[spectre] critical art to the critical Psy

Aliette Guibert guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Fri Sep 10 12:12:31 CEST 2004

In this time of the Free log ever entering the administrations of the worst
staying States : why would the disigners have choosen Flash to integrate the
contents of our new thema-anachronistic issue as actual or a raw critical
violence to tell of that one of our environment -even the softest of it?

 French trouble an-art


Little that I saw, at the moment, of #14 is cleanly deeply moving. As the
theme is difficult (because heavy, obviously former), as it was the
unhoped-for place of a radical criticism of the psychoanalysis by its stake
with witness more than complete. And, then there, I am totally stunned! Of
course the psychoanalysis, naturally will never stop it to put the radical
criticism in the wrong, and indeed in this place it was necessary to give
the word to the psychoanalysis and to listen to it. There was only
criticalsecret, I am sure of it, to allow a reading so radically new: from
then on, without it knowing, it gives of the grain to grind in the critical
ear and never 'symptophile! So, the construction of the contents arrives at
no sort of dogmatism because every wealth would be associated to a
particular editorial function that the extreme crypto-anti-brachylogy of the
navigation anyway excels in the perpetual return of the symbolic reason on
its critical necessity. "After Kant", there was a necessity of #14; I so
mean that #14 comes perfectly in the cardinal order of the review which,
from then on, suffers absolutely not of the large delay and succeeds exactly
in taking by surprise even those who believed to anticipate its power. So, I
am archimore running for one #15 on a subject as " Mortal Attributes " which
allow the Kantian to wake up and to those who have to do it (semiologists
for example) that they would recover slowly from Aristotle devastation still
relieved by the post-heideggeriens of vocation.

David Christoffel
Poet and chronicle teller as a critical visitor

Très chère,

Le peu que j'ai vu, pour l'instant, du n14 est proprement bouleversant.
Autant la thématique est difficile (parce que lourde, évidemment usée),
autant elle était le lieu inespéré d'une critique radicale de la
psychanalyse par sa mise à témoin plus qu'intégrale. Et, alors là, je suis
totalement stupéfait ! Bien entendu que la psychanalyse n'en finira jamais
de mettre en défaut le criticisme radical et c'est bien à cet endroit-là
qu'il fallait donner la parole à la psychanalyse et l'écouter. Il n'y avait
que criticalsecret, j'en suis sûr, pour en permettre une lecture aussi
radicalement neuve : dès lors, à son insu, donne-t-elle du grain à moudre à
l'oreille critique et jamais plus symptophile ! Aussi, la construction du
sommaire n'arrive à aucune espèce de dogmatisme puisque chaque richesse
serait associée à une fonction éditoriale particulière que l'extrême
crypto-anti-brachylogie de la navigation excelle de toute façon dans le
retour perpétuel de la raison symbolique sur sa nécessité critique. Après
Kant, il fallait le n14, je veux dire ainsi que n14 vient parfaitement dans
l'ordre cardinal de la revue qui, dès lors, ne souffre absolument aucun
retard et parvient justement à prendre de court ceux-là même qui croyaient
anticiper sa puissance. Ainsi, suis-je archi-partant pour un n15 sur un
thème comme "Attributs mortels" qui permettent aux kantiens de se réveiller
et à ceux qui le doivent (les sémiologues par exemple) de se remettre
doucement des ravages aristotéliciens encore relayés par les
post-heideggeriens de vocation.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



par Yasmine Grasser

Translated by Rivka Warshawsky

The polls predicted a great future for her. Her parents had the time to
nourish wishes of happiness for her, at a time when they would have already
disintegrated. Upon arriving at the age when love touches hearts, she will
meet her prince. Who was he? Did he have parents? What did he want?

The Senora de la Competencia and her husband Herr Protokoll were announced
for 20 hours on the new television channel. They were going to present the
programme Al-phabet. All those, who were desirous of keeping their job were
asked to learn the new language. The lesson began. Luminous letters appeared
on the screen situated behind the couple. Each time the Senora pronounced a
word it clicked. Today the lesson began with the suffix de- : One can
decipher slowly 16 items: decharlatinise, defunctionalise, delitaraturise,
deculturize, decompatibilize, de-name, de-attend, de-efficacize,
de-initiativize, desocialise, destandardise, deuniveritize, detherarpize.

Then came the list of uses of the new vocabulary set up by the new
academicians. One has lost the memory of the language. The Academy, founded
by Richelieu, has closed its doors. Its tenants, seduced by a new Circe,
have let Epidemia enter. She has explained to them the foundations of the
new science « lay epidemiology », and has convinced them that they will
never manage to catch up with their backwardness if they do not stop
courting the old sorceress Etymologia on the spot.

It will be the turn of Herr Protokoll to speak up. Next to him, the garbage
can for de-shaking up a knowledge which rustles like a beehive. One senses
an impatience. The voice of Herr Protokoll declines, in the tone of a good
little boy, some simple instructions, supposedly understood by all: the
first transitory measure, he said, concerns to learn how to fill in the
obligatory notebook with crosses which should not be larger than 1.35cm.
Second transitory measure, concerns a three year long specialization in the
study of abbreviations and acronyms (the examples are not that simple to
remember). Third, is to follow, step by step, the modalities of accession to
a professional title in the category programmed according to your intention.

At first hearing it was easy, one no longer needs to submit to those
horrible IQ tests (of intelligence) which have poisoned our past. Herr
Protokoll continues his explanation; at the same time extracting from the
beehive of knowledge, as if from the magician,s hat, the three objectives of
the new science inscribed on three banners where one reads elimination of
the routines of tradition, refoundation of language, fabrication of new

The Senora of Competencia, modest but internally jubilant, gets hold of the
banners and starts plaiting them. What was unreadable appears:
ÉLIROTRARELAFANEWSAFAI. Negligently, she rolls the plait around her
shoulders, and turns to the audience. She holds her husband by the hand to
announce the engagement of Epidemia, their daughter, with Pseudo. Their
happiness has been successfully evaluated. Year 1 of the new calendar has
been accomplished.

The following sequence announced that the ancient barbarianism has been
eradicated: the Belgian affair, the story of hatless, the march of the
emigrants, the delocalization of problems, the downs of democracy, and many

The era of foreveryone has begun .

Y.G. translated by R.W.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Foreword-Postword of the issue #14: The manager of the publications thanks
particularly Yasmine Grasser for her editorial commitment as well as that of
her contributeurs, her guests Judith Lacan-Miller and Jacques-Alain Miller
without the competition of which we would not have been able to make listen
the voice of Jacques Lacan, the photographer and storyteller Farida Hamak,
Vincent Dieutre and the film-makers authors, the artists and the composer
who agreed to rely on us, their producers and their publishers. She tells of
her homage to their beautiful patience ... Respect to X-Ebeche and to The
Infamous for their successful innovation of the meta-interactive cinema in
Flash. Thanks to all allowing us to get it possible as a high multifields
creative work, in the same time of the singular and the collective
"Resistances" online.... Thanks the visitors who have wait in confidence for

Aliette G.C.

is online right now, please to tell us what do you think of... surfing in
the oposite plasticites (any txts only in English-US call us to
apologize -knowing that Jacques Lacan's voice from the last seminary in
Caracas could not be in other langage but French as any written subjects)

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