Thu, 28 Mar 2002 12:44:37 +0100
From: Trieste Contemporanea <tscont@tin.it>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 17:36:25 +0100
Subject: design contest
"The designers of 21 countries of Central Eastern Europe are called to
apply by the 28th of September 2002 to the Fifth International Design
Contest Trieste Contemporanea on the theme of Blown Glassware. The winning
designer will be awarded a prize of 2500 EURO and will be invited to Murano
(Venice) to assist to the execution to the prototype. The Contest
regulations are available on www.tscont.ts.it. For further information
please contact the Trieste Contemporanea Committee, e-mail tscont@tin.it,
tel 0039 040 639187, fax 0039 040 367601."
Dear Sirs,=20
We are pleased to announce the Fifth edition of the International Design
Contest Trieste Contemporanea, a biennial event which aims at spreading the
most original design expressions of the Central-Eastern European countries
and will be dedicated this year to blown glassware.
Together with the Venice Forum initiative, established last year on
occasion of the Arts Biennale with the objective of assessing the state of
culture in the countries of Central Eastern Europe, the design contest is
one of the most significant events among those organised by the Trieste
Contemporanea Committee to promote reciprocal understanding and exchange
among the countries of this region of Europe by way of a wide range of
cultural activities in the field of visual arts, music and cinema.
This year's contest is open to designers from 21 countries (Albania,
Austria, Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic,
Estonia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldavia, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia
and Ukraine). The candidates are asked to submit a project for any type of
functional object to be produced using the blown glass technique, the
objective being that of stimulating a creative research capable of
proposing new aesthetic and formal contemporary pathways in the specific
tradition of the Muranese glassware industry.
An international jury, presided by Gillo Dorfles with the technical
consultancy of the master glassblower Andrea Zilio, will award a first
prize of 2500 EURO to the best project. The first prize also includes
travel and accommodation in Murano (Venice) to assist to the execution of
the prototype. The youngest designer among those selected will be awarded
with the special BEBA prize and will be given the opportunity to
participate to a workshop at the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano
by courtesy of the Trieste Contemporanea Committee.
All the selected projects will be realized in Murano by the Scuola del
Vetro and will become part of an exhibition which starting from the lagoon
city will subsequently travel to other cities of Europe, the first being
The contest is the result of a collaboration among the Trieste
Contemporanea Committee, the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti and the
Municipal Museums of Venice-Glass Museum of Murano, under the patronage of
CEI (Central European Initiative), with the participation of the
Kozep-Europai Kulturalis Intezet-Central European Cultural Institute
(Budapest) and the Laura und Franz Leopoldt Foundation (Weissenstadt), and
organised with the support of Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia and
Fondazione CRTrieste.=20
We would be very grateful if you could kindly help us reach the widest
possible number of designers in your country by circulating the enclosed
contest announcement and, if possible, supplying us with the addresses of
associations, institutions, designers and specialist magazines to which we
may send the necessary information.
Our contact address is: Trieste Contemporanea Committee, via del Monte 2/1,
34121 Trieste, Italy, e-mail tscont@tin.it, tel. 0039 040 639187, fax 0039
040 367601.
Whilst hoping this initiative may meet with your favour, we thank you for
your kind attention,
Yours faithfully,=20
Alessandra Nicolini
Trieste Contemporanea Committee
Trieste Contemporanea Committee
under the patronage of
Central European Initiative (CEI)
with the contribution of
Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Fondazione CRTrieste=20
in collaboration with
Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti di Murano
Musei Civici Veneziani - Museo del Vetro di Murano
and with the participation of
Laura und Franz Leupoldt Stiftung, Weissenstadt (Germany)
Kozep-Europai Kulturalis Intezet-Central European Cultural Institute, Budap=
est (Hungary)
Design in the furnace
Art. 1 Purpose of the contest
The Trieste Contemporanea Committee organizes, with the contribution of Reg=
ione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Fondazione CRTrieste, the fifth edi=
tion of the international design contest "Trieste Contemporanea" with the a=
im of spreading the most original design expressions of the Central-Eastern=
European countries.
Art. 2 Contest 2002: Blown Glassware=20
The 2002 initiative is dedicated to blown glass with the objective of stimu=
lating a creative research which would propose new aesthetic and formal con=
temporary pathways in the specific tradition of the Muranese glassware indu=
The candidates wishing to take part in this contest are asked to submit a =
project for any type of functional object to be produced utilizing the blow=
n glass technique and eventual successive cold-crafting. In order to emphas=
ize the specific objectives of the overall theme of the contest, projects t=
hat involve the crafting of glass through the use of moulds entailing a pre=
vious refractory construction of the latter will not be accepted.
Art. 3 Criteria for admission to the contest
The contest is open to all participants born or being citizens of the CEI c=
ountries (Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croa=
tia, Czech Republic, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Hungary, Italy, Macedo=
nia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine,) and to =
those born or being citizens of Estonia, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania.
Eventual groups will have to be made up from a majority of participants bor=
n or being citizens of the above stated countries.
Art. 4 Terms of participation
o REGISTRATION: Enrollment in the contest is free of charge. In order to be=
come a participant, candidates are asked to submit their projects in the f=
ormat required and to make sure that the specific application form is prope=
rly filled out and received by the Committee within the given deadline. Par=
ticipating groups should submit the application form in the name of the gro=
up representative and then indicate the names and citizenships of all group=
o TERMS OF PROJECT PRESENTATION: The projects are to be presented on a maxi=
mum of 4 sheets utilizing a scale of preferably 1:1 and are to be accompani=
ed by a description in Italian and/or English (maximum one page i.e. 1500 s=
paces) and the application form. The projects should include all the inform=
ation necessary toward the realization of the prototype. Where needed, it i=
s advisable to present, in addition to the frontal depiction and the axonom=
etric sketch, also a detailed impression from the top and the side. In the=
event of the proposed object consisting of more assembled parts, it will b=
e the responsibility of the designer to present the scaled view of the sing=
le components. The total composition and eventual modes of assembly will be=
included in the axonometric sketch. The submission of the project will be =
possible also by e-mail following the same terms of presentation; in this c=
ase the texts will be sent in rtf and the images in jpg format.
All the proposed material will be treated with utmost confidentiality and u=
nder no circumstances it will be shown to a third party -i.e. to anyone not=
belonging to the examining commission - before the closing date. The Commi=
ttee reserves the right to feature the project and curriculum of selected a=
nd prize-winning participants in the publication which will document the co=
ntest. Due to the above, the chosen contestants will be asked to submit the=
ir Curriculum Vitae.=20
The Committee's office will not accept any material to which postage costs =
are due.
The material submitted will not be returned.
o DEADLINE: the projects and attached material should be delivered to the C=
ommittee by the 28th of September 2002, even in the case of postal shipment=
o ADDRESS: the projects should be sent to:
Comitato Trieste Contemporanea
Via del Monte 2/1
34121 Trieste
Or to:
For further information, please contact the above address, call 0039 040 63=
9187 or fax 0039 040 367601.
The contest announcement and the application form are also available on the=
Trieste Contemporanea web-site www.tscont.ts.it.
Art. 5 The judging panel
The selection panel is made by Rosa Barovier Mentasti (Scuola del Vetro Aba=
te Zanetti, Murano), Janez Bogataj (University of Ljubljana), Attilia Dorig=
ato (Civici Musei Veneziani-Museo del Vetro), Marco Romanelli (Abitare maga=
zine), Giuseppe Ulian (Fine Arts Academy, Venezia), Toni Zuccheri (artist a=
nd designer) and presided by Gillo Dorfles; they will select the projects w=
ith the most merit among those submitted and will assign the prizes accordi=
ng to these criteria:
1. Originality and depth of concept with respect to the feasibility and the=
terms of the contest
2. Legibility of presentation
3. Economic feasibility for the replication of said object on a commercial =
Art .6 Prizes
All the selected and winning projects will be realised by the Scuola del Ve=
tro Abate Zanetti in Murano with the consultancy of the master glassblower =
Andrea Zilio who reserves the right to apply eventual technical modificatio=
n in case they are needed in the realisation process.
All the selected designers will be allowed to be present during the executi=
on and the winners of the contest will be expressly invited to Venice by th=
e Trieste Contemporanea Committee.
The prizes are the following:
- realisation of the prototype
=B7 CITY OF TRIESTE AWARD (offered by the Fondazione CRTrieste) for the bes=
t Triestine designer if selected=20
=B7 BEBA PRIZE (offered by the Laura und Franz Leupoldt Stiftung) for the y=
oungest selected designer=20
- realisation of the prototype
- workshop at the the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti, Murano
- travel and accommodation in Murano during the workshop
- 2500,00 euro
- realisation of the prototype
- travel and accommodation in Murano to assist in the execution of the prot=
Art. 7 Copyrights
The designer of the object is in all effect owner of its copyrights. It is =
the responsibility of the contestant, if he/she so wishes, to protect his d=
esign through application of the copyright condition or licence application=
before submitting said project. Unauthorised reproduction is forbidden.
The authors, whose projects will be developed in Murano, cede the ownership=
of the prototypes to the Trieste Contemporanea Committee.
Art. 8 Exhibition of the selected projects and prototypes
The selected and winning prototypes, executed in Murano, will be exhibited =
in Italy and abroad by the Trieste Contemporanea Committee.
Art.9 Publication of the contest results
At the conclusion of the initiative, a special issue of the twice-yearly in=
ternationally distributed magazine "Trieste Contemporanea" will be dedicate=
d to the contest. The magazine is also available on the web-site www.tscont=
=2Ets.it. =20
Melentie Pandilovski
Contemporary Arts Center - Skopje
Orce Nikolov 109, 1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
Tel/Fax: +389.2.133.541
Tel/Fax: +389.2.214.495
Mobile: +389.70.217.075