[spectre] [Fwd] Zionists launch a campaign against ARTE

jaromil jaromil at dyne.org
Thu Dec 11 12:27:22 CET 2003

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re all,

interestingly enough there are more and more upcoming actions against
the screening of materials shooted in Palestine by independent
journalists and artists.

The following is a good example.

FYI I'll be presenting my FARAH net-art project http://farah.dyne.org 
the 27th december in Halle (DE).

- ----- Forwarded message from Gita Hashemi <gita at ping.ca> -----

Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 22:12:27 -0500
From: Gita Hashemi <gita at ping.ca>
Subject: Your support is needed: Ultra-Zionists launch a campaign against
         ARTE following the broadcast of the film "Road 181"


Michel Khleifi and Eyal Sivan showed clips from their collaborative
film "Road 181: Fragments of a journey to Palestine-Israel" at
"Negotiations" in June 2003 in Toronto.  The recent issue of Fuse
magazine has a review of their screening by Richard Fung, and you can
find out more about the film from their website listed at the end of
the forwarded message below, which is a call by Sivan and Khleifi for
support in countering attacks by ultra-zionist and pro-Sharon camps
against the ARTE network that recently broadcast the film.  Please
write in their support and encourage others to write too.

My English translation follows the French.

Gita Hashemi

- ---forwarded message---

Les milieux ultra-sionistes lancent une campagne contre ARTE suite ?
la diffusion du film ?Route 181?

lundi 8 d?cembre 2003

Merci de diffuser aussi largement que possible

Chers Amis,

Suite ? la diffusion par ARTE le 24/11/03 de notre film ?Route 181,
Fragments d'un voyage en Palestine-Isra?l?, les milieux
ultra-sionistes, les sites Internet, les radios et la presse
pro-Sharon, encourag?s par des personnalit?s telles que Alain
Finkielkraut et Claude Lanzman, ont lanc? une campagne de diffamation
? notre ?gard et contre la cha?ne ARTE.

Ils encouragent les plaintes contre ARTE et accusent la cha?ne
d'incitation ? la haine. Au-del? du caract?re abject de ces attaques,
nous croyons que ARTE risque en effet d'?tre intimid?e. Vu la
virulence des attaques, nous croyons qu'il faut agir et - cette
fois-ci - soutenir ARTE et encourager sa direction. Si vous avez
appr?ci? notre film ?Route 181?, faites-le savoir en ?crivant ? ARTE
(demandez m?me la rediffusion du film).

Ecrivez massivement ? ARTE pour contrer les attaques des
ultra-sionistes et des soi-disant anti-racistes amis d'Isra?l.

Merci par avance de votre soutien et pour la diffusion de ce message.

Eyal Sivan et Michel Khleifi


J?r?me CLEMENT, pr?sident d'ARTE: j-clement at artefrance.fr
Jean ROZAT, directeur g?n?ral d'ARTE: j-rozat at artefrance.fr
Victor ROCARIS, directeur des programmes d'ARTE: v-rocaris at arte-TV.com
Sylvie JEZEQUEL, charg?e de l'unit? Europe et politique:
s-jezequel at artefrance.fr


J?r?me CLEMENT, pr?sident
Jean ROZAT, directeur g?n?ral
ARTE France
8 Av. Marceau
92130 Issy-les Moulineaux
Fax : 01 55 00 74 12 / 24


Service t?l?spectateurs d'ARTE
2A, rue de la Fonderie
F-67080 Strasbourg Cedex
T?l. :03 88 14 22 55
Fax : 03 88 14 21 60

Visitez notre site : http://www.momento-production.com

- ---end forwarded message---


The ultra-Zionists launch a campaign against ARTE following the
broadcast of the film "Road 181"

Monday December 8, 2003

Thank you for distributing this message as widely as possible.

Dear friends,

Following the broadcast by ARTE on 24/11/03 of our film "Road 181,
Fragments of a journey in Palestine-Israel,"the ultra-Zionist
websites, radios and the pro-Sharon press, encouraged by
personalities such as Alain Finkielkraut and Claude Lanzman, have
launched a smear campaign against us and the ARTE network.

They have been encouraging complaints against ARTE, accusing it of
inciting hatred. Beyond the contemptible character of these attacks,
we believe that ARTE is indeed likely to be intimidated. Considering
the virulence of the attacks, we believe that it is necessary to act
and - this time - to support ARTE and encourage its direction. If you
appreciated our film "Road 181," let it be known by writing to ARTE
(demand repeat broadcast of the film).

Write massively to ARTE to counter the attacks of the ultra-Zionists
and so-called antiracist friendly to Israel.

Thank you in advance for your support and for distributing this message.

Eyal Sivan and Michel Khleifi


J?r?me CLEMENT, pr?sident d'ARTE: j-clement at artefrance.fr
Jean ROZAT, directeur g?n?ral d'ARTE: j-rozat at artefrance.fr
Victor ROCARIS, directeur des programmes d'ARTE: v-rocaris at arte-TV.com
Sylvie JEZEQUEL, charg?e de l'unit? Europe et politique:
s-jezequel at artefrance.fr


J?r?me CLEMENT, pr?sident
Jean ROZAT, directeur g?n?ral
ARTE France
8 Av. Marceau
92130 Issy-les Moulineaux
Fax : 01 55 00 74 12 / 24


Service t?l?spectateurs d'ARTE
2A, rue de la Fonderie
F-67080 Strasbourg Cedex
T?l. :03 88 14 22 55
Fax : 03 88 14 21 60

VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://www.momento-production.com

- ----- End forwarded message -----

- -- 
 jaromil,  dyne.org rasta coder,  http://rastasoft.org
 dyne:bolic GNU/Linux liveCD      http://dynebolic.org 
 MuSE Streamer v0.8.1             http://muse.dyne.org 
 FreeJ v0.5 - free the veejay!    http://freej.org   
 HasciiCam v0.9.1                 http://hascii.org
 FARAH in Palestine               http://farah.dyne.org

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