[spectre] Preliminary Announcement: International Art and Technology History Conference

Melinda Klayman mklayman at leonardo.info
Thu Mar 4 22:53:09 CET 2004

*Apologies for cross-posting*

This is a preliminary announcement for the first international art history
conference covering art and new media, art and technology, art-science
interaction, and the history of media as pertinent to contemporary art.

The conference will be held Sept 28-Oct 2, 2005 at the Banff Centre, Canada.

There will be a three day conference followed by a two day follow-up
speakers' and organizers retreat in order to plan follow-up.

The event is co-sponsored by Leonardo/ISAST, Leonardo/OLATS, UNESCO
DIGIARTS, Database for Virtual Art and the Banff New Media Institute. An
International Advisory Board chaired by Oliver Grau of Humboldt University
is currently designing the program.

A description of the program will be available this summer and the formal
call for papers will be announced in the fall.

Scholars and researchers interested in participating in the conference may
send an email of intent to:

banffleoarthistconfinfo-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

Panels and workshops in the disciplines above will have invited speakers
chosen by the Advisory Board and speakers chosen by peer review.  We
encourage graduate students currently carrying out theses in the field to
participate in the conference.


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