[spectre] i love Italia: ArtExperience in Venice

pressrelease at undo.net pressrelease at undo.net
Tue Apr 12 12:41:24 CEST 2005

i love Italia: news about the Italian contemporary art scene from  

ArtExperience 2005, two weeks of events and workshop

Telecom Italia Future centre - Venice

Artexperience with Olafur Eliasson
Modelmania, 6-10 June 2005
Artist: Olafur Eliasson
Lecturers: Kjetil Thorsen, Yona Friedman, Hans Ulrich Obrist
Special Guests: Stefano Boeri, Daniel Birnbaum, Massimiliano Gioni,  
Maurizio Nannucci
Curator: Maurizio Bortolotti; Assistant curator Laura Garbarino, DA  
Coordinator Valentina Boscarino
Press and Promotion Diana Marrone

Artexperience with Carsten Nicolai
Sound Spaces - Atmospheres, 23 - 26 June 2005
Artist: Carsten Nicolai
Lecturers: Andrea Branzi, designer and architect; Gernot Böhme,  
Special Guests: Max Neuhaus, artist; Ryoji Ikeda, composer
Curators: Antonio Somaini, Assistant curator Laura Garbarino, DA  
Coordinator Valentina Boscarino
Press and Promotion: Diana Marrone

On 2005, Domus Academy and Progetto Italia present the second  
ArtExperience edition: two weeks of events and reflections on  
contemporary art during next June, when the opening of the 51st Venice  
Biennale will occur. ArtExperience is dedicated to a public of art  
professionals but also of simply art lovers and on 2005 will deal with  
- by adopting different viewpoints - the relation among art, sound,  
architecture and technology.

ArtExperience is a DA project focused on the central figure of  
internationally recognized contemporary artists: on 2005 the Swedish  
Olafur Eliasson and the German Carsten Nicolai will be the artist that  
will lead open conversations, round talks and performances, together  
with important culture, art and publishing International key figures.

Further, ArtExperience offers two seminars open to limited admissions,  
that will be held to Telecom Italia Future Centre in the same period  
and will be lead from those artists in English language. Domus Academy  
is offering some internships to free admit those students with an  
outstanding curriculum.
ArtExperience 2005 will be guest in the particular frame of the former  
Convent San Salvador in Venice and each week will offer several  
occasions to meet professionals and to join open round tables, to which  
also the seminar's students will participate: art lovers, journalists,  
critics, young artists, architects and designers. Each seminar will be  
ended by a special appointment - a conversation for the Eliasson's  
seminar and a performance-concert for the Nicolai's seminar: both the  
events will be guest in the beautiful XVI° Century cloisters of former  
Convent, now the Telecom Future Centre, with free admission.

ArtExperience is aimed to build an experience able to go further the  
traditional approach to contemporary art, with the opinion that this  
discipline is today pretty linked to the other creativity or  
communication fields; today art enters in our everyday life and  
dialogues with architecture, social and anthropological sciences - with  
design and fashion, advertisement, cinema and music.
With 2005 edition, the multidiscipline element, so talked in the  
debates, is still the core factor of the workshops: in this sense the  
June new appointment renovate what already stated last year, during the  
first edition, held in the same place and lead by Rirkrit Tiravanija  
and Christian Marclay.

Artexperience with Olafur Eliasson
Modelmania 6-10 giugno 2005

 From Monday 6 to Friday 10 June 2005, Modelmania will offer one entire  
week of open to public events, matched with a seminar in English  
language for those - as young professionals, art lovers -  would join a  
confrontation with one of the most interesting artists of these years.
Olafur Eliasson, the leader of first ArtExperience 2005 week in Venice,  
let belong his creation to the principle that world exists thanks to  
the experience all of us have of it. The climate main elements - such  
as water, light, temperature, atmospheric pressure - are the main  
components of his artworks, where art and architecture are a sole  
whole. By introducing natural phenomena in art installations, realized  
with the use of technology either in open spaces or in the galleries,  
the artist put the public to reflect on the perception of the physical  
world that surrounds everybody. Eliasson works for the main  
international art institutions that dedicated to the artists solo shows  
and commissions for site-specific projects (as The Weather Project at  
Tate Modern, London, 2003).

The extraordinary participation to Modelmania, beside the artist, of  
special guests will allow to animate open and intense relation moments  
exactly in the vernissage days of 51st Venice Art Biennale.

On Wednesday 8 June from 6.30 p.m., Progetto Italia S.p.A. and Domus  
Academy will present Beyond the Borders: Social Aspects in Art and  
Architecture, a round talk with Olafur Eliasson, Kjetil Thorsen,  
Stefano Boeri, Daniel Birnbaum, Massimiliano Gioni, Maurizio Nannucci,  
moderated by Maurizio Bortolotti.

On Friday 10 June, at the same hour, Intersecting Experiences a  
conversation among Olafur Eliasson, Yona Friedman and Hans Ulrich  
Obrist. The open to public event will be introduced by Maurizio  

The workshop that will run in a full time schedule in the same days of  
the events, will be also held at Telecom Future Centre by offering, in  
sessions reserved only to selected participants, several study cases  
and lectures, such as of: Hans Ulrich Obrist (6 giugno: art and  
architecture as a common field); Kjetil Thorsten (Modeling  
Architecture, 7 giugno); Olafur Eliasson ed H.U.  Obrist (ARC's  
Exhibition 2002: New Perspectives, 8 giugno intera giornata).
Domus Academy is offering some internships to free admit those students  
with an outstanding curriculum.

Artexperience with Carsten Nicolai
Sound Spaces - Atmospheres 23 - 26 June 2005

 From Thursday 23 to Sunday 26 June 2005, Telecom Italia Future Centre  
will be animated by a concentrated and intense path that will run  
through the most fascinating and avant-garde forms of interaction among  
electronic music, visual art and architecture. A conversation, an open  
round talk, a rare concert and performance will be opened to the town  
and to the public of Venice and of Art Biennal. But it will guest also  
a workshop in English language for a selected public at which at the  
admission will be asked to present a sonic installation project to be  
placed in Venice. Domus Academy is offering some internships to free  
admit those students with an outstanding curriculum.

The centre of the events and of the workshop will be the German artist  
and musician Carsten Nicolai, one of the most interesting figures  
emerged in the lattes years from both the musical and the art  
International scene. Nicolai is known today as one of the most  
representative artists that are dedicated to investigate the  
intersection between art and technology. Active as a visual artist and  
as a music performer or event and concert designer, Nicolai works on  
the limits of the human perception and the way to go through it, by let  
achieve to the public, as for example, the experience of sonic  
frequencies and of the magnetic forces with the use of senses like  
sight or tact, further to the listening one. After having exhibited in  
important group shows at Documenta (Kassel), Art Biennale (Venice),  
after the wide retrospective to the Kunsthalle Schirn (Frankfurt) and  
after the solo show to Eigen+Art Gallery (Berlin), Carsten Nicolai will  
present in Venice a new electronic music co!
ncert together with the Japanese composer Ryoji Ikeda, a very important  
figure of the international experimental scene.

Sound Spaces - Atmospheres will be participated by lecturers and  
special guests, in order to offer open to public relation moments and  
the free concert at Telecom Future Centre, during the first day of  
opening of 51st Art Biennal.

On Thursday 23 June from 6.30 p.m. Progetto Italia S.p.A. and Domus  
Academy will offer a conversation with the artist Max Neuhaus.
After, on Friday 24 June, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Telecom future Centre  
will guest an open round talk entitled Designing Sound Space, at which  
will be possible discuss with Gernot Boehme, Andrea Branzi, Max  
Neuhaus, Carsten Nicolai, with the participation of Angela Vettese  
(Università IUAV, Venezia), and the chairman Antonio Somaini.
On Saturday 25 June from 9 p.m. the extraordinary performance/concert  
with Carsten Nicolai and  Ryoji Ikeda will close the 2005 ArtExperience  

The workshop linked to the public events, that will run in a full time  
schedule in the same days of the events, will be held at Telecom Future  
Centre by offering, in session reserved only to selected participants,  
several study cases and lectures, such as of: Carsten Nicolai and  
Andrea Branzi, of Gernhot Boheme. Further, those participants that at  
the admission have listed a project of a sonic installation on Venice  
town, will be called to discuss it directly with the artist and the  
other participants, with the curator and the lecturers, during a  
special group session.
Domus Academy is offering some internships to free admit those students  
with an outstanding curriculum.

For this workshop, a special thank to
Paolo Curti - Annamaria Gambuzzi&Co. Gallery, Milan

Information and subscriptions:

Domus Academy, Via Savona 97 20144 Milano
ph. +39 02 42414029 fax +39 02 4222525

Press office: Diana Marrone
pressreleaseundercover / press officers&event designers
Via L. Settembrini, 47 20124 Milan, (I)
ph. +39 02 45484865 mob. +39 349 5517623
prundercover at gmail.com


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