[spectre] commun mind / Carta, Utopia, Trotskyists

Louise Desrenards louise.desrenards at free.fr
Thu Apr 15 18:09:39 CEST 2004

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From: (...)

To: <...>
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:28 PM
Subject: commun mind / Carta, Utopia, Trotskyists

To every point of views I should like to give some precisions of my post
forwarding "why we need a multilateral Magna Carta". As multitude myself I
allow me to think on and sending a bit of subversion coming from the base.

Sorry on my hardly digest Englis-US...

        First: agreeing any post to which I answer through different lists,
thank you of knowing that I am not as Trotskyist more than adept of Hardt an
Negri's theory of their first issue, I mean of the work "Empire" (their
system sounded well on progressive post-marxist utopia as a faith and that
was not my cup of tea just returning from sadness of the last history of
marxism-leninism misunderstanding promise during the post modernity
years... -to say the time of my observation, I am ten years and a bit more
younger that T.Negri that means to me ten years more than Battisti, and I
have never met them or virtually).

Utopia appears at last as a critical mirror to think but not to be realized
agreeing societies, or another realty. All social realities of Utopia as
resource of Power have offer a dictorship version from Nazi Germany to URSS
based on proletariat as modern fascism, even under other appearence in name
of justice revenge or thruth as well forces of good facing the forces of

So my own posture being metapolitical and inside atopia, and without
believing or trusting in God, would appear to me that this ironical Carta
would be able thanks to a real event of a new view of the code of the value
(I mean a new code, not re-newal so what it could not been more cmpared in
social democracy historical concepts).

    The Carta is not the project of the good but a project for the life
without denying the conflicts without claiming to resolve them but making
them coexist as a complexity interacting for the rise of the global culture
in peaceful aim under special dynamical arrangments. All the contrary
staying in the dialectical arrangement of "Empire" and "multitudes" for
instance it would not be able to regard any predictive signs of powerfully
communication as organic signs containing their possible active effects
following the time (Communication being shown through the global system
would not be enough to appreciate the meta-journalistic transformation in
its own effect as an organic structural part inside our times); since
seventies to nineties those organical signs of Communication could announce
which would happen in/from US to the world after Clinton; probably Empire
would designed complexity but as the new challenge, and the hypothesis of
what it contains complexity, but failing the organic dynamic structure of
this complexity of anachronisticism and no-history event itself.

And especially failing integering critical mass and entropy effects. And
failing the involving return of the war system including all fronts
(including that one of terrorism global emergency as a weapon including from
Empire itself and specially now, from US to NATO countries as we just see,
without a real front or unlocalized and including their own communication on
security), facing contradictions and of which the complexity to be abolished
by exterminating the opposite cultures, destroying people or special persons
which are strong there. But what reveals critical mass and entropy as
following misinforming events (or re-informing -it depends from which point
of view of your part).

(I want to say certain predictable events in the end the others little
predictable but of which the tendency was announced nevertheless). I do not
describe the various phases and the aspects, but it is certain that it has
tributed to the sense of the "impossible" situation of the world dominated
by the war as settle mode for anything of which M.Hardt and A.Negri speak us

The main indication is to have foreseen the nations States not as Nations
but as alternative peculiarities at the end of the era of the nationalisms,
(what the authors are approving now) and consequently to have not given them
the critical and haughty importance that they have taken growing and notably
since this decline of UN.

What is absolutely certain it is that Marx and Engels theory in its
predictive structure was powerfull; I do not mean only predictive of its
ownpossible realizations, (of which the hypothesis of Empire were not
exempted for their own part), but still predictive of its time by writing
clear its code of the value, that was the good one for all and from all the
parts in Industrial production time. The only exclusive part was the
consequence of an allocation to the proletariat as the revolutionary class,
specially because it was the main object of the surplus and the direct
factor of the social progress by the technical progress and the production
of wealth by the work.

But this code has disappeared, prescribed among other causes by the
development of the generalized equivalence (money) and signs of the objects
creating sur-surplus. Even there is more involving poverty every day, or
still staying the industrial production and restoring surplus in emergent
countries, that changes nothing, that would not restore the universal sense
of economy of the production code policy as a competent mirror as a
predictive performance.

        What is interesting in this new proposition by Hardt and Negri it is
the access to a supranational solution without denial of the local
peculiarities; I mean rights, resources, cultures - and revolution if you
want but not as an exclusive culture meaning the power to reach the project.
And they try to invent a new predictive code of the value integered to be
real in atopia. A metapolitic code. The metacode of the value as the code of
the multitude itself, exactly an organic and dynamic concept.

Personally I find brilliant that they reached there without looking like
it - in more!- and beginning a story without reference party otherwise in
evolutionary meta-reference (Spinoza, Marx, Gramsci/ Vico but beyond... they
break with the grip of the power: they interfere - as the communication.

And that effect of which personnaly I think that is a genial activ concept,
as immediatly pragmatic and not designing an unprobable project of the
future but to the open vision of Future.

Not a project of the good but a project for the life without denying the
conflicts and make them coexist to interact for another conception of the
peace than universalist model.

That code of new equivalence dedicated to the respective autonomies
integering power and commun and people and all their objects of life and

A social democracy : I am not sure of that or somewhere in peculiar topos of
the Carta. The real multitude, probably yes. The exclusive commun objects
consists in essential resources but not exclusive of others all.

And for the rest to the fate-selective destiny (here is my obsessional point
of viewcoming from the post darwinian theories in sciences, but you could
find another plastic or dynamic idea and the policy could run the same). It
does not look as a code coming from the system of production (that could
design Social Democracy regarding the code of the value and The class
struggle) but the code of equivalence to metapolitical autonomies integering
prime resources and power
as the same to live and work free. That designs a new paradigm.

A revolution really acting.

In this choice, they leave behind them the question of the multitudes as a
revisionnist concept of the social classes regarding Marxism-Leninism, and
they leave leninism of course or the first idea of soviets. All the contrary
to seize again Spinozist quality of the multitude as the
intra/extra-diversity that shows all the new complexity without abandoning
the solidarity respecting freedom in act.

It appears to be a semiotic machine (integering) that would be the best
without faith? and the carta : a linguistic machine (generative
grammar) -could be the worst as technical apply?

Because we need to safe emotion of others and knowledge to be anyone as an
exception accessing to self-power among the global diversity... or it could
be a new humiliation.

        To finish for my part; Any details of the following mails innettime
repeating different times on Trotskyists and to be ashame on: it is
unbearable to hear the word "Trotskyist" connected to a vichyssoise
polysemy, which connects us in other part of our indirect memory of this
dark History when Stalin having signed the German-Soviet pact, so the French
communists before entering resistance (not before the collapse of this pact)
stigmatized the Trotskyists on pamphlets distributed near factories, under
the terms at first of "judeo-Trotskyists", and after the collapse between
Hitler and Stalin, as "hitlero-Trotskyists".

Marxists Leninists today pursue such references soiling their argument (or
revealing a following error from dogmatic Marxism-Leninism communism), even
Trotskyists between them at the moment would be essentially engaged in the
parliamentary debate with corporatist arguments and to support their own
dogmatic error.

But it stays that Jewish people was not betrayed by Trotsky that was not
exactly the contrary by Stalin... So their is a part of the revolution from
the side of Trotsky to Jewish people that could not be denied today. What on
commun front in Bund, what on MOI coming from Polant to tell on Nazism in
the French Jewish community, or back from the fight in Spain and staying
here and there localized or unlocalized resisting during the Second War ?

In fact autonomous integered Trotskyists has established any of the first
groups of resistance politicized in France inside of an internationalist
point of view, joining the young both nationalist or insubmitted French
workers refusing to leave for the compulsory work in Germany those who have
took the scrubland, that is exactly the way of French Resistance birth
acting just before the fail of  the German-Soviet pact.

Immigrate Workers Movement (MOI) was for a part composed by Trotskystes (all
jewish) from 4è Internationale division and anothers Brigadists coming back
from Spain but staying to feight against Nazis - as they could not go back
home in Poland or Germany.

And what of them among on the glorious groups in Warsaw ghetto insurrection:
the Bund (the double culture) was a fabulous event -even unpredictive
program to marxisme-leninism communism? But that idea from Bund could be
understood in the point of view of the Carta. I do no mean that could be
Israel would not exist in another vision of communism from these early
years, but it gives us an access on the to understand the hardening of the
nationalisms - included Zionist nationalism hordening after the Shoah.

The question is on centralism and dictatorship of the majority as a failing
revolution repeating from parties.

More, the question was to keep the weapons active to revolution just after
Liberation. Some as leaders were strangly killed to get disappear just after
they entered the official French army till Germany, under de Gaulle
government (Charles Tillon, the rebel of the Black Sea and member of
communist party in charge of the ministry of the armies).

All this glorious part of Jewish History in Europe is denied and a part of
them were Trotskyists just dying Trotsky (so a sort of autonomy through the
moving 4th International following in the years of the war).



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