[spectre] Open Screen Belgrade: CALL FOR ENTRIES

Bob Miloshevic bobmiloshevic at yahoo.com
Thu May 15 13:14:08 CEST 2003

KINOKAZE - Serbian cinema terrorists announce a May
edition of
OPEN SCREEN BELGRADE, screening without selection and
censorship, which will take place in Alternative Film
Center, Belgrade, May 27th 2003. All received works
will be screened!!!!! Perfect plate for media
manipulation and abuse. No deadlines, no entry
forms/fees, no limits…
All formats acceptible (VHS, mini dv, Beta SP,
Betamax, Super 8, 16mm, 35mm, 70mm, DVD, DivX, CD R,
SVHS, VHS C, Hi 8, Umatic, .......).
After projection works will be burned!!! No, included
in Alternative Archive, and screened on event in
December   in 24hrs of world wide stuff.
Send your works to AFC, DK"SG", Bulevar AVNOJA 179,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (S/M).
info: kinokaze_kinokaze at yahoo.com     afc at dksg.co.yu  
   bobmiloshevic at yahoo.com

In April edition we screened works from

London:    TALKER by Gad Hollander,
Lisbon:     SPACE REVISITED by Sofia Bustah,
Montreal:  MOTION (live) by NOMIG.
Belgrade:  NEED A LIFT by Sima Kokotovic,
	   SCRAMBLE by Bob Miloshevic
	   TRAFFIC by Bob Miloshevic
	   ACROBATIONS by Zlatko Stojilovic
	   UNTITLED by Ivan Mandic 
	   and some non edited shoots of car fair in Belgrade
by local maniac who brings his suitcase full with  non
                                         edited tapes
every time and showing 45

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