[spectre] (fwd) kulturanova - Novi Sad: newsletter special #2
Andreas Broeckmann
abroeck at transmediale.de
Fri Jun 18 09:41:03 CEST 2004
From: "Association kulturanova - Novi Sad" <bruga at EUnet.yu>
To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@gilb.mind.de>
Subject: newsletter special #2
.............newsletter special #2
Pozivamo Vas da posetite nas web site
<http://www.kulturanova.org.yu>http://www.kulturanova.org.yu sa vec
preko 80 post-ova (od pocetka ovog meseca) informacija vezanih za
savremenu alternativnu kulturu (kratke informacije o tome molimo
nadjite u nastavku maila)
Nas newsletter ce se biti obajvljivati redovno i dvomesecno, pocetkom
svakog drugog meseca. Pored toga postojace i newsletter special koga
cemo objavljivati kada smatramo da neka informacija zahteva hitno
regovanje. Sta vise, mozete se prijaviti i za dobijanje obavestenja o
temi koja vas interesuje ukoliko kliknete na opciju da zelite da
primate obavestenja o reply-evima o temi u kojoj ste postavili Vase
Sto se tice oglasavanja putem naseg sajta sada ce biti omoguceno
svakom da sam postavlja obavestenja na sajt. Procedura je sasvim
jednostavna: Nakon sto ste otisli na sajt
<http://www.kulturanova.org.yu>www.kulturanova.org.yu trebate da
izaberete opciju "forum" , a zatim i oblast za koju je vezana Vasa
informacija i jednostavnim klikom na "post reply" postavite Vase
obavestenje. Da biste mogli postavljati obavestenja neophodno je da
se registrujete, a u suprotnom cete i dalje moci da citate vesti. Ne
postoje nikakva ogranicanje u velicini/duzini informacije, sa tom
rezervom da je moguce postavljati samo tekst. Ipak, u cilju
preglednosti i konciznosti molimo Vas da u Vase obavestenje ukljucite
2. Naziv desavanja ( radionice | festivali | seminari | casovi )
3.Opis desavanja ukljucujuci i ime voditelja/lidera gde je moguce
4.Puna adresa mesta dogadjanja
5. Informacije o participaciji ucesnika
6.Ime, broj telefona i e-mail kontakt osobe
I dalje apelujemo na sve Vas koji imate bilo kakvu ideju, savet ili
ste u mogucnosti da nam finansijski pomognete da nam se javite kako
bismo i dalje mogli da objavljujemo newsletter i osvezavamo nas
To whom it may concern,
We would like to invite You to visit our web site
<http://www.kulturanova.org.yu>http://www.kulturanova.org.yu with
already more then 80 posts about information in contemporary
alternative culture (please find more about that below)
Our newslleter will be published by-monthly and regulary, on the
begining of every second month. Beside that we will publish
newsletter special, when there is a need to react immediately.
Moreover, you can easily start receiving email notification of
replies on the choosed topic if you click that option when posting a
reply on our forum.
If You would like to post Your announcement on our web site this will
be the procedure: After You have visit our web site on
<http://www.kulturanova.org.yu>www.kulturanova.org.yu you should
choose option "forum" and than post Your announcement under relevant
issue by simple cliking on "post reply" button. Please note that
you'll have to register first, otherwise You'll be able only to read
the news. There is no restriction in information size, but that can
be only text. However, in order to make it useful we kindly ask You
to include the following:
2.Event name (workshop | festival | seminar | class)
3.Description including teacher/leader names where applicable
4.Address, City, State/Province, Country
5.Fee information
6.Contact person(s) name, phone number, and email
We are still addressing to all of You who have some idea, advice or
financial resource to help us in supporting our initiative
.................breaking news
Dear colleagues,
From July 11 - 13, 2004 the European Cultural Foundation is
organizing the 'Sharing Cultures' Conference in Rotterdam. This event
will gather cultural operators and policy makers from all over Europe
to discuss a cultural strategy for Europe. The conference provides a
unique opportunity to present European Ministers of Culture who will
attend the event with opinions and recommendations of the cultural
sector. For more information please consult
<http://www.eurocult.org/>www.eurocult.org !
As some of you may already know from a message sent around earlier
today the European Cultural Foundation is currently preparing a
Petition on Europe as a Cultural Project. An appeal of the cultural
sector regarding this matter shall be presented to the Ministers of
Culture during the conference. In order to gain sufficient momentum
for this
call for developing a cultural strategy on European level it is of
utmost importance that as many voices from the field as possible
support this petition.
Please take a minute to read the request for support by Gottfried
Wagner, Director of the European Cultural Foundation and the proposed
text of the Petition. Both documents are attached to this message.
For endorsing the Foundation's call for a Europe of Culture please
reply to the attached message
(<mailto:petition at eurocult.org>petition at eurocult.org) by indicating
your name, function and the organisation you work for (if applicable)
at your earliest convenience.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Kind regards,
Philipp Dietachmair
European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam
Dear Colleagues,
As an independent intermediary between cultural policy development
and cultural practice, the European Cultural Foundation has organized
the Sharing Cultures Conference in Rotterdam from 11-13 July 2004.
This advocacy event, long in preparation, aims to put culture high on
the EU agenda and voice the concerns and proposals of the field.
Cultural operators and policy makers will gather together at the
conference to discuss and propose a European cultural strategy.
The Sharing Cultures Conference provides an exceptional opportunity
to address the European Ministers of Culture. We are invited to
present to them at their meeting in Rotterdam the findings and
recommendations of the cultural sector.
We are working on several cultural advocacy fronts:
- An open letter, written by the ECF and EFAH (European Forum for the
Arts and Heritage) and signed by prominent European figures, is
published in major European newspapers to coincide with the elections
to the European Parliament.
- A petition (see the attached "appeal") on behalf of the European
cultural field will be presented to the media in June and to the
ministers the following month. This calls on them to exercise their
commitment to European cultural cooperation and citizenship and to
put culture on the agenda of the European political institutions. If
it is
to have an impact, the petition should be signed and supported by as
many as possible in the cultural sector (networks, organizations,
institutions, artists etc.). Therefore we ask for your support.
- A conference manifesto will be produced, specifying recommendations
in the five priority areas of the Rotterdam conference. This will be
based on the work of the expert task forces that are preparing the
conference. The manifesto will be presented to the ministers in
- We will conclude this lobbying campaign with a meeting with the new
Culture Committee of the European Parliament in autumn, prepared in
close partnership by the ECF and EFAH.
We wish to convince the European ministers, the members of the
European Parliament and other European institutions that the European
Union is also a 'cultural project'. Europe needs a new strategy of
cultural action that enhances mobility, strengthens co-operation,
encourages communication and debate, and consolidates trans-national
networks, based on new partnerships and resources from the EU budget
that are sufficient to attain all these goals.
We hope that you will join us in our efforts to have these important
issues placed prominently on the European agenda. Please give us your
support by signing the petition individually or on behalf of your
To offer your support, send us a reply by email saying 'agreed', with
the name of your organization and, preferably, the name of a contact
person, stating his or her function within the organization.
Yours sincerely,
Gottfried Wagner
Director, European Cultural Foundation
An appeal by the cultural sector to the European Ministers of Culture
(On the occasion of the Sharing Cultures Conference in Rotterdam, 11-
13 July 2004)
An Îever closer European Unionâ can only be realized if Europeâs
citizens are able to share their aspirations as a community. In
building such a community, we, the cultural institutions and networks
of Europe, have learned to experience what we have in common through
cross-border cooperation and collaborative engagement.
Working in an enlarged Europe within a context of globalization,
artists and cultural operators need support if they are to meet the
new challenges and overcome the - sometimes severe - limitations
confronting them. We are convinced that Europe needs a cultural
strategy in order to secure vision and support: a strategy which
balances the demands of artistic freedom, cultural competitiveness
and active democratic citizenship, with incentives to nurture
creativity; a strategy capable of achieving the following:
A substantial cultural mobility programme ö providing more and better
opportunities for cultural professionals to work together and
cultural goods to circulate
A better-resourced and user-friendly EU cultural programme, with more
pooled projects that build trust and strengthen artistic and cultural
A European policy for cultural diversity, devised in full awareness
of the cultural consequences of EU regulations, and sensitive to the
treatment of cultural values, goods and services in international
trade negotiations
Support for the emergence of a European civil society, with the
promotion of a European public space for reflection, critique and
debate, bolstered by a vibrant cross-border media environment
Effective support for intercultural dialogue worldwide, paying
particular attention to cultural cooperation ö in a spirit of
partnership ö with the EUâs neighbours
Practical tools and coordinated efforts to enhance cultural
cooperation in shared ownership, with new alliances and
public-private partnerships providing cultural information, services,
knowledge management and research.
Only a coherent and adequately funded cultural strategy ö one which
complements and adds value to the policies of member states ö could
be effective within the Union and with respect to the Unionâs
worldwide responsibilities.
We call on the European Ministers of Culture to exercise their
commitment to European cultural cooperation and citizenship. We will
support the Ministers, as well as future members of the European
Parliament and officials of the European Commission, in developing a
new strategy of cultural action that enhances mobility, strengthens
cooperation, encourages communication and debate, and consolidates
trans-national networks; a strategy based on new partnerships and
sufficient EU budget resources to match these goals.
................. objava / announcement
Pozivamo vas da posetite internacionalni muzicki festival EXIT koji
ce se i ove godine (i pored svih teskoca) odrzati na Petrovaradinskoj
tvrdjavi u Novom Sadu od 1-4 jula. Takodje Vas pozivamo da posetite
prostor AAC kulturanove na EXIT festivalu koji ce biti smesten
izmedju bivseg Balkan Fusion stage-a i Reggae stage-a.
Ono sto ce se desavati u tom prostoru bice prezentacija modela koji
zelimo da razvijamo putem naseg sledeceg festivala "ART e n a" koji
ce se dogoditi u septembru 2005. Radi se o istrazivanju
multimedijalnosti putem zajednickih (joint) projekata koji direktno
korespondiraju sa nekim javnim prostorom (site-specific). U ovom
slucaju bavicemo se istrazivanjem izmedju poezije i muzike, te ce
posetioci moci da cuju post-dada poeziju ukombinovanu sa zvucima
d'n'b-a i breakbeata.
live acts:
Silicon Science (ex-Urukk-Hai), Novi Sad
Pantha (RootOut), Kostolac/Beograd
Chuckie (RootOut), Beograd, electropercussions
Nitrogenius (kulturanova), Novi Sad
slam poetry sessions :
Dusan Przulj, Novi Sad
Mary PopiNS, Novi Sad
We would like to invite You on international music festival EXIT
which will be held this year on Petrovaradin fortress in Novi Sad,
Serbia from 1-4 July. We would also like to invite you to visit a
space of AAC kulturanova on EXIT festival which will be positioned
between Balkan Fusion stage and Reggae stage.
There will be a presentation of a model that we would like to explore
on our next festival "ART e n a" which will be held in September
2005. It is about exploration joint site specific projects. In this
case we will be dealing with exploration between poetry and music, so
the visitors could hear post-dada poetry combined with the sounds of
d'n'b and breakbeat.
live acts:
Silicon Science (ex-Urukk-Hai), Novi Sad
Pantha (RootOut), Kostolac/Beograd
Chuckie (RootOut), Beograd, electropercussions
Nitrogenius (kulturanova), Novi Sad
slam poetry sessions :
Dusan Przulj, Novi Sad
Mary PopiNS, Novi Sad
................. objava / announcement
U okviru INFANTa (International Festival of Alternative and New
Theatre) 25.06.-03 07. Novi Sad, Teatarska Grupa Human i Teatar Les
Foirades iz Strasbourga prikazace performans "The case of Sarah Kane"
koja predstavlja omaz stvaralastvu najpoznatije spisateljice
engleskog in-your-face teatara a koja je do sada vec uspesno bila
izvodjena tokom januara meseca u Strasbourgu, Francuska.
We would like to invite You to see a performance "The case of Sarah
Kane" which will be presented in a frame of INFANT (International
Festival of Alternative and New Theatre) 25.06.-03 07. Novi Sad. This
performace is done in collaboration of Theatre Group Human from Novi
Sad and Theatre Les Foirades from Strasbourg and has already been
succesfuly performed in January in Strasbourg, France.
................. festivali
Studentski Kulturni Centar ,Kralja Milana 48 Vas poziva na mini
festival mix medija IN-DIFFERENCE (11 - 21. jun)
....more on
INFANT (International Festival of Alternative and New Theatre)
25.06.-03 07. , Novi Sad
....more on
Jugoslovensko bijenala mladih umetnika/Vrsac 2004
....more on
U Novom Sadu çe, u periodu od 01. do 04. jula 2004. biti odrõan 2.
Festival ideja. Rok za prijavu: do 29. juna 2004.
....more on
The EU youth program is to bring young people to the french festival
of theater in Avignon in july with a journalistic multimedia and
radio project linked to theater
....more on
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: "3m3" interdisciplinary arts art festival
(Finland) Deadline: June 30, 2004
....more on
Application deadline: 25 June 2004. Art Gallery "New Vision 2000+" is
organising an art summer camp to be held from 1 to 15 August 2004 in
Gjakova, Albania.
....more on
................. predstave / perfomances
LâAntic teatre, independent theatre group from Barcelona, Spain is
looking for theatre group from Poland to achieve a joint thetre play
in coproduction.Please conatact
<mailto:semolina66 at telefonica.net>semolina66 at telefonica.net
....more on
CALL FOR PAPERS: "On Form"Performance Research, Vol.10, 2005
Deadline:June 30, 2004
....more on
Ponedeljak, 21. jun u 20h, BITEF teatar, Skver Mire Trailovic 1
"SARCASTICUS ili rodjenje virusa" predstava Plavog Pozorista.
....more on
BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange is seeking new dance, theater or
performance works for its 2004/05 season
....more on
.................koncerti, muzika / concerts, music
The Red Bull Music Academy
....more on
SoundLab Channel:// call for submissions
....more on
....more on
Koncert jednog on najveçih violinista na svetu Nejdõela Kenedija i
Beogradskog gudaãkog orkestra ãDuûan Skovranä odrõan je u sredu
16.juna u 20 sati u SNP-u na sceni Jovan ?or©¢eviç
....more on
.................. new media
Open call for proposals for 5 net art commissions
....more on
public_media_space.Media Art Festival, Yerevan, Armenia.Deadline for
the submission is June 25, 2004
....more on
..................film & photo
MadCat Women's International Film Festival
....more on
MOVING PICTURES - MOVING EUROPE - International Filmmaking Seminar,
08th - 16th of July 2004, Sarajevo
....more on
....more on
....more on
Filmski festival u Motovunu najavio je da çe ove godine oganizovati
filmsku ûkolu, odnosno radionice posveçene filmskoj glumi i reõiji, a
vodiçe ih istaknuti struãnjaci iz oblasti sveta filma. Rok za
prijavu: do 20. juna
....more on
..................fine arts
Arte Contemporanea group exhibition. Dedicated to the works of 45
artists from countries around the Mediterranean basin, it has been
organized with the cooperation of 10 international curators.
....more on
Izloõba pod nazivom "Kuvarice" otvarena je u ãetvrtak, 10. juna u
"Éok galeriji Art klinike". Izloõeni svi radovi koji su u protekle
dve nedelje stigli na konkurs emisije "Jovankina kuhinja" Radija 021.
....more on
Bucharest, Romania -Visual Policies and Practices, 12-16 October
2004. Deadline: 31 August 2004
....more on
POZICIJE / POSITIONS Video instalacija. Autor:Tatjana Strugar u Domu
omladine, Beograd.
....more on
University of Arts in Belgrade: Postgraduate Studies in Cultural
Management and Cultural Policy in the Balkans. First application
deadline: May 31. Final application deadline: September 15.
....more on
Joint European Master in Comparative Local Developmen for the Balkans
and Areas in Transformation
....more on
..................radionice / workshops, summer schools
SUMMER JAM project: International Workshop and performance for young
dancers, choreographers and managers
....more on
5th International Summer Academy which takes place at Knstlerhaus
MOUSONTURM from August 20th to 28th 2004.The application deadline is
June 15th 2004.
....more on
Policies for Culture announces a first workshop will take place in
Belgrade on October 2-3, 2004
....more on
19 June - 25 JULY 2004 THE SUMMER SHIFT 2004 CPR International
Programme of Performance Workshops
....more on
Invitation for a theatre and social youth work training in Berlin 6-15th July
....more on
International Summer School on on Intellectual Property Law, August
22 - September 3, 2004, Prahova Valley, Romania. Application
deadline: July 20, 2004
....more on
4th Pristina Summer University to be held from 12 to 30 July 2004 in
Pristina, UNMIK AP Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro will provide about
35 courses and workshops in the field of humanities, law, economics,
social sciences, arts, medicine and natural sciences
....more on
Innovative Strategies in International Cultural Cooperation (19 - 21
August, 2004, Amsterdam)
link: <http://www.amsu.edu/>www.amsu.edu ....more on
Journalism and Citizenship: Expanding the Horizons
....more on
Arts and Economics: The Value of Culture. 2-6 August 2004, Amsterdam
....more on
.................. scholarships / fellowships
Roman Herzog Research Fellowship enable young highly qualified
scholars with outstanding leadership qualities in research and
teaching to carry out research projects of their own choice in
Germany (age limit: 35 years).
....more on
.................. publishing
A group of young artists from CEE countries are currently developing
a website that seeks to promote literary and photographic creation
and encourage dialogue between young people in this area
....more on
U Beogradu je pokrenut novi elektronski casopis za knjizevnost i
vizuelnu umetnost pod nazivom ''Treci Trg''.
....more on
Treçi po redu Festival knjige çe biti odrõan od 21. do 28. juna u Novom Sadu
....more on
<http://www.ecumest.ro/eng/e_sem_publ.htm>http://www.ecumest.ro/eng/e_sem_publ.htm page
includes different articles, reports, papers produced by the ECUMEST
team and/or its collaborators and partners in the four main areas of
intervention of the association.
....more on
offers access to journals such as Demography, World Politics, The
Journal of Democracy, Anthropological Quarterly, Technology and
....more on
<http://www.iac.wur.nl/msp/home.php>http://www.iac.wur.nl/msp/home.php Resource
Portal on Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Processes and Social Learning
....more on
.................. ngo
The World Bank invites young people (15-25) to submit applications to
become members of the Youth Voice (YV) group.
....more on
The National Endowment for Democracy - Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program
....more on
Transnationalism in the Balkans Conference: The Emergence, Nature and
Impact of Cross-national Linkages on an Enlarged and Enlarging
Europe, November 26 - 27, 2004 London and Berlin.Application
deadline: July 31, 2004
....more on
The Young Diplomats' Center - International Student Camp, August 18 -
27, 2004, Poland. Application deadline: July 15, 2004
....more on
WORLD YOUTH FORUM (8-14 August 04, Barcelona, Spain, Deadline 30 June)
....more on
Call for participants for Contact Making Seminar for Youth Exchanges,
organised by the Hungarian National Agency MOBILITAS. Application
deadline: 28 July 2004
....more on
The Citizens` Pact for South East Europe is organising South East
European Youth Summit MOVE! To be held from 1 to 4 July 2004 in Novi
Sad, Serbia and Montenegro on EXIT festival.
....more on
Youth organisation "Future of the Press" from Pitesti, Romania is
looking for at least 2 partner organisations from Croatia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, FYRO Macedonia, Albania or
....more on
The International Student Festival in Trondheim, ISFiT|2005 is now
seeking applicants for the next
festival, which will take place from 11th to 20th February, 2005
....more on
Ovo je newsletter kulturanove , nevladine organizacije za
populariciju alternativne kulture (vise o nama na
<http://www.kulturanova.org.yu>http://www.kulturanova.org.yu )
Ovo je poklon . Ukoliko ste u mogucnosti molimo uzvratite nam. Da
izvrsite uplatu mozete koristiti ziro racun br. 310-6235-35 otvoren
kod Continental Banke u Novom Sadu ili poslati cek na nasu adresu
(nalazi si u samom dnu ove poruke)
Ako ste primili ovu poruku greskom, ili ne zelite da ubuduce primate
informacije kulturanove, molimo vas posaljite e-mail sa naslovom
"odjava" na adresu
<mailto:kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu>kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu
Ukoliko zelite da pomognete nase napore ili imate informacije koje
biste hteli da se nadju na nasem sajtu i u newsletteru, molimo
posetite <http://www.kulturanova.org.yu>http://www.kulturanova.org.yu
,a zatim pod rubrikom "forum" izaberite oblast kojoj vase informacija
Ukoliko zelite da postavite link kulturanove na vasem sajtu, rado
cemo uraditi isto.Molimo kontaktirajte nas:
<mailto:kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu>kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu
Ukoliko zelite da postanete clan kulturanove molimo posetite nas na
Izvori informacija: poruke koje stizu direktno uredniku, news-grupe
(1touch_balkan_net, eks-scena, openremont, spectre, rhizome,
eurostudyabroad), internet izvori (artfactories, artservis, IETM)
i e-mail newsletteri (Impact, Euclid, Arts Management Network, ECF
E-zine, See-Youth, On The Move, JEF info, BYP newsletter,
ArtmagazinENews, The Calls and Opps List, CRNPS, balkans,
Molimo osecajte se slobodnim da ovaj newsletter prosledite dalje.....
This is newsletter from kulturanova, non-government organisation
which main aim is to promote alternative culture (you can find more
about us on:
This is a gift economy product. If you can, please give back. To make
donation please send a check on the address on the very bottom of
this e-mail or contact us for further instruction if you want to use
bank transfer.
If you have received this message by mistake or you don't want to
receive further information from kulturanova please kindly reply to
<mailto:kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu>kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu
with "unsubscribe" in subject line.
If you want to support our efforts, or you have some information that
you want to publish, please post it on
under section "forum" and then choose relevant issue.
If you want to add a link to kulturanova on your web-site, we will be
glad to do the same. Please contact us on
<mailto:kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu>kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu
If you want to became a member of kulturanova please visit us at
Sources: listings come from calls sent directly to the editor,
news-grups (1touch_balkan_net, eks-scena, openremont, spectre,
rhizome, eurostudyabroad), online sources (artfactories,
artservis,IETM) and email newsletters (Impact, Euclid, Arts
Management Network, ECF E-zine, See-Youth, On The Move, JEF info, BYP
newsletter, ArtmagazinENews, The Calls and Opps List, CRNPS)
Please feel free to pass on this newsletter.....
address:Preradoviceva 123/231, 21131 Petrovaradin,Novi Sad;
Serbia, Serbia & Montenegro
tel/fax: +38121433171
cell : +381641814539;
mail: bruga at EUnet.yu,
<mailto:kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu>kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu
web: www.kulturanova.org.yu ; Z.R. 310-6235-35
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