permission of their
authors. We will also remove any materials from the server at the request=
any of the authors and/or publishers.
Centum pro soucasne umeni
Jeleni 9
118 00 Praha 1
tel +420 2 24373178
email: lab@fcca.cz
stanice tram.22 a 23 Brusnice
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Verze: 6.0.375 / Virov=E1 b=E1ze: 210 - datum vyd=E1n=ED: 10.7.2002