[spectre] listen to 64 hearbeats online

jaromil jaromil@dyne.org
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 21:34:00 +0100

annunciazio' annunciazio'!

the 92v.2.0 group proudly presents

S O P H I S T I C A T E D    S O I R E E
rendering a Neal Stephenson vision from cryptonomicon

gathering together 64 heartbeats, calculating their beats per minute
checking when they are in sync (same BPM) and in phase (same BPM &&
beating at the same time);
converting all this information into MIDI signals interpreted by musical
instruments and visuals;
making all this listened and viewed by the same people that is giving
the heartbeats (!biofeedback! short cirtuiting your inner rithms)
easy lounge into BerlinerFestSpiele House - have your cocktail and check
who is in sync/phase == get to know synced people == enjoy your time

oh well, i'm glad that you're not here BUT
mp3 stream on:

this music is made out of 64 heartbeats of people present at the soiree,
everything live

TODAY 11th MARCH 22:00 CET
12th MARCH 22:00 CET
16th MARCH 22:00 CET
17th MARCH 22:00 CET

92v.2.0 is:
Eric Berger = technical design, PD+GEM visuals
Eva Dranaz = visual design
jaromil = software design and development
rantasa = idea and concept
zeitbloom = sounddesign and production
with the partecipation of:
pure and august black = sounddesign, setup and good vibes

featuring a live band composed by
martin "sickman" siewert = guitar and electronics
martin brandlmayr = drums and percussions
joe "sleeper" williamson = bass

jaromil  ][   http://dyne.org   ][  GnuPG _key__id_
EDEE F1B9 DC92 76C0 6D46  D77A 58B0 82D6 (5B6E 6D97)