[spectre] David Rokeby on AudioHyperspace

Sabine Breitsameter sbreitsameter@berlin.snafu.de
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 23:28:09 +0200

-  Interview with David Rokeby/CDN about his latest installation 
"n-cha(n)t"/Prix Ars Electronica 2002
- "Soundtoys" by Stanza

on Audiohyperspace

the  monthly online magazine for audio art, hoerspiel and acoustic 
media art in digital networks and multimedia dataspaces.

Audiohyperspace is a website that selects, presents and reviews 
network/web based audio art, acoustic media art and its related 
discourses . It is part of the radio art online program of 
Southwestgerman Radio's cultural channel SWR2.  
