[spectre] NET.FILM
Josephine Bosma
Fri, 08 Mar 2002 09:11:51 +0100
>From an interview with Olia Lialina in 1997:
"... I started to make net.films. At first I thought how I could
represent film on the net. After some time I understood that its not
necesary to represent film itself, but if you can put your filmic way of
thinking in the net, in this environment, it is more useful, more
interesting. You can do more with both. So I tried to experiment with
language, to combine film and net.language, but now I am more concerned
with developing net.language itself. I want things to speak their own
language. For me for example net.reality is not only the cyberideology.
I think that many things from real life can exist in the net, many
feelings, many thoughts. But they should speak the language of where
they are. If something is in the net, it should speak in net.language."
Synne Bull wrote:
> The characteristics of NET.FILM: