[spectre] m-cult research on nordic media culture

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Wed Jun 4 11:16:35 CEST 2003

from: m-cult –news 04/03

>nordic media culture – actors and practices research
m-cult, together with its partners CRAC, PNEK, CultureNet Denmark and
Lorna has realized a research project on Nordic media culture, the
results of which are now published in a report available in pdf and
print. The report includes an overview of Nordic media culture and of
the national ‘scenes’ in the five countries. One of the key findings
is the hybridity and diversity of practices, which prompts one to
speak of Nordic media cultures, in the plural. The research project
was funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Nordic Cultural

>m-cult.net updates
New features on the m-cult.net online resource include the updated
database of Nordic actors – over 200 organisations from Finland,
Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Another update is the upgrading
of the list filter module to cover also other key forae of media
culture – the forae module now publishes pointers to web journals
such as Shift, FirstMonday, Boxesandarrows, Mutella and Telepolis.

go there for more news ...

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