[spectre] Plagiarist Fun Fall PR Project PR!

Amy Alexander plagiari@plagiarist.org
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 20:50:20 -0700 (PDT)

Plagiarist.org Proudly Presents:
The Travesty Corporate PR Infomixer!

Be an InfoDJ at the click of a form button!
Online corporate PR remixing even the musically challenged can enjoy! 

An homage to some classic open source software - but with a brand new 

Algorithm as commentary! Algorithm as crossfader! 
!!!The Algorithm is the Message!!!

And of course, in the Plagiarist Spirit of Christmas: Free Software 
Available to create your Very Own InfoMixes! 

Read more about it at:
or go straight to the InfoMixer! 

That InfoMixer URL again:

Presented by plagiarist.org. Software distributed in
association with The Yes Men Special Programming Initiatives
Taskforce (The Yes Men SPIT.) Visit the SPIT Boutique at: 

The InfoMixer is also splashing in a splash screen near you, at

The Travesty Corporate PR InfoMixer: The Algorithm is the Message - But
It's Kinda Fun Anyway...

Recontextualizing script-kiddyism as net-art for over 1/20 of a century.