[spectre] + "Memor_eyes" Art Project +

alain bieber I rebel:art alainbieber at yahoo.de
Mon Mar 1 09:32:39 CET 2004

Support the new project of François Morel 
and send a personal photo: 

+ "Memor_eyes" Art Project +
Pour participer au projet :
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Taking part in the project :
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"Memor_eyes" is an art project by François Morel for
the group exhibition untitled "Allotopie" which is
taking part in "Les Mars de l'Art Contemporain
(www.lesmars.net), in Clermont-Ferrand (France). The
exhibition begins on March 1rst and will run until
March 26th. 

|| rebel:art media foundation 
|| rebel:art magazin - connecting art and activism 
|| http://www.rebelart.net
|| ++49 / (0) 163 4556068

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