[spectre] World Aids Day - Call for entries
A Virtual Memorial
A Virtual Memorial" <info@a-virtual-memorial.org
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 10:40:30 +0100
1 December 2002 - WORLD AIDS DAY
A Virtual Memorial -
Memorial Project against the Forgetting and for Humanity
1. "Just Positive! - Call for entries
2. Memorial for the Victims of AIDS
Please contribute!
1. "Just Positive!" - Call for Entries
Deadline 20 November 2002.
It is already a tradition,
the month December on "A Virtual Memorial" is dedicated to the victims of
on occasion of 1st December - WORLD AIDS Day.
This year, A Virtual Memorial would like to feature several "HIV positive"
in an online show, entitled:
"Just Positive!"
Artists of any discipline who are HIV positive are invited to submit
information and images about their artistic work or friends of them: Please
submit information/images of your positive friends!
It is intended to include all serious submissions, some selected artists
will be individually featured.
For submitting, please use this entry form:
*Artist Name
*First name
*Artistic descipline:
*Short biography (not more than 300 words, plain email text or .doc)
*Short artistic statement
(not more than 300 words, plain email text or .doc)
*Works/Images(.jpg/gif/mov/swf/dcr/mp3/URL)/year of origine
Deadline 20 November 2002!
Please send your submission including all
media files at best zipped to
2. Memorial for the Victims of AIDS
Allways active, but now again of particular relevance in connection with 1
December - World AIDS Day:
The Memorial for the Victims of AIDS.
Please contribute!
Go to the start page of www.a-virtual-memorial.org
or directly to
Help to keep vivid the Memory of all who suffer(ed), who died - among
friends or anonymously, or who are still alive.
Contribute a digital art work in form of an image, an animation or a text!
All serious submissions arriving until 30 November will be included on 1
December. Submissions after 1 December will be immediately included.
A Virtual Memorial -
Memorial Project against the Forgetting and for Humanity