[spectre] Version>02 Digital Arts Convergence, Chicago, April 18-20 2002

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck@transmediale.de
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 10:49:22 +0200

(from nettime)

Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 22:01:29 +1100
=46rom: geert <geert@xs4all.nl>
Subject: Version>02 Digital Arts Convergence : A tour through the Digital
Commons (Chicago, April 18-20 2002)

April 18-20, 2002
Museum of Contemporary Art, 220 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago Ilinois, USA
 http://www.versionfest.org (temp weblog - please go there and participate

=46or the first iteration of this event new media producers, artists,
musicians, filmmakers, programmers, tactical media provocateurs, designers,
information architects, and critical thinkers are asked to comment on the
state of the digital commons.

The digital commons is a metaphor for the public space that we use to
communicate and distribute ideas, where we share tools and resources, and
influences. It is a place for commerce, art and the transmission of

The digital commons requires dialogue about intellectual property, the
balance between civil liberties and security, freedom of speech and privacy,
issues of access, and the implications of tool use. Some herald the internet
and the global communications infrastructure as a protected space that
allows creativity and innovation to flourish. Others argue that that our
civil liberties are at risk and we are entering a society more perfectly
monitored and filtered than any in history. Version>02 focuses on the issues
that are defining this debate.

Version>02 is a tour through "the digital commons" and offers an opportunity
to meet those who tend to the gardens, fences, and pathways, and to
investigate the threats and opportunities that the digital commons face. The
MCA Theater offers three days of musical performances, films, and a series
of panel discussions. The Version Lab, adjacent to the theater, provides
gallery space for artists and performers, and The Lobby is transformed into
an informational space for web installations and demonstrations by some of
the best in the emergent digital arts cultures.

A DVD, a Version>02 issue of Select Magazine and an online web gallery are
being produced to accompany the event.

Version>02 The digital arts and technology convergence is presented by the
Museum of Contemporary Art, Select Media, and OVT.

::: Thursday April 18,2002 1 pm through 1am :::

Program One: In the MCA theater

Panels: [ Round Table Version]
1 pm:  The Work of Art in the Age of Convergence White Cerasulo, Miltos

3 pm: "Who's the Tool?" Espenschied, and John Dekam

=46ilm Programs: [Screen version]
6 pm: JAM THE BOX Mark Hosler presents the latest work of Negativland Films
(With Q & A)

10:30 pm: featured film Information War: The Hactivists, plus shorts from

12 am: Chicago Underground Film Festival, Control :

Concerts [Stage version]
8pm: Animal Charm http://www.animalcharm.com/, OVT Visuals,
http://www.ovtvisuals.com, Scott Gibbons http://nomusic.hispeed.com and Dave
=46oss http://www.davyforce.com

Program Two: Version Lab 12 pm through 1am Version Lab features works by
motion graphic designers, animators, video and sound artists taking form as
live video, net.art, workshops performance and installations.

Lab  Film Programs: [Screen version]
12 pm-5pm TBA

Lab Presentation:
5pm Scott Reeder (American Movie and Zero TV)
A discussion plus question & answer period on filmmaking and distribution,
with a focus on showing the works of the Zero TV collective.

Lab Performances:
6pm- 1am
TV Pow
TeleScene, April Noise and Art Jones
Salvo Beta

AFTER VERSION: offsite Version>02 events
10:30 pm  Heaven Gallery. : DJ Another Astronaut, White Collar Crime and
special guests.

::: Friday, April 19,2002 :::

Program One: In the MCA theater 1 pm through 1am
Panels: [ Round Table Version]
1 pm:  Version>Control Sassen, and representatives from the American Civil
Liberties Union

3 pm:  Naked Apprehensions of Technology (copresented with Nomads  &
Homesteaders of the School of the Art Institute) Art Ensemble, Dan Sandin,
Katherine Behar, Jon Cates, and Tiffany Holmes

=46ilm Programs: [Screen version]
6 pm:  Video Data Bank presents E-[d]entity, part 1 World Premier

10:30 pm : Video Data Bank presents E-[d]entity, part 2 World Premier

12 am: Aesthetic underground, digital animation and short films by Katsura
Moshino (Nobukazu Takemura), Jon Cates, Lobo, Doug Lussenhop, J Cookson, and

Concerts [Stage version]
8 pm: Hexstatic (Ninja Tune)  http://www.hexstatic.co.uk
Johnny DeKam - Bubbling Crude

Program Two: In the Version Lab 12 pm through 1am

Lab  Film Programs: [Screen version]
12pm This Is What Democracy Looks Like =82 Big Noise Films

1pm: TBA

9pm:  The Ad and The Ego

Lab Presentation, Panels, Readings:
2:30pm  Sub>Version with Institute of Applied Autonomy, Adbusters, Stephen
Marshall, Mark Hosler of Negativland and Brett Bloom.

5pm Karl Heintz  telepoetry reading

5:45pm UnKnowntext reading

6:30pm The Powers of Power Point

Lab Performances:
7pm- 1am
Dan Bitney and Selina Trepp-
A Very Sensitive Device
Merkab vs PRDF

AFTER VERSION: offsite Version>02 events
9:30pm Empty Bottle: Magas, 8-Bit Construction Set  9 pm -

10:30 pm  SAIC N&H program tba

::::Saturday, April 20, 2002:::

Program One: In the MCA theater 1 pm through 1am

Panels: [ Round Table Version]
1pm:  Alt.Media [copresented with Columbia College, Chicago] Marshall,
Sander Hicks, Rachel Rinaldo, Paul Dechene and Dave Niddrie (Adbusters), J
Cookson, Eric Galatas and Ed Marszewski

3 pm:  Creative Technology as Weaponry (copresented with Nomads  &
Homesteaders of the School of the Art Institute) EnsembleBeth Coleman, Katie
Salen, Beth Coleman, Jackie Soohen, and Art Jones.

=46ilm Programs: [Screen version]
6 pm: We Interrupt This Broadcast : Shorts and animations by Doug Lussenhop,
GNN, Cell Media, Dave Foss Las Agencias, Enron , J Cookson.

10:30 pm: Digital Diversions: International Experimental Video
Co-Presented by Chicago Filmmakers and Columbia College Chicago

12 am: Interventions in the Public Sphere

Concerts [Stage version]
8pm  featured artists John McEntire, John Herndon, (Tortoise) and Casey Rice
plus cgc (aka Chris Clepper),Jordan Benwick (Vancouver), Rdie (Shea Ako + TJ

Program Two: In the Version Lab 12 pm through 1am

Lab Presentation, Panels, Readings:
3:30pm  Institute For Applied Autonomy Workshop

5pm Developing a Tactical Language

7pm Anonymous  Federated http://www.anonfed.com

Lab Performances:
8 pm- 1am
Pulse Programming

AFTER VERSION: offsite Version>02 events
    10:30pm  Square One aVersion program tba

10:30 pm  Beige Records World CJ Cassette Battle

PROJECT VERSION Additional projects in development in conjunction with
Version>02 take place throughout Chicago and include:

Datamap. Jim Costanza, GPS satellite mapping of the commons in Chicago.

Public Bicycle Radio by WPBR

Derek Lerner SHOW&TELL

World Championship Cassette DJ battle http://www.post-data.org/cassette

The Republic of Delicious Food=BCs Tea House

The Jackal Project

A tour of Chicago's leading edge galleries and alternative spaces on Sunday
afternoon with participating spaces.  The public may also visit the spaces
on their own time to view current ideas from digital artists.

Spaces include:
Julia Friedman
Monique Meloche
Q Studios
Square One
Seven Three Split

Right After version>02 Sunday April 21, 9pm Fireside Bowl: White Collar
Crime, TV Sheriff, Animal Charm, OVT

NET VERSION http://www.versionfest.org
=46eatures of the site include: festival info, article submission and debate=
forums and net.art gallery. Exchange Version is being used to post articles
and papers informing the Version>02 participants and the public about the
issues surrounding the Version>02 convergence. The site is created form
freeware using open source code. Net gallery program TBA

Version People::
Version>02 Organizers include Ed Marszewski, Brien Rullman, Karl Kuhn and
Brian Dressel.

Version>02 Coordinators include Yolanda Cursach, Elysia Borowy, Paul B.
Davis, Michael Digioia, Geert Lovink, Liz Revision, , and Nato Thompson,
Logan Bay, Joel Bruner, Nomads and Homesteaders (SAIC), Columbia College
(Pulse 2002), Robert Wyrod, Rachel Rinaldo., Todd Carter

Concert Tickets - $10 in advance; $13 at the door
3-day pass to all films, panels and installations - $10

=46or tickets, call 312.397.4010 or visit mcachicago.org.
Complete schedule listings at http://www.versionfest.org.

Version>02 Media sponsors:
New Art Examiner
Select Magazine
Beige Records

2001-2001 MCA Performances are generously sponsored by:
Lead Corporate Sponsor
Phillip Morris
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
The Kovler Family Foundation
American Airlines

=46or more information contact ed@select-media.com

Press inquires:
Eileen Chambers eileenc@carolfoxassociates.com