[spectre] [Isea2006 | ZeroOne San Jose] Interactive City / Interactive Cafe

Steve Dietz stevedietz at yproductions.com
Thu Apr 14 11:50:19 CEST 2005

Hi all,

This is just a reminder that the Interactive City call closes at midnight
PST on April 22 in less than a week. See
http://isea2006.sjsu.edu/calls.html#Interactive for more information.

Also, we have just posted a call for the Festival's Interactive Café - C4F3.
Submissions are due June 1. See below and
http://isea2006.sjsu.edu/C4F3/index.html for more information. Please
forward widely.



  This is an invitation by the ISEA2006 Symposium and ZeroOne San Jose: A
Global Festival of Art on the Edge to groups and individuals to submit
proposals for an exhibition of interactive projects and original artwork
that will be used to create The C4F3, a working café inside the festival,
during ISEA2006/ZeroOne San Jose. August 5-13, 2006.

  The deadline for proposal submissions is June 1, 2005.


  The 2006 edition of the internationally renowned ISEA Symposium will be
held August 5-13, 2006, in San Jose, California.

  The Inter-Society for Electronic Arts (ISEA) is an international non-profit
organization fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse and exchange
among culturally diverse organizations and individuals working with art,
science and emerging technologies. Prior host cities include Helsinki,
Paris, Sydney, Montreal, Chicago, Manchester and Nagoya.

  ZeroOne San Jose is a milestone festival to be held biennially that makes
accessible the work of the most innovative contemporary artists in the
world. In 2006 it will be held in conjunction with the ISEA2006 Symposium.


  The goal of The C4F3 is to create an active ambient space of augmented
everyday objects that is not just an art gallery, a restaurant, or a chill
space, but a new kind of project space where the whole environment has been
rethought in terms of the capabilities of current technology.

  The C4F3 is the "third place" for the ISEA2006/ZeroOne San Jose Festival,
neither symposium, nor a gallery space, but having elements of both. It is
the intersection between the San Jose Museum of Art and the outside world.
It's the place for visitors to relax, talk, eat, read and contemplate, and
experience art without leaving the festival. It's a space where people feel
comfortable spending several minutes gathering a group, or several hours
discussing what they saw. It's an intersection and a destination.


  This Call for Proposal is an invitation to artists, designers and
technologists to propose existing work for exhibition and/or use within the
café and new projects that support the goals of the café.

  We want the café to be a working, interactive and social space. Rather than
focusing explicitly on the work, we want the environment to support the
goals of the people in it, in addition to being a showcase of innovative

  We are looking for proposals that address, but are not limited to, objects
and spaces typically found in café and lounge spaces. This includes seating,
tables, bars, walls, food, lounge areas, waste disposal, sound, ceiling,
floors, exterior surfaces, audio/video playback spaces, signage and doors.

  We are especially interested in work that interacts with other work or with
other technology in original and unexpected ways.

  The proposal should describe:
-- the project in relevant detail
-- infrastructural requirements it will need
-- the approximate budget and expected sources of funding

  A note about funding: As the premier electronic arts festival in North
America in 2006, the ISEA2006/ZeroOne festival provides a unique environment
for the presentation of work, but has limited ability to fund new projects.


  The ISEA2006/ZeroOne Festival will provide a physical and digital
infrastructure within the San Jose Museum of Art Café and the museum's
Wendel Education Center and at remote locations, including placement within
the space, setup/unloading support, wireless and wired networking (both
local and Internet) and coordination between projects that want to
interoperate or coordinate.


  The café will be visited by students, professionals, artists, programmers,
engineers, and by people with no technical or art background. People will
visit on their lunch breaks and at night before heading to a club. Proposals
should identify the target audience for the work, as much as possible.


  Not every work has to be useful, but we're looking for interesting
augmentations of everyday objects that change the way that we use a given
object, or how we look at that kind of object.

  For projects that are designed for daily use, proposals should be clear
about how they're supposed to be used and should include a typical use
scenario. Projects should be robust and proposals should address how the
project will withstand heavy traffic over a 10-day period, including
maintenance, security and safety requirements.


All entries will be reviewed by an international jury.

Steve Dietz
Director, ZeroOne: The Network
Director, ISEA2006 Symposium +
ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge
http://isea2006.sjsu.edu : August 5-13, 2006
AIM: WebWalkAbout

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